So apparently my blood pressure is dangerously high.. 163/90
I need to cut out sodium. What is the best way to get enough protein -roughly 200g
but not have a lot lof sodium,?
So apparently my blood pressure is dangerously high.. 163/90
I need to cut out sodium. What is the best way to get enough protein -roughly 200g
but not have a lot lof sodium,?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cutting out all sodium from your diet will get you maybe down to 155 systolic.
Cut carbs and stop being fat.
So if I just eat meat and don't add any salt to it I should be fine, right?
Drop weight
Cut out basically all fast, junk, sugary, baked, and premade and prepackaged food.
Eat veg, meat, nuts, berries, and try to go organic.
Cut out all excess sugar
Drink up to a gallon of water a day
Walk for one hour a day.
Do basic calisthenics every day
Drop your bodyweight
First, most people are not that sensitive to salt in their diet, so my suggestion would be to lower your intake and see if you see a noticeable drop. For most people you are only going to see a drop of 2-8 pts. Most people will be closer to the 2 then the 8, unless you are a strong responder to salt, but most people are not.
1) Lower weight
2) Lift weights
3) LISS cardio
will all help, 10+ pt decreases on those are not that unheard of. If you are over weight a big issue is often sleep apnea which can cause a big increase in blood pressure ... signs of sleep apnea if you don't have anyone that tells you, you do - waking up with a headache often, fatigue/tireness throughout the day, etc.
with that being said
Halibu, Salmon and most are other fresh fish are low in sodium. Clams are low in sodium (but lobster, osysters and shrimp are all high)
chicken, turkey, beef and pork are all low in sodium unless you add to it. Obviously processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, sausage, bologna etc are all high in sodium.
Soybeans are nearly sodium free.
whats your weight fatty? start fasting
205 lbs
I can fast for a few days, I am actually fasting right now after being being kind of scared of this high BP
but I get a horrible rash on my chest after not having carbs today. I also lift so I have a good amount of muscle too.
I was eating 2 big macks from mcdonalds and 2-3 cheeseburgers every night for dinner for the past two weeks, so I stopped doing that Today.. I am having my wife hard boil me 15 eggs to eat for dinner now and haven't had any other food today.
That is likely an excessive amount of sodium, but honestly again, for most people (especially active) its not that bad. If you are inactive though you need to move around more. 2-3 45-60 minutes of LISS cardio (or 15-20 minutes of HIIT if you can, but if your inactive, I would recommend the LISS instead, listen to a podcast, book on tape, use the time to relax and destress that can also help with blood pressure).
With that being said, it sounds like you need to just eat normal foods. Try this, spend the next 2 weeks only eating single ingredient foods. If it has more then one ingredient don't eat it. You can combine multiple single ingredient foods to make a meal, but stick with single ingredient foods for a bit, see how you feel, check your blood pressure, and do at least 2-3 light cardio sessions if you aren't.
Single ingredient foods, I like that. Sounds easy and simple.
I can do that. I'll try that. I gotta lower this shit, it stresses me out thinking I could have a stroke, or heart attack and die.
add less salt to the meat you cook retard
OP here. I was doing bodybuilding routine and bulking on fast food when I didn't need to. I think this was contributed to my BP being so high.
Dropped my bp 30 points by going wfpb. Give up meats and dairy. Don't eating processed food. Stick to lots of beans and potatoes. Get rid of processed sugars. Get rid of oils- all oils even olive oil.
went from 140 systolic to 110. Saw improvement in just a couple of weeks. A vegetable/starch rich diet is seriously the only way you can reverse hypertension. Be sure to exercise every day for an hour on top of the food changes.
If you eat meat your shit isn't going anywhere. You can't even get away with ditching meat and keeping dairy. You need to get rid of that bullshit entirely. Fix your pb before you even think about allowing yourself a serving of meat or dairy.
Damn this is confusing, half the people are telling me to cut out carbs which basically means: EAT MEAT
Then the other half are telling me to cut meat and just eat veggies..
I don't recommend much in the way of process carbs, but there is nothing wrong with normal carbs (rice, grains, oatmeal, all greens, fruits, etc).
There is absolutely nothing wrong with meat, stick to leaner cuts, again, stick with single ingredient foods.
With that being said, I highly recommend you listen to this podcast from the two guys who run barbell medicine (both doctors).
Try to get everything fresh not canned.
i eat high sodium foods all the time
your blood pressure is high cause your cardio sucks ass and you don't eat fiber retard
You should actually get more sodium. You have a much higher risk of high blood pressure on low sodium diets than on high sodium ones.
Try to have some fatty fish at least twice a week. Mackerel/tuna. Canned should be okay.
Also yeah get on the water train. Hydrate often.
getting rid of sodium is the easiest thing with a generally healthy diet. most salt is contained in processed (includes bread, cheese etc.) and junk food that you should avoid anyway. fresh meat, vegetables, even pasta and rice contain basically no salt. avoid salt when cooking (use other spices, you'll get used to it) and you basically got rid of all salt. if you like soy sauce use salt-reduced ones, they taste good too.
there are many reasons for high blood pressure and salt is definitely one of them.
Not really, because salt is literally a cell's water retainer that causes hypotonic cells. Which is the reason why your BP goes up.
All you literally need to do is drink water and workout. Any workout that makes you sweat a lot so preferably cardio.
Boom, cells are isotonic after just that 30 min workout.
Anyone having BP problems due to salt is just a lazy faggot who won't drink more water.
Like I said, cardio and fiber.
Isn't it dangerous to do intense cardio with my blood pressure this high?
There's nothing confusing about it. The Ornish diet, the Kempner diet, the Pritikin diet... all have been shown to reverse heart disease along with other diet related illnesses- all of them are plant based. There's no such thing as reversing heart/cardiovascular disease with "lean meats" or "grass fed meats".
Listen to me, dude. If you're serious about your health. Ditch the animal products, sugar, salt, and oil. Exclude all animal products. You will see drastic results in just a couple of weeks. None of these faggots has had to cure their own hypertension or anyone elses. None of these faggots has a clue what they're talking about, they're just relaying bullshit they saw on a broscience blog or a broscience podcast.
that is why it's recommended to consume 2g of salt a day, but not more than 5 and most people eat closer to 20 which causes many people to store ridiculous amounts of water in their cells that will lead to increased blood pressure. drinking more wont do shit then as your kidneys can't handle unlimited amounts of salt.
I believe that a plant based diet will reduce it, especially a hardcore one, but I am also trying to maintain and grow huge muscles, like, not quite be a mass monster, but close. Golden age bb size muscles, how do you get enough protein from plants?
Whoever said intense cardio? Moderate intensity to even low intensity is fine. All you really need to do is get your body heat up to sweat and constantly have your muscles use your NaCl.
Drinking the water by itself isn't useful, you need to sweat it out. Your muscles use sodium to contract for every contraction.
>i have a good amount of muscle
dude you're fucking obese you should be like 160
You will be fine on protein. It is literally impossible to eat enough calories without getting enough protein through vegetables and unprocessed starches.
Want to be retarded about protein? Load up on beans, nuts, seeds, and legumes. But you don't need it. And your first priority should be to drop your bp. Because you definitely aren't going to have big muscles if you have a stroke- which you are likely to do with 160 systolic.
Don't need to cut sodium, you need to up your potassium
I mean am obese according to my BMI but i'm not like a huge fatass..
pic is my body
>shirt on
w/e, stay obese and deny your issues all you want man.
Instead of fasting you should cut out drink sugary shit and cut down on sugary crap too
Start going on a jog you would tone naturally than have your body inefficiently eat itself including muscle
>, seeds, and legumes. But you don't need it. And your first priority should be to drop your bp. Because you definitely aren't going to have big muscles if you have a stroke- which you are likely to do with 160 systolic.
> Anonymous 01/15/18(Mon)16:10:13 No.44365479▶
> (OP)
Yeah' you're right. I mean there is no problem with eating beans and stuff I guess but my #1 priority right now is to lower my BP even if I had to stop bodybuilding and just focus on cardio for a while while eating right.
are you fucking kidding me
you're flexing like an autist while wearing a loose shirt to prove you're not "obese"
you're so obese your moobs nipples are permanently hard
>mfw dat systolic
Obviously you need to lose some weight and exercise consistently, but you also should REALLY get some fucking medication. Ask the dumbass medical professional that apparently diagnosed you with stage 2 hypertension and then didn't think to prescribe you some blood pressure medication if they got their professional certifications off the back of a cereal box.
>tone naturally
>inefficiently eating itself
wanna know how I know you're a fat retard
>Using BMI
Fuck outta here, twink. 5'9'' and 205 is perfectly fine if you actually lift.
Thats not high.
I've been rocking 160/130 for about 10 years. it's fine, just make sure you drink plenty of full cream milk, as it prevents kidney stones (I'm assuming you lift because you're posting here, and have a high protein diet like me)
The "Salt cuases hypertension' is a meme btw, it's from a now discredited scientific study (which was peer reviewed and seemed legit at the time).
Basically, the study only used male rats, and scientists have now found that male rates blood pressure raises when around Humans. They could have been giving rats Porn and BlowJobs and the scientific study would have concluded that they're bad for you.
Pleas tell me how?
How is fasting superior to exercise?
I wasn't saying I am not overweight I was just saying I am not some huge landwhale, I know I need to lose weight.
>130 dystolic
Nigga you trolling. I'm pretty sure you'd explode into a comical shower of brain hemorrhaging if your dystolic pressure were really that high.
And if it actually IS that high, that means that the pressure your blood vessels are under IN BETWEEN proper "beats" of the heart is higher than what your systolic pressure (the pressure when your heart "beats" to push blood through your blood vessels) should be. You are a pressure cooker of blood and stupidity and I strongly urge you to see a competent doctor about this.
>OP is obviously too dumb to diet properly
he has two options
>Continue what he's doing now
>Continue what he's doing now with one 48 hour fast per week
what do you think is superior for him?
no shit you're not a huge landwhale
you're still using excuses like an overweight fuck
>hey guys please tell me it's not that bad with a shirt on
pandering for support so you can read what you want to read
do not ignore this post OP. it is the best reply itt (and probably the best you could receive). thank this man you fat fuck
I am not looking for anyone to tell me "it's not that bad" like I said I know I need to lose weight, here is a shirtless pic if you want one. My goal is to be 175 so I need to drop 30 lbs.
I'll listen to this tonight.
You forgot option C, change his diet, do cardio 2-3 times a week and continue to lift if he does.
Most people can handle a 24 hour fast (IE: eat dinner on Monday, don't eat again until Tuesday dinner). But a 48 hour is just going to lead to binge eating and continuing a unhealthy relationship with food. He needs sustainable life style changes in the long term or he won't get his blood pressure in control.
Again, I'll say it. Do some LISS cardio 2-3 times a week. Continue to lift. Eat single ingredient foods, don't worry to much about adding salt to food, dietary salt is not bad, as for most people it has a minimal response to their blood pressure unless there is another underlying conditions such as poor kidney functions or diabetes.
Do this for 2 weeks, check again. Do it for a month check again. I assure you, it will come down to a more reasonable level in just a month and the longer you stick with it, as your weight comes down it will be normal.
>You are a pressure cooker of blood and stupidity and I strongly urge you to see a competent doctor about this.
Like I've said, 10 years. the only side effects are the occasional kidney stones, which i get blasted at the hospital. (I live in Australia, medical care is free here and i have no issues seeing my doc regularly)
Thanks for your professional opinion, untrained user Doctor.
At least you know the difference between distolic and systolic, kudoos to you.
if you shave that's 1 lb
Here's what's going to happen if he chooses Option B: He is going to try it at least one time, he'll completely lose all energy, be incapable of effectively doing daily tasks like his job and such, be in a horrible, pissy mood the entire time, and give up sooner or later and go back to his old ways.
It is not some all or nothing game hinging on anime levels of discipline, you underage b& edgelord permavirgin faggot. It is about making whatever improvements on the margins that you can and building on them from there and, most importantly, consistently sticking with the plan. Your stupid shit is unsustainable.
What the fool should do is start by cutting the intake of outright junk food, soda, and the like by half, and starting any exercise program that he can consistently follow, preferably one with a large strength training component. And also probably get a sleep study done if he can, because I see no other reason for him to have such inordinately high systolic blood pressure than to have sleep issues contributing to it.
The problem with your post is very simple. Effects of high blood pressure left untreated, even when no acute symptoms are present is that high blood pressure causes long term damage to your body. Its not acute symptoms that are often the issue its long term.
10 Years of that and you likely already have hardening of the heart and several other issues. Sorry user, but doing nothing is shitty advice.
Congrats on the meme bro. Good job.
He shouldn't be suggesting soy, it increases estrogen. Fuck off.
>person asks for protein rich foods that are low in sodium
>notes soy is low in sodium
Don't post bro, your fucking retarded.
>Like I've said, 10 years.
This is like saying that you've been driving without a seat belt for 10 years, and it hasn't killed you yet. Except worse, because the lack of a seat belt is completely irrelevant unless you crash the car. I guarantee you that if you die of natural causes, it will be because of your dystolic BP.
Don't get me wrong, 160 systolic isn't good. That's just into stage 2 hypertension. But 130 dystolic is legendary. In fact, if whoever took that reading didn't have you chill out for 5-10 minutes, and then take it again on the other arm, I'd question their competency. Their first thought should have been "I goofed up the reading, better try again and confirm."
>(I live in Australia, medical care is free here and i have no issues seeing my doc regularly)
This is especially mind boggling. It is "free" (as in, the state has already robbed you of the cost) for you to go to a doctor and take productive steps to fix this problem. But you don't. Why?
Seriously, why not get some BP medication YESTERDAY and then evaluate your diet and exercise habits? I mean, if you were told you have cancer, would your response be "It hasn't killed me yet, no big deal really"?
Not my fault if OP turns into a soyboy.
There’s not much you can do about blood pressure beyond medication unless you’re a total Fatass. My dad has high blood pressure and has run multiple marathons
brotein shakes
>(I live in Australia, medical care is free here and i have no issues seeing my doc regularly
It's also midday on a Tuesday here so you must be a dole bludger also lol
No, its nobody's fault if the OP turns into a meme. You will also note that it was listed last after fish, chicken, lean meats, etc. Jesus christ Veeky Forums people are fucking retarded.
Live your life based on some board meme. Don't do SS cause of trex, omg you had a cup of soy? I guess your going to turn into a manchild now.
A soyboy, as the term goes, has nothing to do with soy at all. The average example of a "soyboy" is some man child, still watching anime, living at home, who's primary form of entertainment is video games. That has nothing to do with soy and everything to do with peter pan syndrome. Grow the fuck up, both soyboys and you.
>literally this triggered over a meme
Is this you?
Well, it'll be OP if he follows that fucking retarded cringe advice.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, you must be new here.
not that dude, but man he really dismantled you.
Whatever you say, manchild.
>Samefagging yourself
And I'm the manchild?
Literally my first post in the thread, he can't dismantle a meme.
nope. I know that there's no way I can prove I'm not so whatever.
>he can't dismantle a meme
>Live your life based on some board meme. Don't do SS cause of trex, omg you had a cup of soy? I guess your going to turn into a manchild now.
yeah nah, he did
Nah, he didn't. He dismantled a strawman of a person that doesn't actually exist.
>He dismantled a strawman of a person that doesn't actually exist
>omg you had a cup of soy? I guess your going to turn into a manchild now
that is exactly what these soyboy-posters were suggesting in this thread.
nice sophistry. also good job derailing the thread and turning it into another anti-bugmen projection episode
Purchase a high quality blood pressure monitor and test your self everyday. You're likely getting white coat results.
You soud really defensive. Are you a soyboy? Post your pic
>no argument
done. again, good job derailing a thread about blood pressure you dweeb.
How bout' you cut out the steroids and porno you fucking cookie cutter drug addict fat little freak!
Do you really think that guy was suggesting the OP drink ONE cup of soy? Dumb manchild
Spoken like a true soyboy
Don't look at all obese to me man
OP stop eating meat and dairy. Stop eating processed food, go whole-food plant-based!
You can continue eating the artery-bursting Western diet, or you can choose to take off the pressure by centering your diet around unprocessed (no added sodium) plant foods.
is water retention good for lifting?
how is water retention linked to high blood preasure?
Fat boy here with blood pressure up around 142/86 a couple months ago.
I lost 15 pounds (275 to 260) and at the doctor's the other day it was 128/81. I just ate like 5 chicken sandwiches the night before, I haven't changed my diet at all. All the salt in the world. I just fasted a few days here and there over the last few months and the weight came off. Easy.
Love my veggies and rice but you arent getting me to not eat Greek yogurt and egg whites you little homo
Check out Dr Berg on Youtube.
You might need to address the underlying cause such as insulin resistance, lack of vitamins, etc.
supplement whey
increased water = increased blood volume = increased blood pressure because there's only so much stretch in blood vessels and the heart has to work harder to move more fluid around
read labels.
first time I had to cut stuff I was getting almost 3g sodium a day just by seasoning stuff the rest were from shitty food.
read labels and try to stay under 1g a day. if you crave for seasoning and faties, eat only boiled potatoes for 2 weeks to reset your palate(it could be beets).
the rest of the pressure is because you are fat, your heart is weak and probably a drunk/smoker
do yourself a favor a get 30min cardiox3/week (hearrtrate +135) it may cut some gain but your heart will thanks
OP here. Thanks for all the replies. I really am serious about getting healthier and lowering my BP. I am dramatically changing my diet, cutting out bad food, and increasing water intake. I am going to start doing some low intensity cardio every day (until this drops to a point where I'm comfortable doing higher) and in the short term I am going to see a doctor asap to get me on something to make sure I don't stroke out or die and leave my kid without a father. I read every message in the thread and I saw some good advice so thanks everyon who took the time to try to help me. Weight loss just became a major goal.
I only work 15 hrs a week (giving me twice as much as as newstart), like that's any of your business. I own my home, why the fuck should I do 9-5, 5 days a week if i dont have to?
The amount of faggits in this thread is terrible:
>go plant based, go vegan!
sure, fuck up your nutrients and get sicker.
>Get weaker!
seriously? The best advice Veeky Forums can give is to become a weak soyboy?
The OP has already identified the cause of his problems, he eats junk food meals (and im assuming soda with them too).
He already knows what needs to be done; He's condition is because of genetics or an underlying medical condition, it's because he has shit eating habits. The only advice should be telling him to cut that shit out (which it looks like hes already aware of, and fixing).
Go fuck yourselves, you bunch of fakeass Veeky Forumsizens.
>He's condition is because of genetics or an underlying medical condition
obviously that should read ISN'T, but fuck you all anyway.
From plants.
Go vegan.
It'll cure all that ails ya.
These dudes at least get female contact, unlike you.
Why make a thread then, eating healthy food is all you need to know.
Just looking for all the advice I could get on the subject. Knowledge is power.
My blood pressure is fine when I'm calm, but it gets very high when I start doing something like workouts and I feel pressure in my chest and my heart sometimes starts beating discordantly like extrasystoles.
I checked heart and everything was ok.
I'm not fat and actually I'm skinny af. 27 yo.
What the fuck is that anybody know?