If this was your gf's ass

Would you tell her it's perfect or that she needs to eat more?


I wish I had a gf

id eat her ass out everyday. now post sauce

the only one who'd be eating more is me, eating that ass ofcourse :)

If you don't feel like fighting, tell her it's perfect.

It doesn't look quite firm

>Sweetie, I love you. Your ass is a pillow, and I'd bury my face in it every night. However, even pillows need some fluffin' up every now and then. You feel me?

Lifting though.

With women, testosterone is correlative with libido.


90% of Veeky Forumszens have nicer asses then most girls. Most braphogs just have good fat deposits. Us true patricians have posterior chains sculpted by sheer dedication.

I don't care about her ass so I wouldn't bring it up.
I'm all about dem tiddies.

i wouldnt be able to tell her anything because my entire face would be inside of her ass

This, fuck my gf envies my steel forged ass

Id tell her to seat that wavy hind on my bike

why is she wearing a fucking diaper

>pull your thong up your asscrack and have the top part near your belly button so you can make your ass look bigger

that's fucking embarrassing. she has no ass at all and only easily duped retards who are severely deficient in testosterone would think otherwise.

This nigga gets it

Ditto brah, mires every morning just by waking up next to my fiancée. Truly the best life.

Breasts always trump asses on the beach.
Well to me they do that everywhere.

How do women avoid fridge mode? Is it purely genetics? I mean, at least they can train their gluts etc, but the wide hips seems like 100% genetics.

>high waisted anything
>yea. no

high waisted underwear/shorts/pants only show how shallow a girl is. they only do it to make their ass look decent

>thin unathletic women