surely they will deliver boyos
Can we finally move on now?
I remember when Mt.Gox said everything was fine too right before everything went to shit.
Do you really think they would tell you that they are playing a shell game? BTC is going to crash hard if they ever actually get a bank to support them because they are going to pretend this tether pump bullshit never happened.
Is the Tether thing? Tether doesn't even make up 1 percent of the market who cares? Also Americans can't even use shitfinex
Why do retards keep saying this? Liquidity is not the same as volume.
>Everything is fine
Were have I heard that before?
Oh my god you niggers really don't understand shit about economics, like you all became fucking econ professors overnight by reading some magic medium articles
>"Always ask for evidence before drawing conclusoins."
>can we finally move on now?
Umm, sweetie? What evidence have Bitfinex provided?
the big crash is coming
This user gets it.
If people start telling you everything is fine yet show no proof, it's time to head for the exit.
You don't need an economics degree to understand this stuff user.
Do you call your local meteorologist to find out whether you should wear a sweater outside?
can anyone fill me in whats happening?
when an exchange is actually going full damage control, you know there's something off
If people start shouting that it's all gonna end badly because they don't actually understand what's happening, time to ignore them
Real tether crisis was back in April when Wells Fargo (Press S to spit on) declined to keep them as a customer.
Easiest 10% ever was buying that shit
Tetherscam retards can kiss my ass
Butthurt BCHfags make up FUD because they're absolutely seething that they're stuck with their bags while BTC continues its mission to Mars.
People were warning about gox well before it happened.
Just be careful user
Gee whiz I didn't know it was that simple that I could stick my hand outside and feel the droplets of tether falling on my palm. Ooohh it feels so nice, that warm water
No wait, actually that's shit, not water, turns out my hand was digging up my ass reaching for bull shit the whole time
youre a pajeet and you have aids
>hand in ass
It's basic supply and demand pajeet, go back to your designated shitting street.
Bitfinex is accused of printing new tethers out of thin air to artificially pump btc.
Seriously it is necessary to admit it's looking too much like what happened before mtgox affair.
>Price is rising to record level in a record time
>Something or someone is constantly pushing the price on a particular exchange, which happen to have a dominating position in the market
>this exchange had a major hacking incident some time ago (bitfinex was last year, and mtgox 2 years before their final break up)
>statements by the exchange fail to address the real concerns by giving the necessary proof that nothing wrong is happening
>instead they feed their customers with generic communications, with no real tangible elments
"We will be making an announcement soon"
straight from their twitter
How many people in this thread even fucking use Bitfinex?
So how is it discarding my point?
Did they do the announcement yet? We will see after the announcement.
If they don't give any tangible evidence that the rumors are untrue this is bad.
It doesn't need to discard your point because your point is literally retarded. Brb let me leave the US since the government keeps printing cash, it'll crash any minute now!!
>still hasn't paid back everything stolen in their little theft
They have banking in multiple countries, just not publicly available. The banking issue was due to a large amount of wires coming from many different individuals. Corporate partners never had problems depositing and withdrawing.
This is the worst thing they could have said. Time to exit.
"Dey dindu nuffin, dey good boys!"
It's pretty easy to tell who has been in crypto longer than just 2017 from threads like these
Yep, I lived through GOX and got my coins out literally 1 week before implosion. Everyone needs to GTFO exchanges NOW...!!!!
Been in since 2014, what amazes me is how proven scammers like Dan Metcalf on Blocknet have managed to lay low and return with no outcry because there are so many noobs who don't bother to read about the history of their investments. Don't get me started on the DASH instamine scam either.
It has nothing in common with mtgox you fucking newcoiner
this could be worse then gox, and is sounding a lot like it, no exchange is safe.
I lost most of my coins at the time in mtgox.
It looks exactly like it. I'm not saying it will be mtgox.
But denying it is very similar is being deluded, dishonest or ignorant.
>I remember when Mt.Gox said everything was fine too right before everything went to shit.
I remember when Roger Ver said that Mt.Gox is solvent. How much did they pay him back then?
How is this gox? Is Bitfinex going to steal every exchanges' stored bitcoins?
>Mark (((Karpeles)))
>Jean-louis (((van der velde)))
When are you going to learn, goys?
I used it to buy ETP.
I actually really like the layout of the site way better than bittrex COSS etc
These people are beyond helping
Every couple of months a shit load of fud comes out of literally nowhere and is targeted towards bitfinex. I understand youre still a bit burned from mt gox, but dont be a rape victim who can never take a stroll though the park again.
Its exchanges in a power struggle. Nothing more.
gox manipulated the price of btc to 6x or something with their bot.
not exactly the same scenario but you know what they're talking about w/ regards to the price action.
every exchange uses USDT, put 2 and 2 together man.
What the fuck, did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
Get your fucking shitcoins out of BTC and into ARK, or forever be a sinner
Dude Finex has ADMITTED they trade on their own exchanges which is highly unethical as they have access to everyone's positions. On top of that the whole theft drama was very shady with them being coy about whether they went to the police or not.
They deserve all the FUD they get.
Exactly. Thanks.
How trustworthy do you guys think Bitmex is?
BitMEX is retarded because they sold all BCH of their users. As for trustworthiness I wouldn't know.
"We will be making an announcement soon"
They are buying fucking time omg...
Why do they get fudded that much?
Why do they get that much more suspicion than Bitstamp and Coinbase?
Why do banks refuse to work with them but work with Bitstamp and Coinbase, authorizing even credit cards deposit?
There is not smoke without fire.
it's so fucking easy. here is a screencap of our reserves. we have hired X firm to conduct an audit. takes literally one day
Wrong. The one I uses doesn't. Tether never enters into the redemption equation for GDAX/Coinbase.
Question: What is the market cap of the tether held by Bitfinex?
nocoiners and nucoiners are so desperate to cope with not having btc, pathetic.
How many exchanges exist today vs. when Mt. Gox did that?
You missed the point. Remember 2 weeks ago when Bch got pumped to 2700 and then fell 50% in 10 minutes because bithumb got ddosed?
What do you thinks going to happen when there are no tethers to pump btc?
We're talking about a crash in price not everyone having their coins stolen.
>We're talking about a crash in price not everyone having their coins stolen.
well if tether bubble bursts i doubt bitfinex will give everyone their coins back
but other exchanges are relatively safe ofc
>produces 200m in tethers and market buys btc over a few months
>always ask for evidence before drawing conclusions
>provides no evidence
good stuff guys, a whole 240 characters should be enough to clean up everything yup
Enjoy the chain death spiral faggot
Probably very few if any. Now if you were to count the number of alt bagholders...