How can I stop breathing through my mouth when I'm sleeping?

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duct tape your mouth

Don't worry when you're sleeping.
As long as you're not walking about catching flies.

If you really care use vapour rub and a nose clip.

this but unironically

Is duct tape bad for the skin? Is there no other way

Tape your mouth shut with medical grade tape. Research mouth taping if you think I'm trolling.

what about one of these anti-snoring things that hold your jaw shut? Would that work too?

I don't know. I can still relax my jaw when taping my lips together(this allows for my tongue to more easily collapse and cause sleep apnea), so a combination would probably be best.

Look up "mewing"

I know about this, why do you think I want to stop mouthbreathing when I'm sleeping????

If you keep mewing you will eventually stop breathing thriugh your nose when you sleep. Sleep on your back with the back of your head resting on your pillow. Just keep reminding yourself to mew and the mouth breathing will stop.

Okay, is there such thing as swallowposture or maybe I'm confused about that, also I read sleeping on your side is better against mouthbreathing than on your back.


>Never been a mouth breather
>Not even in my sleep
At least I did one thing right in my life.

I hope you didn't post that image because you actually think breathing through your mouth causes that. It's the other way around.


gorilla glue

Position your head forward and/or up a bit, so you clear your airway.

****this post contains dangerous levels of disinformation****

Tape your mouth shut. Mew until you die.

>absolutely always hated mouth breathing and the only time I did it was some nights on allergy season to fall asleep
>always had my mouth closed
>still have a slight overbite
Kill me

It's actually more about toung posture rather than just having your mouth closed
