
>No porn
>No towel
>Cold showers
>An onion a day
>Sleeping on the floor
Who else /maxtest/ here?

Yeah me, but I just pin it in my ass, looser.

Wtf is no towel?

This is now a high test thread

>cold shower
>no towel
>no heating
>sleeping on the floor
>no pillow, no blanket
who else /commoncold/ here?

>lab results show 1211 test without doing any of that stuff.
Guess your max is related to genetics

>not doing No4Chan
Fuxking beta get out of my board

Maybe if you’re a little weak-immune-system bitch.

>no towel
What, why would you walk around wet after a shower?

He probably lives in a hot and humid area where drying off after a shower is pointless since he'll just start sweating again.

have you ever been somewhere really hot and humid?

He's right you know. If you are in good shape you won't get sick from doing that

youre forgetting intermittent fasting for raised HGH

coldexposure done gradually strenghtens the immune system and builds a cold tolerance.
educate yourself, plebian.

>No towel
But why

Yeah, your mom's cunt.

wtf is the point of no towel?

>wtf is no towel
fucking NYR it's almost the end of January when do you fuckers give up?

I'm high test (1030 ng/dL) and do nothing from this shit

nofap destroyed me i crashed harder than i should left my lifts for a week because of the destruction from my hormones fuck nofap

yeah i just cruise with exogenous test so i can do none of that shit and still make gains. good luck with your horrible life.

no towel is bad for your skin

did you quit porn during nofap?

>No porn
>No towel
>Cold showers
>An onion a day
>Sleeping on the floor

>work 12 hours a day
>go home to cold apartment, no heat allowed
>cold shower
>no porn, no video games, no tv. just sit and stare at the wall
>sleep on the carpet with only a wooden block for a pillow



Low test wyte beta wageslave.

well I usually see people say that nofap isn't healthy and a cheeky wank every once in a while helps relieve stress and whatnot. just not to porn, fap to a memory or something

try >noInternet

and you'll gain my respect

Nice to meet you, low test wyte beta wageslave.

I'm doing that right now
Who else >NoNet here?

Don't we need to heat in order to prevent moldy walls?
Hey, about this onion thing: do we have a paste-bin with bro evidence somewhere?

Nice try, soyboy

Sorry, you weren't serious about the not heating. Poor reading by me.



If you added prayer and reading the gospels and meditating on the teachings of Jesus Christ you would have unironically a good life...

If you're doing all those things to increase test, chances are your test isn't very high to begin with. You might notice some improvements in lifestyle but I doubt they would be from higher testosterone.

>wooden block
Fucking casual


>no shampoo
>no job

to the list too.

wH*te subhuman too

No porn? No video games? No tv? Insanity! How can anyone even survive without those????

>Not reading for those braingainz.
Go back to your soyfarm.

>for brainsgainz
LMAO at you, retard