PSMF diet - Time to get SHREDDED

Why don't you all jump on that PSMF diet? Easiest cut of your life, spend 1/3 of the time you usually spend cutting, with GREAT results.

Basically it's
- Eating mainly proteins (130 g+ a day) and veggies (Max 30 g carb and really low fat)
- Taking multivitamin, other minerals and moderate lifting (Lifting isn't even required here)
- Calories around 800-1000
- There is category 1,2, and 3, depends in what cat. you in, you will get a refeed day (Carbs) and sometimes a free meal.
- Basically keto without fat

What you get?
- DAILY results
- Crazy energy even on a very low calorie intake, you just have to realise that all that hunger is all in your head because humans are weak minded, their body can go much more than you think
- Fastest aesthetics to get dem gym girls

I'm an EC stack so I'll already be finished my cut months before summer. It's January ffs

Eh, I just want to drop 20lbs before june.
I've fallen completely off the wagon since november and have done only maintenance work with infrequent serious training every week or so.

Was thinking about doing PSMF but I saw my best results with IF and frequent 24 hour fasts and training.

Will PSMF be as effective and will it help me maintain and build some mass?

With PSMF done right you will lose those 20 lbs within a few weeks, i'd do IF while doing PSMF as it will help your cravings and eating habits

PSMF is also meant do be a shortterm diet, if its done for a longer time it can do some serious damage


>literally no carbs/fats
>DUDE you will get crazy energy. Its just a mindset bro!

Fuck off dyel

Its still a shitty crash diet. Its only decent if you wanna lose fat really fast while not caring about muscle loss.

If you are not an obese motherfucker and actually care about your LBM, performance and wellbeing you are better off with a more sustainable diet

You'll lose muscle mass either way when cutting, saying this diet Will increase the amount of muscle mass lost compared to other diets is wrong

its basically keto without fat for faster results, this is NOT a lifestyle, its a shortcut to start or end a cut

It's not supposed to be sustainable.
Are you retarded?


Actually started PSMF this Monday.

I'm currently running it for 2 weeks, I haven't been able to stand it longer than that in the past. Last time I ran it, I lost 17lbs, about 8 of which were water weight and I gained back within a few days of coming off.

I'm currently 11lbs down after weighing myself this morning, about 9-10lbs of water weight.

If I were to sum up my impressions:
>Best crash diet I have ever used.
>Results in ~1/5th of the time of a standard 500 calorie deficit diet.
>MOST importantly, it didn't have an effect on my training. I was able to maintain and even put weight on several of my compound lifts.
>It fucking sucks. Hunger is constant and food cravings get pretty intense. Not for the feint of heart.
>Works better at higher bf%s, not as effective if starting leaner.

These plebs aint fasting

Yeah you cant run it for longer time, im running 1 week psmf 1 week maint. Then 1 week psmf for 4 weeks In total

That's not PSMF. PSMF is a multivitamin and a small amount of yeast for EAAs.


Gonna need some sauce on that


it's like chickentunafish or some shit

Any meal prep guides?

Hate having to think about what I want to eat, would make be break easily when hungry

Protein pancakes, chicken breast with some low carb sauce, cottage cheese, egg whites, tuna In water, salmon

Basically this is what you can eat

plus leafy greens

dinner last night was asian bison burgers in lettuce wraps with kimchi and oven roasted kale

Who is good please my man

download the app Eat This Much. It will literally make a diet for you. Super easy to use. You can even tell it what kind of foods you do and don't like.

Great app, might PSMF more interesting

>Easiest cut of your life
umm sweaty there is such a thing as water fasting you know

if you aren't bodybuilder levels of lean mass and lose any significant muscle on a cut you're doing something wrong.

PSMF is literally a meme diet created to sell protein supplements

because I'm not a fat fuck? I want to slowly gain weight while trying to only add muscle mass. why the fuck should I cut if I want to work out all the time?

Been searching for this girl all day, PLEASE BLESS ME WITH THE SAUCE!!!

I tried doing that but found myself eating more carbs than I intended on because living off of 4 calorie/gram protein will fuck your liver up. 500g just to meet RDA

>Calories around 800-1000 only
>Lifting isn't even required here

So basically starving yourself to lose weight while losing muscle at the same time. Why do people always got for the most dumbest way to go about this. Just do your damn exercise regularly so you can burn up to 500 calories, eat more, get gains fast and process nutrients better..., eat 200~300cal less than your maintenance calories and you'll lose your body fat WITHOUT losing your muscle

A better version of this is:

Step 1 - Stop eating completely for 1 day
Step 2 - Drink some water
Step 3 - Start again at step 1 the next day

tl;dr die

shut up you stupid roid monkey lmao

>"starving yourself"

just leave

Nice debate, very interesting come back.

When I was natty I was only 125lbs at 5'5, I was still eating 2400 calories daily because I wasn't a lazy piece of shit and did my workouts. Never starved too. lol You can keep starving yourself and stay skinny, I'll stick to the smart way.

This is the one diet that actually required you eat good foods, not just protein shakes. You are eating at a 800 calories, the vitamins and minerals from foods are essential here.

How on earth is this diet meant to sell protein supplements?

LMAO, cutting on a 200-300 cal maint? You planning on cutting for 6 months or what? If you are 20% BF you won't even be at 12% after that many months

Diets like this and keto are PROVEN to be the best way to keep muscle mass on a cut, then you come here telling everyone that a 200-300 minus cal is gonna do you better, it won't.
And it's not like you will lose every fucking muscle mass within 2 weeks of a diet, what are you even on about

I think that the amount of lean muscle mass lost even during huge deficits is over exaggerated by a lot of people, I think as long as you keep up your volume on your workouts you generally don't lose that much lean mass.
For a PSMF I think most people who do run it probably wont run it for more than a week or two unless they're morbidly obese in which case their priority is probably just losing fat and not preserving muscle. And if you're running it for only a week or two I don't think you will lose much if any muscle verse the amount of fat loss. I've been kind of experimenting with running PSMF during deload week every 6th week or so and I think it works pretty decently.

Read carefully before commenting next time.

You do realize that doing exercise and just having good amount of muscle on you burns up to 500 calories a day easily right. It means that if you just eat 200~300 cal less and throw in exercise that burns approx 500 cal, plus faster metabolism from your muscle then you're down 800~1000 calories without even starving yourself. Sure, you can skip exercising and starve yourself on 1000 calories to lose weight, but what you're losing will also be muscles. Why is muscles important for all fitness goals whether it's cutting or bulking? Because the more you have muscles, the faster your metabolism is. Faster metabolism allows you to eat more while losing body fat, allows you have more room for calories. More calories means you can retain what is important while losing what you don't want AND most importantly you will lose fat while sitting on your couch. This is why no one should try to achieve their fitness goal only through caloric deficit, because if you do that then you're most likely losing what's important as well. Most people who does this end up looking like a skinny fat piece of shit.

See, at least you are doing your workout and knowing the benefit that comes from it. These morons are talking about getting their fitness result from ONLY doing caloric deficit. And it makes me laff. If you're lie a bed ridden immobile obese person who NEEDS to desperately lose fat in order to survive, then yes they have no choice but to do only caloric deficit at first. But if you have a body that allows you to walk few blocks, I'd say don't be a lazy piece of shit and move.

So basically you are telling me that you will cut on a 200-300 deficit, but it's actually a 1000 because you now include the 500 calories you burn from a workout, then in the next sentence you tell me that a 1000 calorie minus will actually make you lose muscle?

A fucking 1000 deficit will leave you hungry either way, honestly im not even sure if you are serious with this post

You're really over complicating this lol. You are able to stomach yourself with more than 1000cal worth of food everyday if you workout, and yes you're gonna burn a LOT of calories through this. But it doesn't make you feel starved because you ate more than 1000calories, you just stomached yourself with about 2000~2500 calories worth of food during your cut. Your body KNOWS that you had food, so your brains don't send signals saying that it's hungry. And even if you do get a little hungry, then just eat a fruit or salad and up the intensity of your workout. This is why bodybuilders eat continuously through their cutting phase and still losing fat.


Judging from instagram she totally wants to fuck her brother.

holy shit you weren't lying. I just went through both their instagrams and they have a weird fucking relationship. pretty hot desu.

Did a PSMF to win a Biggest Loser challenge. Lost 25lbs in 5 weeks. Using the navy body fat calculation method I lost only 1.5lbs of LBM. Everything else was fat. Seriously jump started the fuck out of my cut.

In terms of strength loss I was a weakling while on it but it only took me about 4 weeks to fully get back all my strength. 10/10 will do again right before summer.

Why start what is effectively a ketogenic diet and not consume fat?

This might be the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard for someone with a good muscle mass looking to cut. THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT KETO IS THE FAT. If you take out the fat you will fuck up your energy levels. How the fuck can your brain get glucose when you’re not eating, and no keystones either because you dropped all ththe fat

Damn good kek friendo

I hate this board

>girls like that exist
jesus fuck why was I not born cooler?
I’m totally within that girl’s league but I’m so fucking autistic and awkward.

sauce on her blease

Why this and not just water fast? So many conflicting info.




I do both. Start with a fast and switch to keto when my willpower starts wavering.

Jesus Christ

>horse faced
>lip injections
>inverted tiddies

But from the waist down shes a 10

This sounds like a keto/fasting program for retards.

You're getting "crazy energy" because you're entering ketosis from fasting/lack of carbohydrates.

This is an exceptional level of stupidity.

Cheekie when did you stop making sense? I remember you being lucid. Get your next batch of drugs tested for purity pls.

y'all spend too much time on this website

>Lifting isn't even required here
I guess that makes it perfect for Veeky Forums posters then

>no carrots
>pic has carrots in it

I'm an endurance runner from /g/
this diet makes more sense to me than keto. A relative of mine has done keto vegetarian diet and combined it with Yoga and it worked wonders for her!
I am a vegetarian as well and suspect that a keto diet may work better for meat eaters. This diet certainly sounds more sustainable.
I downloaded this pic, not sure what it has to do with the thread, but thanks for sharing.

I may have incidentally undertaken a diet similar to this one during the track season last year when I was eating a lot of vegetarian burritos and raw cilantro.
I set a PR of 15:32 (or whereabouts of this time) in the 5000 meter race that I had been training for and 32:30 in a road 10K I participated in after the season ended and I had a few weeks of not training.

I just had carrots while I went on a walk. Carrots are wonderful!
All I've eaten today is white bread and carrots...unless you count what I snacking on past midnight before I went to sleep, which case I also had Walnuts and some quesadillas with chili. And spinach.
Sounds good
Yeah totally cutting out fat may not be right for everyone. I think it's good though because it keeps people eating at least. 24 hours fasts are certainly not very extreme (people do fasts for months and report that the benefits don't entirely set in until having gone without food for a week).
You should try not to mention how much stupidity you leave in your posts for us. Also you forgot to put sage in the comment box field.
very pretty. is this you?

I think that a lot of the energy you gain from this type of carbohydrate deficit comes from the increased efficiency your body is forced to adapt.

One should never confuse the pure love between a 2D imouto and her Onii-chan for that of 3DPD.

>take your supplements
>three jars of peanut butter

This looks easy!

>a third of her pictures are of her brother and how much she loves them
they definitely fuck

she honestly has the best ass I've ever seen on a skinny girl.

which? also Idk how ot read

her brother is gay you moron