Ostarine review

Hey Veeky Forums i've just finished my first 6 week ostarine cycle and thought i would share my experience with you all
I have increased all my lifts by about 20kg, have massively increased my work capacity specifically for upper body, and have got slightly leaner. I have done this while getting very little sleep and having shit nutrition.
It's not life changing but it seems pretty good, definitely more effective than other supps i've tried

There's better stuff out there.

other than anabolics?

>6 weeks

6 weeks is a recommended cycle

For a gay

the longer your cycle the harsher the test drop after your cycle ends. 6 weeks and it'll stay in the normal range and bounce back in about a week

Just go 8 weeks pussy

Sounds pretty promising OP. Consider me shilled, did you just order it online?

Does it affect cardio at all?

Where did you buy it?

yeah i just bought it online. Tbh my cardio has stayed about the same but i've not been working on improving it
have you done an 8 week cycle? how did you feel after it? did your lifts drop?

why? ostarine doesn't even cause shutdown does it
just fucking pin
you fags will do literally anything except take test because of some obscure obsession with being (((natty)))

not shutdown but a slight reduction. As i said, with SARMs generally the drop off after a cycle will remain within healthy levels.
I dont want to pin (at least not yet) because with anabolics the ratio of anabolic:androgenic effects is 1:1 whereas with ostarine it's somewhere around 30:1. When I have time to do more research on how to cycle properly without fucking up my androgen system i might start pinning
>obsession with being natty
im not really natty at this point given that i'm cycling a PED

I just haven't found anybody to sell me any desu.

Yeah I've gone 8 weeks, i did it as my second cycle after having done 8 weeks of LGD-4033 and I think Ima stick with LGD from now on, better gains by far

hasn't lgd been proven to cause cancer?

lgd is gonna be much better if you have a test base with it

the internet is your friend, buddy


Everything is better with a test base

do tell

I liked ostarine more than I did lgd-4033. That additional injury healing is great.

Body composition?


I think ostarine is very mild. The only thing I noticed was less muscle loss. I've had better results with prohormones and gear.

No it's not lol