Are more asian males lifting nowadays?

i see asian men of various height working out at the gym.

Not even their women want them anymore, so the gym is their final hope.


ive noticed girls that dont usually go for asian dudes go for asians who achieved Veeky Forums status

In Thailand only the gay guys work out

Brit bong here, yes Oriental Chads are a thing.
So many Chang Thunderwangs at my gym.

Right? what the fuck is this shit. I'm a 27 year old in college, pretty built, prior military, etc etc and I've seen a couple that exude test, total chads. What gives?

>Saenchai, Coban and Buakaw are gay guys because they work out
Really faggot

Hapa here, i have been lifting for 6 months and am bigger than most of the asians at my uni gym. There is a large proportion of asians there but a significant amout of them are turbodyels

just curious to why you would even care?

THIS. For some reason, I get hit on by asian chicks more so than any other race. Guess they want my tamale.

I was just thinking about this the other day.

Maybe I only notice them because they're asian in a see of White dudes, but the asians in my gym are usually pretty Chaddish

im a buff asian dude with a decent face, but people tell me i dress like a hipster. women that look like this usually like me a lot


Are you a fellow Mexican by any chance, dude?

you have to go back

>6'0 chink
>yo bro
>majoring hotel management
d-do I count?


only if you are nutting in white chicks

nah im nutting in my hand jerking off to sad panda
Even if I've got no visible abs?

But I don't want to, I like it here.

time to cut fatass

Hey dude random question but do you have a good relationship with your father? I'm considering marrying my girlfriend and have read a lot of stuff about how it's hard for hapas growing up. What are your thoughts? Also engaged to the thread, in college I lifted with a bunch of strong Asian guys and one of them is literal men's physique level of aesthetics. Funny enough his last name is Wang.

>in school while working at mcdicks
>go to gym and get Veeky Forums
>girls will still disregard me for height and race
>will never get a decent job cause of above reasons
>most asian girls i see are with tall white guys
>white girls still want tall white guys or atleast white guys

should i just off myself in hopes i get rerolled into the master race


question, why are pinoys and vietnamese gooks are such turbo manlets? genetic? malnutrition?

Lmao. you still have a chance. Try being fashioable and get a nice haircut.

youll find a girl.

as a challenge, you should try dating a 5 10 girl like in pic related. she might have a buff short guy fetish.

probably both genetic and malnutrition (im from canada too and ate a lot), all i know is i should have been aborted

Asian guys go all out. They are the freshest on campus by far and go in groups to the gym. Never see them with white girls, only qt azns.

Asian Americans don't do anything half way, imagine an asian fighting game autist applying the same effort into academic achievement. Quite scary when you see it up close desu.

>hotel management

There was one in my old gym always doing heavy oly lifts and weighted pullups like fucking Goku. I was mirin.

Well now they hitting bbc an other races....before thry were competing with just pigskins now competition is higher poor guys

Also true for white dudes on Veeky Forums

Asianfag reporting in. Getting girls is more about not being a little bitch and exuding weakness. Height and looks still matter, but its not the end of the world. I'm 5'5. Girls have rejected me over it. So what? I've rejected girls before for arbitrary reasons or preference. I've had taller girls like me. For some reason, people think "Chad" is a guy that 100% of women like when in reality, he just doesn't give a fuck and fails like 5/10 times AT LEAST.

pigskin sounds way better than shitskin

Hapa here, childhood sucked. I was neet as fuck and had no gf until i started working out.

Might just be cause my dad killed himself when i was 1 and my mom raised me.


I remember at my school there was this 6'1 Thunderwang. He was quite well built and was pretty good for his lifts. He was always surrounded by like five DYEL manlet asians. He looked so out of place surrounded by them. They followed him everywhere and maybe only did one set themselves but spotted him in each set.

>brit bong
Anything with 4 limbs and a functional penis is a Chad for your standards

Sounds Like me, except 6'5" and hapa