Some faggot on /int/ said this guy is the strongest powerlifter, is he lying ? I thought whites dominated the sport
Some faggot on /int/ said this guy is the strongest powerlifter, is he lying ? I thought whites dominated the sport
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Only 2 blacks in the podium in the 2017 classic world championships, but over 18 whites.
he is probably the strongest RAW squatter to ever live. jezza is also in the running. its hard to compare to raw+wraps guys like malan, but Id say ray is stronger. hes a fucking monster t bh but also a really cool guy in interviews and stuff
Hes the best raw squatter at the moment, Dennis Cornelius is isn't far behind him though.
Seems like a nice dude.
>8 25kg plates on each side
Monster! Love that sort of stuff
>raw. What does it mean
apparentely it means
>squat singlet
>wrist wraps
>knee sleeves
>powerlifting shoes
Whites and Asians dominate the patrician strength sport.
so how is it raw when he is using all these assistant equipment? Shouldn't raw mean he is not using any equipment at all? Sorry not a native english speaker
it means no suit or knee wraps, just belt and sleeves
pick 1
whatever you say boyo
The singlet is literally just one layer of fabric, exactly the same kind as olympic lifters wear.
a belt and sleeves are something everyone should use, they dont assist the movement like a suit or wraps do
>Caucasians are not white.
Seems like a nice guy, goes and thanks everyone involved in the lift. WouldShare6PackWith/10
>drug tested
lmfao at the fuckn state of powerlifting
>listening to kara boga posters
When will wh*Toids learn?
And pictures of this guy after cutting?
He must look like a monster
not anymore lul
This guys heart wont be able to keep up with his size for much longer.
And what are "powerlifting shoes"
Why would he cut
what the fuck is this?
so as to not look like an average american anymore
Best squatter in the world>beach bod
That's a regular singlet, not a squat suit. And those are knee sleeves, not knee wraps. Big difference.
makes sence actually, black = stronger legs = faster legs
anyways paul anderson was stronger on the squat
>black = stronger legs = faster legs
black people arent one homogeneous race. the blacks who are good at running arent the ones who are strong, infact the characteristics that make you good at one probably make you bad at the other
paul anderson is a meme and his shit is fake. ray and most other current shw powerlifters are much stronger than him
this is bait guys, obv
pick one lol
>don't assist the movement
then why do you need them lol
A belt and sleeves make a huge difference though.
exactly raw doesnt mean shit anaymore
powerlifting is a fuckn joke of a sport
this is what a raw squat looks like
this is what dyel newfags think. if youre anti-belt youre outing yourself as a newfag. clarence in a memer. just so happens hes one of the few strong ones
"he blacks who are good at running arent the ones who are strong"
lol nigga look at the nfl, look at ben jhonson
johnson had a 600 lbs squat for reps at 170 lbs
paul anderson a meme ? okay you clearly know shit
This. I legit fucking laugh when someone tells me they "squat 4 plate" when they use knee wraps and a belt. It's legit insulting to my squat (415lbs) and anyone who has ever lifted more than that.
nfl people are massive outliers. generally runners are long limed. strong blacks (and people in general) are stocky and wide. anderson is a meme. the same people who idolise him are the people who watched that refn film and suck charles bronsons dick even though hes a fat olf man
youre an idiot. you dont even know the difference between wraps and sleeves lmao. and stop acting like a 4pl8 squat is something to be proud of (if you even squat that lol)
yeah, he is a memer, because every retard on Veeky Forums or on youtube is a olympic tier athlete, amirite?
I'm sorry. I'm black and even I gotta say it.
That nigga look like a goddamn gorilla. He's legit on his way outta of humanity. Straight beast
>squat singlet
Clarence blew both of his knees and had to take months of trainning and had 2 surgeries at 22
muh atg
thats because he was a retard squatting 105% every single day, non stop. Read his interview you dingus. If he knew how to rest and program better like he does today, it wouldn't have happened.
>Whites are not white
A belt and sleeves aid the lift, the other poster is smoking crack. The way that they help is to give those areas something hard to expand into, allowing the weakest areas of the lift to be mitigated and show the true strength of the rest of the muscles.
Knee wraps and squat suits on the other hand provide elastic energy so the more they get bent out of shape the more they want to get back into their original position.
As a result they can add hundreds of pounds to your lifts which is why they're an entirely different category.