wtf christian bale was 27 in this movie?
he looks like he was in his mid 30s.
do men really age this poorly after their 20s?
wtf christian bale was 27 in this movie?
he looks like he was in his mid 30s.
do men really age this poorly after their 20s?
nice b8 m8. good looking men age like fine wine when they take care of themselves
he was 25 when shooting
You understand that style can either make you look like a manchild or a fine gentleman?
looks better than you ever will
>pic related its you
He does look like an old 25. Look at most people who are 25 and they don't look that old. He legit looks like he is in his 30s. It's not a bad thing. He just looks like an old 25
the haircut/attire made him look older. He is very handsome and still is in his 40s
He looked old there, but has looked young for the 20 years after that
>talks shit about someone better looking than him.
most likely does look like this and will agfe like niggers
Hasnt aged since though
I'm 19 and people tell me I look 30.
>makeup doesnt exist
>imagine doing business with somebody who looks like a child
>looks 20 to me what the fuck are you on about faggot
The lack of fat on his face and the wrinkles around the edges of his eyes are what make him look old in that movie. Most 20somethings have much softer, fattier faces with smoother skin.
I'm 28 and girls think I'm 21
I did like paul allens card tho. That raised lettering on pale nimbus? Wowee thats a card
He was at a ridiculously low bodyfat in that role, that's probably why. Think of Jake Gyllenhaal in Night Crawler, looked super fucked up cause he lost a bunch of weight
Holy snap he does look old for that age. I would say he just didn't sleep much
im 19 and most people think im 24-25
i think we will grow better than others
24 here and a girl guessed that I was 34 the other night
Last three girlfriends were 31 27 and 29
I have a decent hairline and everything I'm just somber and they mistake it for maturity
good looking people look older when they're young, and young when they're older.
>do men really age this poorly after their 20s?
nigger are you blind? men age like wine, women age like milk
I’m 20 and people think I’m 16-18. Not a babyface or short, just very youthful. Haven’t had a pimple in two months. Customers at work don’t believe me and then tell me I’ll age beautifully. Guy btw
Holy fuck to think he was my age when this was filmed.... wow
I'm 28 and look 40+, but like patrick swayze when he was 40+. its fuckecd.
too much meth and working outdoors.
Manlet and babyface detected
I’m 27 and people think I’m anywhere from 20-23. My whole family looks younger than they are. My dad is almost 60 and doesn’t look a day over 45. My mom is almost 60 too and is the same. All of my relatives on both sides of the family are like this it’s really strange.
post a pic
I’m not posting a face pic on Veeky Forums
cmon I wanna jack off to it and use it to catfish the police
He looks like a man in his 20s, you just associate a masculine, adult face with older men on account of all the low T soyboys.
Was told I looked 25 when I was a teenager and 30 when I was 22. Personally I think I look childish and unmanly so I don't know why.
can relate
my mommy always said I looked like xtian bale, I thought she was full of shit until a lady at the dentist office told me the same thing
I'm 25 and could pass as 17 when clean-shaved. Pretty much the only thing that has changed since I was a teenager is that my facial structure widened out giving me a stronger jaw and such. Hopefully it'll pay off and make me a handsome ass middle-aged guy
Im 24 and i look like im close to thirty, 6'2 and i buzz my head since my temples have started creeping up, i look just like my father. My older brother is 29, is 5'6 has no sign of receding and will prob never lose his hair since he has my moms genes, he has a gymnast body and when we go out people still ask to see his ID when ordering a beer (you have to be 18 to order where i live). He literally looks 15 years younger than i do.
Im not sure if i would be happier if i got dealt his hand, being 6 inches shorter but a full head of hair. I still seem to be doing better with women, but that might just be because im not as socially awkward.
Other way for me before use to hate it now i love being called youngee
I must agree, in pictures of my Dad when he was 20 he looked like almost mid 30, but when he was 50 he still looked like mid 30, now with 60 more like mid 40.
[spoiler]I want him to do big cumz inside my rectum[/spoiler]
I'm 20 with a baby face and look 15
aye same, my dad is well into his 70s and he looks more like a sick 50 yo then someone who actaully looks old. cnacer does that i gues togh
I'm nearly 30 and people tell me I look 19
I still get carded when I buy M-rated games