How do you eat so much? I am supposed to eat 3000 cals as a maintenance...

How do you eat so much? I am supposed to eat 3000 cals as a maintenance. Fuck how am i ever going to get gains without puking?

Post your eating routines/diet


Drink calories you skinny shit

I couldn't do it. Really bad anxiety and panic attacks that came in the form of feeling sick all the time.

Got angry about it and gradually increased my food intake.

Didn't work, kept throwing up. Not like ill vomiting, just when I ate properly. Otherwise felt fine.

Went to the doctors, and guess what, low test. Not quite low enough to get it on the NHS but still very low. Did my first cycle of Test E (with my GPs "approval") and never looked back.

Life changing decision.

user pls

Currently eating about 3,600 per day
6’0 172lb currently
It’s not easy but it’s doable.
I obviously eat big meals, as well as peanut butter and milk between each meal, that has helped

peanut butter. milk. calorie dense foods. how fucking weak are you

Then ur maintenance is not 3k

allergic to peanuts faggot

2938 according the the calculator, what would it be then?

Fat guy here

Full fat greek yogurt, avocado, nut butters (sunflower, almond), chia seeds, oils (oil based dressing on your salads), whole milk protein shakes, heavy whipping cream in your tea/coffee. Fattier cuts of meat (they're cheaper too). Coconut milk (the canned kind) is very calorie dense and it's heavenly with berries. Nuts are extremely calorie dense. Quinoa is the grain highest in calories, you can use it in place of rice. Some cheeses are also quite calorie dense. Granola too.

Bolognese with heaps of parmesan
Guaranteed to get you huge

you eat even when you're not hungry. you can do it

I'm bulking at 3500 calories.

I find drinking a coffee with a spoon of coconut butter makes it easier.

However, watch your saturated fat intake.

Here's what I did when I couldn't eat anymore; I drank 3l of milk a day. That's 100g of protein and 1800 calories including other "unhealthy" shit but I personally didn't get as much as a pimple let alone any other negative consequences.

Avg. time awake 14-16hrs

Make a goal for 4 meals a day and you’ll look at a meal every 3-4 hours

With 4 meals aiming for 3000 cal total, that’s 750cal each meal. Play around with it a bit. My breakfast and lunch are usually my heaviest meals because I don’t like going to bed too full

If you really had to eat at 3k for maintenance you'd be burning through fucking calories like a madman and be always hungry.
The fact you're on Veeky Forums shitposting and bitching is proof you're just a larping faggot.
3k is easy mode, try 5k and get back to us.

I am extremely active day to day + gym, so for me to bulk I need to eat between 4500/5000kcal a day.

Currently on 3000kcal cut.

Every websites calculator shots out something different. The most important thing in finding the truth is finding you body fat %. I use the tdeecalculator . net and I think its the most correct one out there.

Plus theres 4 calories per gram of protein and carb; and 9 calories per gram of fat. Find how much of these macros your eating a day on top of the straight calories of the food and you'll find it much easier to hit your goals with out having to set out a buffet.

Drink olive oil with spoon...srs

Taste is pretty decent, and each tablespoon has 120 calories

I spent 45 minutes this morning force feeding myself scrambled eggs. I didn’t even chew. Just swallowed bits and pieces at a time while I gagged and teared up like a bitch. You just gotta suffer man

I have a similar problem. I'm a 21 year old female and my BMI is 17.4

I wanna put on weight cause I think looking less like a hungry flat chested skeleton would make me look healthier, but I don't want to just ram junk food in my mouth and get legit fat.

Are there any high calorie foods I can eat that are healthy that will help me gain a few pounds quickly? Not interested in building muscle at all.

Coming from big boy 259 pounds down to 153 pounds only eating around 1,300-1,500. I can't fucking wait to eat for a bulk. Still gonna be a smart boy and count but when I reach for the peanut butter and I can barely eat any it hurts.

Fuck I hate eggs. Try oatmeal instead.

Woah you angry little bitch, you better back the fuck up and SHUT the fuck UP.


>Not interested in building muscle at all.

McDonald's $1 menu.
Taco Bell $1 menu.
Little Ceasar's $4.99 carryout.

Just see what the hambeasts at the grocery store with the boyfriend who is wearing a Star Wars Rebel shirt and is paying with Food Stamps even though she has a $80/month cellular telephone.

>eat food from bags, boxes, and the driver's window

>are there any high calorie foods that are healthy
>I don't want to ram junk food down my throat

Well considering that you can only gain weight by gaining muscle mass or fat, you'll have to do one or the other.
Looks like it's time to get Veeky Forums

I do want to gain fat, just not from unhealthy sources. And I only want to put on maybe 5-10 pounds not become legitimately fat.

Gain muscle and fat user; Nuts and starchy foods tend to be fairly high in calories.

Chocolate is also super high in calories (get natural, high coco, low sugar ones)

Then just eat large volumes of reasonably healthy foods.
Things that are high in fats like nut butters and some dairy products will help because they are very calorie dense and you'll be getting more bang for your buck. Make sure that you eat a lot of complex carbs and protein too, though.

At the end of the day you will just have to eat a lot. You will be mostly full mot of the time.

Breakfast: 1 cup bran flakes w/flake coconut and whole milk

Rice cake topped with guacamole and a lean turkey burger

Snack: navel orange

Lunch: 1 lb whole fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup of raw sunflower seeds

Snack: orange

Dinner: 6 oz steak cooked in real 2tbsn real butter with tomato pesto sauce. 24 oz vegetable juice

Water throughout the day

Liquids are the key. I simply recommend cutting down on water: try to make your body get its water intake more from food than water, which will naturally force you to eat more without it being difficult.

>Then just eat large volumes

Oh, forgot to say that the reason I'm having trouble is that I have a hard time eating large quantities of food because I have a low appetite and get full really quickly. so I wanted to try to add more "dense" foods to my diet that would help me gain weight without filling me up too much

am I low test? I also have low appetite.

Like I said, some foods high in fat will be more dense in calories than others.
This, however, does not change the fact that you will have to grow your appetite. Try doing a lot more cardio of you're not interested in building a lot of muscle. If you're expending more calories you'll get hungrier and train your body to eat more.
Your stomach can and will physically increase in size along with your metabolism. Just be patient and stay disciplined.

The activity measure on TDEE calculators is extremely inaccurate. Use your BMR + 50 kcal per 1000 steps taken + 100 kcal per 1 hour weightlifting. That'll get you pretty close, then you can adjust up or down depending on how your weight changes.

You can always try GOMAD. Liquid calories are always the answer to someone with low appetite.