Shaving your chest

>Shaving your chest

I want to run my fingers through that chest hair and feel his manly body
>n-no homo

>and feel his manly body
got some bad news cuming your way bro
>you gay

but he said no homo?

fucking illiterate cuck wouldn't even know a centrist compliment when he saw one

i look like a skinnyfat slob and being hairy at that makes me look even more like a skinnyfat slob
maybe if I was built like that I could keep them, but meanwhile they are extremely unpractical
post your chest OP so we can see what i mean

yeah wtf man im totally straight i just wanna admire another mans body and maybe wonder what his dick looks like (no homo)

No. If you have it then appreciate it because men are supposed to have hair on their chest. I would never shave my chest. Chicks love chest hair and it would be a pain in the ass.

>no homo
Lern to read boi

You wanna know how I can tell you are not hairy?
Well you basically said it and also that you seem to think that the only difference between a hairy person and a non hairy person is that they look different.
Come here and say this
>men are supposed to have hair on their chest. I would never shave my chest
again after you have had a persian carped glued to 80% of the surface area of your body for 10 years.

reminder that the "man" to the left is the one calling out for shaving body hair

>Chicks love chest hair
this is 50/50 IMO. Gay men love chest hair though, like

I gotta trim mine or it will start looking like curly pubes, much easier than shaving though

>t. (you)

>normal dude

Sexy desu.
t. girl

>tfw hairlet on chest but not legs/belly/arms
I don't know what's worse, having shitty chest hair or being somewhat hairy everywhere else
What do I do?

How old are you?

That guy literally contoured his body hair like AD suggests.


My father is hairy everywhere.
Really fucking hairy,I have barely any chest hair.
I wish it was a little bit more too,but if it start growing here,it will start growing on the back too.

how much hair on your belly? like a treasure trail or like full on hair?

Just a round area around the bellybutton, but it's not that much, why?

does anyone here knows how to grow that amount of chest hair that is showed in pic related? Im 26 years old and i have 0 chest hair, my dad has some but not too much. Is there some supplements that can help alleviate body hair growth?


But applying that much over such a large area will probably fuck your BP up.

oh cause like a treasure trail looks fine normally but a round area around the bellybutton sounds kinda weird tbqh famalam

have a pic of it?

>Implying that girls dig a healthy blood pressure

I have a decent amount of hair on my body. The issue is my armpit hair bothers me, and shoulder hair. Is there anything I can rub on it to lessen the hair permanently or at least for a long period of time?
Pretty much the opposite of wanting more hair.

I just tattooed my chest and shaved myself for the first time. Odd experience was afraid I was gonna slice my tits off, it's starting to grow back stubble and it fucking itches. Never again

what if your fucked up BP causes ED tho
wax shoulders, trim armpits. IMO completely shaved armpits can be unsettling/scream "cocky asshole" sometimes

fucking gross. her belly is probably just full of shit rotting away. would never impregnate a woman with a slow metabolism

shes cute as 3.14


If those are my only options I'll go with it I guess. I just don't want more hair on my shoulders and behind my neck on my traps is getting pretty bad too.

wtf is this shit
how much hair is it? pic?

get yourself a beard trimmer for body hair. Find the perfect length trimmer and then every few weeks just give yourself a buzz. Gets it short enough to not be noticeable, but no regrowth itching. I started because my arms and legs are hairy as shit, and I use a pair of scissors to trim my armpits.

what's with the mediocre women posting?

what's the deal with you being a negro meteorologist?

>normal dude
>normal people have zero self-respect
>mfw buzzfeed is actually right

This is like a month or two after shaving my armpits. It gets a lot worse.

Would grab on to their bellies/10


should i? im considering it,

He looks like a chad version of Michael from vsauce.

is it nit true that it makes the hair come in thicker?

>Gay men love chest hair

Can confirm. Woof.

No...when you shave your head does it grow in thicker? Dumb old wives tale

I started growing mine after i've watched old Tom Selleck films

That's nothing, my chest has actual hair, like thick thick shit, shaved it once for senior trip, grew back full hair within months, armpit hair is even worse, and back is even worse than that
also sporting full grizzly adams beard

Worst thing is that i'm white, like half German half french, don't even know where thhe fuck i'm getting all of it from

>tfw not a wisp of chest hair
I don't need to be ripped
I don't need to be swole
I just want to be a well-built 1960s manly man

Just put hair growth on your chest

I'm 22 and as I get older its been getting way thicker on my chest. My beard is also growing in thicker and beginning the last year it's been coming in on my lats. One of the issues I've been having is that I've been getting way more ingrown hairs on my chest and back and it's fucking up my skin, still looks aesthetic as fuck on my whole torso like op pic but not as dense. The ladies love it tho and running their hands through my beard

Do girls like chest hair?

I once asked a girl I knew when we were pretty young, like 17, and she said she didn't know.

i think you are fucked when i was 18 i already have a very hairy chest just shave bro, girl dont like very hairy dudes, that just work when you are older

It can go either way. From my experience though, none dislike hairless, though they may prefer otherwise.
Basically, trim it. Leave some hair but don't let a forest grow. If you're in a committed relationship you can find out then.

>Do girls like chest hair?
Who gives a fuck?

It's your body. You decide what you do with your body. The chick who's sucking your dick has to learn that the man makes the decisions. You fucking soyboys are pathetic.

guy on the right is cute

Body hair is for homos only. Only crazy women dig it

>Body hair is for homos only.
yea real men shave off all their body women