Opinions on knee sleeves?

Been feeling the knees a bit... Thinking about buying some, pic related.

Sure why not, don't bother if you squat 1 plate

dont forget your pussy pad and tampons, soyboy

probably worth it if you squat a lot just as a preventative thing to keep your joints in better shape overtime. Some people like really tight ones to get like 10lbs on their squat, I don't think that's worth it unless you're trying to get a record at a meet.

It's a nice placeboo.

squatted without for a while and when walking down hill it felt like my knee cap was floating around in the socket so i got them and its gone away - worth it imo

stupid comment. knee sleeves are for keeping your knees warm and injury free. it has absolutely nothing to do with how much weight you squat.

knee sleeves are fantastic. they help a lot with keeping your knees safe and comfortable. there are two main approaches to getting knee sleeves. either you get super tight and uncomfortable ones to lift the most weight in competition, or you get some that fit properly and keep your knees happy. don't get them super tight unless you use them to compete. you want some you can actually wear in your day to day workouts

It depends on your body. I have extremely hypermobile joints so my kneecap and even my knuckles slip quite easily, so gloves and knee sleeves help tremendously

Knee sleeves 100% give a spring out of the bottom especially the pic op posted which are 7mm, not as much spring as wraps but they still give a bounce out of the hole

Tight sleeves don't give you an elastic boost. wraps do. Very different.

I know, I own them. But there's a difference between ones that are normal sized and the super tight ones. even SDB themselves keep a size chart for both normal and tight fit (pic related) for that very reason

you're wrong. it's true that wraps give a lot more, but very tight knee sleeves most definitely give you a boost as well. in competitions where wraps are not allowed and knee sleeves are, you take whatever advantage you can get out of the sleeves.

What I'm saying is he doesn't need sleeves if he doesn't squat 2x body weight or 3pl8 for a max, the only time I needed sleeves is when I was squatting 4 times a week and started getting a little tendonitis in my knees

your arbitrary numbers are silly, and I don't even know what you mean by "needing" sleeves. are you talking about "need" in the sense that he cannot lift the weight without them? are you talking about "need" in the sense that he'll get injured without them?

what if someone has bad knees and gets knee pain when doing a bodyweight squat, but can train comfortably if he wears knee sleeves? should he follow your rule and squat with knee pain until he meets your 2x BW or 3pl8 max criteria? obviously not.

there are people who can squat 800lbs comfortably without sleeves, and there are people who get injured squatting 135lbs. the fact is that knee sleeves feel comfortable, warm up tendons and ligaments, provide stability and can keep shitty knees uninjured, and they have pretty much no downsides. why would you not wear them?

Always worn by people who don't squat

Those are good ones, but expensive. Eleiko sleeves are solid, and weirdly cheap.

>Warm and injury free
what a meme

they are comfy af to squat in. my right knee developed a dull pain when squatting 6x per week, went away with sleeves.

If you can only squat 135 you shouldn't be wearing sleeves, you should be learning how to squat and use your actual stretch reflex and not relying on just the sleeves

unless theyre extremely tight theyre mostly a proprioception thing which cant hurt and can sometimes help

I have jumpers knee from playing hockey and snowboarding. These things are magical, i bought 7mm ones and they are so freaking comfy. I don't have pain after squatting anymore. The only bad thing is that i now want to wear them even when im not lifting. I even bought another thinner pair that i wear under my clothes at work/school.

I use them all the time, if I didn't my knees would most likely implode, make me feel comfy and warm, keeping your joints warm is not bs, whoever says otherwise probably can't snatch bodyweight

I just bought a pair of SBDs. I squat ATG and wanted a little knee support

Feels so nice. Actually made me realize my feet were too far apart after I noticed something felt off. No more hip flexor pain now too.

youre wrong. literally everyone who squats should wear sleeves for every set/rep from day one, even if they squat the bar. for knee health. assigning arbitrary numbers because you dont """"feel"""" like someone isnt worthy to wear gear is retarded

they shouldnt buy super tight ones at that level tho

for reference I have a size S pair of SBDs and I get ~2.5kg on my max from them. my knees feel much better when doing high reps tho

I ran the first two weeks of smolov base cycle without sleeves, with pain starting at the end of the third week which was expected because of the volume than I would use my sleeves

You should not be reliant on using equipment for every set. It's the same as using a belt for every set you do. You become too used to using the gear

It's not that they are not worthy, it's that they are not ready for it, you shouldn't put a band aid over a problem and not fix it

sleeves are the fix to having fucked knees, not a bandaid. describe in in what way someone is "not ready" to protect their knees

I dont understand what argument youre trying to make. you we're dumb to run smolov without wearing sleeves and ended up with knee pain? beltless training has some uses, but you should be wearing a belt for most working sets. theres literally no reason for not wearing sleeves all the time. over reliance on gear is a mostly mental thing. ie if you use the belt all the time, youre always lifting heavier and it makes it harder to flip the switch and be serious. sleeves dont provide that huge mental difference

If you run smolov and don't get tendonitis you are doing it wrong

Most knee pain comes from too much volume or bad form, and if a beginner is running a beginner program and gets knee pain they are squatting wrong

I always put on 4 pairs of supertight ones and then jump around like on springs. seriously though I use rather loose ones for the warmth, especially in winter.

actively looking for being injured is one of the most retarded muh iron lyfe things I have ever heard. if youre not using every method possible to maintain function to compete youre not competitive enough to be running smolov

why would a beginner purposefully damage their body to learn technique when they can just record their sets. its like saying someone should get shoulder impingement before they learn to arch/retract their scapula

Very comfy, hate squatting without them now.

Don't bother if your squat wilks is under ~110.

y-you are talking in kilograms right?

>dont protect yourself until youve reached an arbitrary number because Im insecure

Are you retarded? Do you even know what smolov is, or are you trying to debate on something you know nothing about? You do know it has recovery cycles right? Or do you have no actual idea of how the program works?

That is why a beginner should learn to squat without sleeves and a belt so they can learn the correct form before adding tools that help them lift more, or mask problems that are only apparent at heavier weights

hes talking about wilks. so someone @80kg would have to squat ~170kg. hes literally retarded

wow, that is even more retarded

If you hurt yourself with baby weight sleeves won't help you, you are doing it wrong, learn how to do right

to recover from fatigue accumulation not fucking injury. if you dont know that youre the one who knows nothing. was the point about bringing up you ran smolov some sort of appeal to authority because "I run periodised programs so you should take my word that I know more than you" lmao

sleeves dont mask anything, and knee damage doersnt happen at heavier weight it happens over time. youre an idiot for trying to gate keep something useful to literally everyone. you can perfect tech by recording your sets and basically not being retarded

sleeves dont prevent you from improving your form idiot

Running a program designed around squat which has a high rate of injury requires equipment because of high volume

So you are saying smolov doesn't work

Tendonitis is not an injury it is a sign of overuse

You look like a compensating DYEL if you use knee sleeves when you can barely squat 3pl8 for a 1rm. Have some pride in yourselves.

>squatting is the only way to hurt your knees!

you obviously dont compete otherwise you wouldnt be so reckless about injury and fucking up what youre working towards. the arbitrary standard for whether you should run smolov if you have achieve a 400 wilks in competition. do you meet this standard?

> (OP)
>Always worn by people who don't squat
Don't talk bollocks kid. Makes you look like a DYEL.

So you must compete to run smolov?
All I focus on is my squat and in 11 months I got to 350lb at 153lb

I didnt say smolov doesnt work? I said knowing the concept of periodisation doesnt exampt you from being wrong/stupid

this post doesnt have an argument against beginners using sleeves, so I assume youve given up on trying to argue that?

>You look like
literally that comes after that is going to be garbage. youre pathetic if you dont do things because youre afraid of people judging you

You look like a huge fag if you wear these squatting babyweight

>Giving your knees some support is compensating
Congratulations on successfully demonstrating how retarded you are.

No beginners should not use sleeves they should learn to squat with no gear at all, a beginner has no business using gear when they can barely squat 100kg/ 220lb

do you understand sarcasm? I was pointing out the idiocy of your arbitrary standard by giving my own, which you dont meet. also you didnt need a specialised program to get a 3.5pl8 squat lol. you could have dont that on TM lol

>DYELs mad that they have no business wearing knee sleeves with their 2pl8 squats

There's very few reasons to own/use them when you have a weak squat. You aren't putting much stress on your patellar tendon, and you probably aren't doing enough squats to give yourself knee tendonitis. If your squat is shit, you're better off saving your money for more food or a good belt that will last you a lifetime than buying knee sleeves.

t. Bought his first knee sleeves when he squatted 190kg

your argument is circular. you just keep saying that they shouldnt because they havent hit arbitrary numbers. wearinf sleeves doesnt prevent you from learning good form. if youre not retarded you should have perfected form within the first few months of lifting

what is the actual reason you think they shouldnt other than the fact you would embarrassed to

Whatever OP decides, it will be less faggy than these two dudes arguing about rubber knee sleeves anonymously online.

I should add to that list a pair of weightlifting shoes that will last you years and do far more to improve your squat.

That program took like 6 weeks I cut it short because I knew I could hit my goal lol,and I didn't have to gain a single pound in the process

>DYELs mad that they have no business wearing knee sleeves with their 2pl8 squats

wrong. I squat 220kg and bought my sbds when I hit ~120kg. money isnt an argument. if youre not poor by both. obviously dont go without food for the sake of buying things for a hobby lol

>Do sleeves keep your knees warm?
>Are warm tendons and ligaments less prone to injury?
You’re a retard

What do you squat if you don't mind me asking, and at what body weight.

The sleeves will literally do nothing for a beginner other than give them the spring they should be getting from their own body, if they don't know how to do that without sleeves they do not know how to lift

a 3.5pl8 squatter thinking he should run smmolov is more embarrassing than a beginner wearing sleeves fucking hell lmao

So you were a DYEL that had no business wearing them for your 2pl8 squat is what you are telling me? Thanks for outing yourself.

>everyone’s physiology is the same:
>bone structure
>tendon length
>history with exercise or weight lifting
Anyone that generalizes requirements for impacts of weightlifting on the body such as weight thresholds for things like tendonitis is retarded.

But getting advice from Veeky Forums on stuff like this instead of seeing a professional is equally retarded. Go see someone that knows what they’re talking about.

1. I had knee tendonitis before I started lifting due to work
2. I don't even own SBDs, I have cheap ones I got off Amazon that stop it flaring up at 1pl8
3. >2pl8

a few of the benefits are prevention of injury, increased bloodflow and warmth. if I enjoy lifting and need functioning knees to do so properly, why wouldnt I invest a few bucks and use them.

Do you know how bodyweight works?

I’ve been wearing sleeves since before I even squat 2plate.
You mad?

220kg @80kg

it will keep their knees warm and prevent injury. also beginners are going to have bad form when theyre figuring out how to squat. bad for for a beginner is a necessity and sleeves will prevent this ging them tendonitis etc

does it hurt your fee fees that I didnt get your permission to wear them, or that I out squat you know? lmao

3.5pl8 isnt impressive at any bodyweight unless its 52kg or below

Triggered DYEL

Crippled old man

I'm not mad, but I'm sure everyone strong in your gym is laughing at you.

>I'm not mad, but I'm sure everyone strong in your gym is laughing at you
theyre not. youre just a paranoid, self conscious autist

>hey Veeky Forums I was thinking about buying knee sleeves opinions pls
>hey OP here are several reasons, none of which are related to the pros/cons of knee sleeves so I can have incredibly useless arguments with random anonymous people online

You don't out squat me, I squat 240 @98 lmfao

I think it's hilarious when people like you start wearing sleeves when they squat babbyweights

You're just pretending to be retarded, right?

>giving a fuck what the rest of the gym is laughing at from the comfort of their leg press

I came here for knee slaves.

And how long have you been estating for?

if you give a fuck what other people are doing youre actually autistic. also
>20kg bw to squat 20kg more

>I-I'm not embarrassed or anything, I swear!

Keep lying to yourselves, don't forget where you are.

You can fuck off if you think that just because somebody is stronger than you that they are e-statting, shit for brains.

for never. I have no reason to lie. I just want to save some poor dyels knees

Squat wilks is virtually the same, motherfucker. (I'm also 4kg heavier now than when I did that)

I wasn’t embarrassed tho, that’s why I continued wearing them lol

>when you get whiteknighted and bullied in the same post

I dont care if someone thinks shit about my sleeves. sometimes I feel a bit silly wearing a belt for lighter work, but I do it anyway

>Crippled old man
>Having tendonitis means you're a crippled old man
>You're not squatting enough if you don't have tendonitis

You were definitely dropped on your head as a child.

Seems to be a lot of estatting going on here now time to leave

>dyels cant conceive of someone actually being strong

try harder and one day you'll get there to lad :)

>successfully confused the lot of them

My work here is done.

Where whatever you want whenever you want, but understand a belt and proper pair of shoes will be the most important things for improving your lifts, followed by knee sleeves.

There we go. As predicted. "HURRR I TROLL YOU."

>improving your lifts
When was buying knee sleeves to improve your lift numbers ever the point

I notice a significant improvement in how good the lift feels when I wear knee sleeves versus when I don't. If it feels better it generally moves faster, and when it moves faster I can lift more.

You actually think half the people on Veeky Forums lift and the other half don't estate? Really?

Stop projecting your insecurity on others.

If you need them, get them.