So, there's a guy I know that goes regularly to the gym, he's pretty buff and he's also very nice and sweet. I like him and he keep flirting with me, but he thinks I'm in a relationship already "Is that your boyfriend?" "Hahaha I bet you were texting with your boyfriend" I deny it every time but he says "sure, you liar".
Any tips? Should I ask to go to the gym with him? Idk thought you guys might know it
Brandon Hernandez
Begone thot
Asher Baker
the gba hamtaro game was really fucking great yes, ask to go to the gym with him and get fit, it's the best way to have a fit boyfriend
Matthew Ramirez
are you a male
Xavier Mitchell
Jesus Christ just pull him to the bathroom and blow him, it's not fucking hard
Kayden Sanders
1: pls be in london 2: Post pic or we can't help you
Chase Martinez
>Rule 37 If you don't know this by now, girls are usually the one to make the first move, in which they present an opportunity for a mate to chase them.
Jonathan Turner
idk how to ask smoothly though
yea, the thing is, i think he's closeted cause he keeps brushing through my hair, teasing me, wanting a massage and telling me he would marry me if i was a girl. and he's jealous if someone else likes me + he doesnt know im gay but he assumes it
i don't want to assault him
i'm a guy
Christopher Powell
Kill yourself, role playing faggot.
William White
how am i role playing? the guy literally goes to my class lol
Mason James
>i'm a guy
Evan Russell
>"Is that your boyfriend?" >he doesnt know im gay this isn't a good thing sounds like he's mocking you because of your faggotry
Thomas Powell
How cute you must be lost on your way to Tumblr
Ethan Torres
Get drunk and push his physical boundaries. I got to suck my ex's dick off like this.
Mason Jones
OP i'm in the same situation as you rn so any tips you get i would appreciate as well
>tfw in love with "straight" men
Nathaniel Williams
yea sorry
no he‘s very nice he‘s the only one who cares for me always comes to me, we talk and shit i think he‘s curious but i don‘t want to just be a quickie and done with it
thats assault
desu i think we should just tell them tjat we like them but its easier said than done
Daniel Gutierrez
I met my long time gym crush recently (im a fag like OP) and we have some mutual friends in our classes so I have a pretense for talking to/approaching him
how do I learn his orientation without being a blatant homo towards him since I don't wanna make him uncomfortable is I come onto him and hes straight since I'll have to see him in class/at the gym all the time
Brandon Brown
is he sending signals? cause mine is if he isnt then you might aswell not bother, cause even if he happens to be gay/bin he‘s probably not into u
if hes flirting i‘d just ask him sometimes to do something casually and by his reaction you can judge
Elijah Fisher
my bad by recently i mean today lol, i haven't spoken to him aside from our introduction so i have no indication yet
my question is more how i should act without being obvious
if hes obviously sending signals and you guys are kind and flirty with each other why don't you just be upfront with him? Like ask him out or something?
Lincoln Hughes
oh alright, that makes sense just keep an eye out for this stuff then and just act nice without being creepy with him, if he‘s acting nice back or you think he might be interested, then give compliment inbetween until you think youve build a bond to ask him to do something (doesnt have to be a date, just smth like „bro lets go watch a movie“ )
the thing is, i just recently noticed he was sending signals and flirting with me all the time.. now we are on a break and i miss him and i wished i acted on it, i think he mightve thought that i wasnt interested. cause he jokingly (?) invited me to go to a concert or smth with him through snapchat, but i also invited him to a movie few weeks earlier and he didnt respond. idk a lot of mixed signals and i mightve given the wrong impression and hes probably the one that got away :(
Parker Nguyen
you have to get him to get over the social stigma about being gay. some people just can't admit it.
Xavier Thomas
>Posting a thread asking for gay dating advice on Veeky Forums instead of the lgb board. >Mfw this is actually board appropriate. Just ask him to the gym, work out then go for coffee or something afterwards, make out its just as friends but test the waters.
Ryder Anderson
hm well we're upper years who commute downtown for class so whenever we're there he's with his friends so it might be hard/awkward to ask him to do something alone (at least while its still not clear what hes into)
on the other hand knowing him and his friends i might also be able to hang out with him/them and figure out if say he has a gf (therefore RIP my dreams) and generally get to know him
>he keeps brushing through my hair, teasing me, wanting a massage...
m8 thats gay af I obviously wasn't there but your interactions with him seem clear to me (but idk how ambiguous it is irl)
Oliver Hughes
the problem is, considering the ironic gay boy culture i‘m not sure if he‘s jokingly touching me, teasing me and flirting with me or if hes serious about it. one minute i think hes in it for real and then idk
he‘s a typical gymbro and lgbt board barely has any, so i wanted to ask here
yea for sure first go out with more peoole and test the waters, if you feel confident enough afrer some time and there are no signs of him having a gf you can try to get him somewhere solo
and it seems obvious to me too now but he had a girlfriend so idk
Aiden Morgan
Skip the gym. You can each do 1x1 rope hangs at home
Anthony Howard
>he had a girlfriend
oh well that kinda changes things I didn't know that kek
I thought your 'ironic gay boy culture' thing was weird cause no one I know goes that far with it but knowing he has/had a gf idk anymore
and yeah i figure ill just be friendly with him and get a feel for our interactions + try to get to know him