Cats are the natural enemy of the soyboy

The soy boy fears the feline and it's instinctive tendency to remove soyim

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Remove soyboy from the premises

How much do you think that cat squats?

I say this as a cat owner, but cats are pretty soy. I like him but im no cat-obsessed fag

At least 4x bw

Is that dude acting like a faggot ironically? Or is he just a straight up retard?

When the cat is the most alpha creature in your home you have a fucking problem. Even the dog is just a little rat faced runt.

Cats are soyboy: the pet, you literal faggot.

How so? Besides snakes, spiders and farm dogs they are the only pets killing on a regular basis on their own devices, be it rats, birds or bugs

thats a house cat, now imagine a tiger
fuark, no chance

>cats love me

Feels good not being a soyboy

Cats are definitely not soy. Its all about how you raise them. When my cat was a kitten I constantly wrestled with it and play-fought with him, now he's fucking chill. You can slap him in the face and then he'll wait until you're distracted and slap you back. Total bro though, its funny. We play-fight all the time but he's never broken my skin.

When menstruating women get cats they barely socialize with them and the cats turn into selfish assholes. My cat knows his place on the totem pole

Depends on the cat desu. My mom has a fat as fuck cat that just eats and sleeps but there was one in the neighborhood I grew up in that was alpha as fuck, scared the shit out of other cats even as an old fart.

Thats where you are wrong, fuccboi

Can we start making cat drawings as our new pepe. Maybe Garfield. But he's fat and this is fit/ so idk

lmao fucking rekt

virgin doggie
>shits and pisses all over himself
>forgets about it and eats his own shit later

>perfect hygiene

Cats are fucking nasty.
The ONLY acceptable conditions by which to "have" a cat is if you're a literal farmer and the cat just stays out in the woods and prowls around your land occasionally killing pests. And even then you don't really "have" the cat as a pet, it's just kind of there, and makes an appearance every now and then, maybe while you are outside grilling for example.

If you live with an indoor cat your literally eating and breathing in their shit 24/7 and giving yourself parasites and brain damage. If you let your cat go outside and then come back in then it's literally the worst of both worlds. It will go outside, eat raw meat, come inside, shit its parasite-ridden feces into the litter box, and then jump up on the counters/tables when you aren't looking and track disease and pestilence over every surface in the house.

If you're cooking and you drop something on the counter and then pick it back up or eat it, congrats, you're infected.
If you walk barefoot in your home, then lay in your bed, and by chance move your face to a spot on the sheets where your feet ever where, congrats, you're infected.

And you CANNOT train them to not jump up. They don't listen worth a fuck. The best you can do is occasionally catch them in the act and observe them scurrying away from the light like fucking cockroaches. Nasty fucking bastards.

In most cases, men who prefer taking a cat as a pet do so because they see a cat as a cuddly friend with which to play. They imagine it to have some sort off sassy personality and become in some way emotionally servile to it. On the other hand, a dog requires one to become its leader; to impose ones will and instill discipline, which requires effort. However, i dont believe this be always the case, but its a trend ive noticed.

>get a new game console
>shake it around like you have Parkinson's

he deserved it for so many damn reasons

hes being post-ironic obviously


Phytoestrogens and Disease: tinyurl com/hfxu23q
Phytoestrogens and Heart Disease: tinyurl com/zg2nh7a
Phytoestrogen and Kidney Disease: tinyurl com/jtwyanb
High soy can result in 59% less breast cancer study: tinyurl com/j8ywsra
Soy yields 13% lower LDL/Bad Cholesterol Study: tinyurl com/hhf4weq
Soy and Men Hormones Study: tinyurl com/hsu4wqk
Meta-analysis on men, soy and phytoestrogen extracts: tinyurl com/ja5s9k2
30-50% of men get manboobs: tinyurl com/zb58cbs
Phytoestrogen content of various foods: tinyurl com/z3kpvsw
220 women over 2 years soy study: tinyurl com/z4tbb7d
Meta-analysis on 47 studies no estrogen change: tinyurl com/hsm6ctb
Soy being fine for men: tinyurl com/zwddamh

Think of it this way: An estrogen molecule is like a jumbo jet that attaches to the Jetway of an airport. It discharges passengers into the terminal, which is suddenly a busy, noisy place. Phytoestrogens, being weak estrogens, are like small, private planes with few passengers and no cargo, yet they still occupy the Jetway after landing. When phytoestrogens occupy the cell, normal estrogens cannot. Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms
>The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.
>The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males.

oh no I have to get rid of my cat now

>chad cat

Only thing cats hate worse than soyboys are fedoras

I don't care what you do with your cat. If you love the smell of kitty litter and you like sharing dandruff and shit particles with it, great. It's so cute and fuzzy right?
My mother became a crazy cat lady and I watched how they eventually took over the house and turned it into a dumpster. It felt like I was being poisoned every time I had to stay over. There's no amount of care that can alleviate the damage a cat and its litter box will wreak on your home. Pro tip, yes the guests can smell it.

>acting like a hyperactive sperg in front of animals
look how close the cat was when he ripped the gift wrap, what the fuck, of course he'd be scared
soyboy got what he deserved, don't own animals if you don't know how to conduct yourself near animals

And one last thought before I go -
Literally the only thing stopping your cat from killing you for sport is the fact that you're bigger than it. That's it. Something to think about next time you delude yourself into thinking it loves you or whatever nonsense cat owners tell themselves.

cats are parasites.


Poor thing. But my rage goes to this fat cunt unable to control her dogs. What a piece of shit.

of course if two soyboys came on a sleeping chad and straight up went for the kill they would get him, are you retarded

t. soyboy cuckold

the absolute state of american women

lmao cucked
when will they learn?

>t. brainlet

You didn't look at those studies did you?
>30-50% of men get manboobs from soy

Dogs, at least non-mongoloid breeds will steamroll beta owners

crompton looking alpha as fuck

Objectively untrue. Many cats share houses with pets smaller than them - groom them, sleep with them, play with them and share food with them.
My cat follows me from room to room and yowls in distress if i close a door on her. Cats 100% develop attachments to people and other animals. Only someone who knows fuck all about animals would say otherwise.

As for breathing in their shit, if your cat goes outside there is no need to have a litter tray.

that slut should go to jail, she is literally putting everyone's life in danger

I imagine that cunt has gotten used to falling on her face every time her dogs are remotely interested in something. Why doesn't she just walk her dogs one at a time?

imagine the dogs wanted to go attack a kid holy shit
there should be test in order to get the right to own a pet

And the cat managed just fine afterwards with no major injuries, lmao, while the dogs got fucked.

No, the study mentioned that 30-50% get manboobs at least once in their lives, it has no mention whatsoever of diet or nutrition, just the percentage of men who suffered from that condition.
And since 30-50% of men don't consume soy in any noticeable ammount it's safe to say gyno and low test levels are not being caused by soy, but my something else.

why are grown ups routinely acting like 5 year olds these days?
>inb4 soy
It's not because of a japanese bean, shut the fuck up. You get thousandfold the estrogen (real animal estrogen, not some plant shit) from eating chicken every day.

I wanna explore the actual reason.

especially if the animal does randomly kill something or someone at will like pitbulls


they basically just act like clowns for the camera, it's not something new, it's just that nowadays everyone pretty much has a phone with a camera with easy access to the internet.


are you a retard?
ALL animal products contain the animals sex hormones naturally. Milk, meat, eggs.
Pretty sure in Burgistan it's not even illegal to inject livestock with additional sex hormones to make them mature early.
chicken estrogen is the EXACT SAME molecule as human estrogen, not some weak plant shit, go figure.
So if you are worried about female sex hormones, you are looking at the wrong food retard.

I wish I knew, my gut says it's social conditioning these people pick up from being online too often and not receiving proper feedback from physical interaction. The same reason that neckbeards think it's acceptable to wear trenchcoats and bring sheathed katanas to mcdonalds basically, except now everyone in our society is afflicted by it and the soyboy thing is just what happens when it expresses in normies.

Just because something else causes gyno does not make it safe to say soy doesn't cause gyno you retard. Two plus two is four. But three plus one is also four.

> lol two pitbulls violently tear apart a cat

Congratulations, you are an actual psycopath.

Also how much of a retard do you have to be to take those doggos out without muzzles, or without even being able to control them. They probably got put down because of that bitch's idiocy and negligence. Yup real top kek user

>lands of neets
>land of low birthrates
>land of most beta males in history
>guys it's not the soy.

they can jump to almost five times their height, so they have incredible leg strength

garfield is a BLOATCAT

It does not tell us with absolute certainty that soy does not cause any issues but it shows us that soy is not the main problem, you brainlet fuckwad.

I cant believe some of you fucking faggots are actually trying to get people to believe that cats and cat-lovers arent the epitome of soyism

dumbest shit I ever read.
until they were nuked japanese people were crazy warlike savages. asians have been eating soy for literal thousands of years, retard.
might as well say rice causes hair loss because a lot of asians are bald.
no data, no causation nothing.
fuck off brainlet, seriously.
your man boobs are because you are genetic gutter trash, as evidenced by your shit tier intelligence.

What research do you base this on exactly?

If I've noticed the opposite trend then what does that say?

cats are independent, dogs are highly dependent.
also dog owners are much more inclined to get weird about shit, with their "fur babies" and letting them slobber their faces.
Cats are just kinda there, chill out a bit and then do their own thing.
Also kinda pathetic that you have to "impose your will" on a helpless animal because you are too beta to do it with your equal humans.

Lmao absolute chad

>Always bring the homies, can't face 1v1, reminds you of anything?

Webm related.

You've no idea what you're talking about brah, you're talking about toxoplasmosis, something that sterilised clean indoor cats are very unlikely to have.

To give you an idea when my mother had me she had to get tested for it and she was clear, at this time she had 1 cat, and she continued to clean his litter-box trough-out the pregnancy, and I didn't catch anything thankfully, toxoplasmosis has a cycle to.

If you use gloves to clean the litter box, you clean the box regularly with hot water, you clean it everyday and your cat is an indoor cat and is up to date on it's medicals you are 100% secure.

If it's an outdoor cat that hunts mice and it's not healthy then beware.

and also we have 3 of those cunts now because she's getting old and is lonely and she had to rescue two out of a farm and she cleans it everyday in the morning and at night with the same care for hygiene that she did before, absolutely no smell as well, these cats are treated like bloody gods.

If it's an indoor cat and only eats catfood, it's impossible for him to be infected.
You're more likely to get toxo by eating raw/rare meat and raw milk cheese.

Shame it wasn't his fucking neck

Kitty no!

Are you the guy in the video? Hahahaha

I fucking hate women.

Ive got a feeling your a manlet

Im sorry... it is soy. Its probably why you had such an emotional fit of rage, likea 5 year old girl, because your endocrine system is completely fucked up from soy milk, and estrogen in tap water.

what kind of faggot dog just walks up to a kid and does that, baste cat

Ale you tliggered? R have a feeling you may be Asian? Lre you?

That its opposites day?

is this guy retarded or on the autism spectrum? That's the reaction of a 5 year old, not a man with stubble

Leaving aside his torn scalp, why do Indians always appear filthy? Why?

>being proud of destroying tthe ecosystem
Cats should be outlawed t b h.
And they are absolutely soyboy pets, dont even try to argue, people have known that cats are for losers for decades

>impose your will" on a helpless animal because you are too beta to do it with your equal humans.
Nigga, do you even know how canine hierarchies work

it's actually the chicken and meat that you eat every day, as well as cow milk.
you know what they contain?
Estrogen. The real deal, not the small fry plant stuff.

What even happened? Why'd the cat strike so badly? Natural response to eliminating beta behavior in the herd?

>let me get some helpless animal so I can dominate it and impose my will on it
>but it's fine because wolfs in the wild
>this is a healthy attitude towards pet ownership

somehow Ive never heard about a cat literally killing somebody or attacking children like the uncivilised apes dogs are

Thats soynyggers for u, just like nintoddlers

Ever read Fahrenheit 451? You should read Fahrenheit 451. It's startling how close a man came to depicting our relationship to the pursuit of happiness 70 something years ago.

Hilarious. I fucking hate cats so much. Wish I could stomp the fuckers each time I saw them.

why is this board full of sub 100IQ brainlets?
other boards are not that dumb.

why are you here then

Are you gong to answer my question lmao?

>housecat being let outside
>walking disobedient large dogs as a frail person

This is a mess of irresponsible pet ownership

Here comes Chadcat

>Having genes and an immune system this week

Fucking soy faggot LOL

my nigga, maine coons are the chaddest of cats

Rate my cat, Veeky Forums. I think he's pretty aesthetic.

you wait until next week, and imma sneeze in your face with my germs.

>Let me invite a rogue feline into my home and raise it
>Denatures it with processed food, affection, litter boxes, and a pack mentality
Even if they aren't house cats, it's no different to dogs

I hate cats, and cats are undoubtedly the soyboy pet of choice (hilarious that there are faggots in this thread arguing otherwise), but I'm 100% on board with euthanizing all pitbulls and rottweilers.

Pieces of shit owners like this lady are the reason they're dangerous, but they're dangerous dogs nonetheless and shouldn't be anybody's "pet"

Kitters and doggers are the friends of mankind. Every young family should have one of each. They bring a balanced pet experience.

>bridge of the nose too wide at the top
>weak looking neck (essential for feline aesthetics)
>no sharp well defined facial fur lines
>white tufts in ears
>crooked whisker on the right
>bad posture
2/10 would not bang

Can confirm. He's chill as fuck.

Dogs are still for chads and GOAT but cats can be pretty based also.