Legumes, good or bad for us? I

Legumes, good or bad for us? I

know a paleo person that keeps arguing that legumes (beans) are bad for us. Before you tell me to research it myself, there is a lot of mixed info out there. So far what I can see they are good for us. Any hard evidence I can use to shut this person up or is he right?

I dont know about hard evidence, but my gut gets fucked up whenever i eat wholw grains, leg ums, or various peppers so paleo works amazing for me.

That's nuts

some nuts fall into the legumes category for what ever reason

Perhaps I should have said "crazy" instead

no, some legumes fall into the nut category because we always just called them nuts even though they're legumes

okay that doesn't answer the question though. Legumes, good or bad?

Anybody else pronounce them "leg-ums"? "Luh goooms" sounds so fucking gay


In Afghanistan, a derogatory term for pakis and other civilized peoples is "dalkohr" or "legume-eater". Make of that what you will.

Lay-gums master race.


Legumes are good. They are rich in many minerals and are densed in protein and fiber.

If you never ate them regularly, be prepared to gassy and having more bowel movements (due to high fiber).

It will normalize once a week or two has passed as you continue to eat them daily.

It's a cheap but great.

The problem is those minerals have 15% bioavailability at best

>If you never ate them regularly, be prepared to gassy and having more bowel movements (due to high fiber).
This except it never went away after 2+ years so i just quit eating them. Feel much better now

>civilized people

Might be best to sprout them. It also depends on which type you're eating.

I ate them all my life and it's a staple in my family meals. It's best to eat what works best for you of course. I can't take to much dairy or my skin just goes out of wack.

Together with berries, dark leafy greens and spices they are the healthiest food you can eat.

Its weird but I don't have gas problems when I eat legumes, and I eat a good amount regularly.

Yea maybe raw, but who the fuck eats raw legumes?? all legumes are cooked which breaks down anti-nutrients.

Are you a toddler?

Good goy
No, its just how my gut works. Im white so none of my ancestors ate beans so i never evolved the gut bacteria to handle it i guess
Most but not all the anti nutrients are killed