How do I stop my dandruff?

I've had this shit for like 5 years now and my scalp is itching after every shower. I use shampoo like every 3rd shower because it gets worse if I do it everytime.

I tried head & shoulders once and it worked very well but when I quit, it came back like 10x worse. It ruined my scalp for like a year and now it's like before head & shoulders.

How do I get rid of this shit? It's so embarrasing when I have a black shirt and the dandruff falls onto it.

Anyone else having dandruff?

Other urls found in this thread:

see a doctor about it

They were the one who told me to use Head & Shoulders...

Cold water and no shampoo. You probably have sensitive skin on your scalp.

Ionil T, from your pharmacy. Its over the counter shampoo. You can see a doctor, but he'll just put you on it as well. It works amazing. Youre welcome

t. dandruff boi (no longer)

How to I stop my hair from smelling and getting greasy without shampoo?

Overtime your hair readjusts and doesn't produce a shitload of oil. I know it sounds like some hippee shit but look up nopoo.

1. Put coconut + avacado oil mix on your scalp Leave it on for like an hour or so. Heat it up a little bit with a hair drier.
2. Use T-gel and leave on your scalp for like 5 -10 min before rinsing.
3. Using comb to get the drandruff out. Don't use a comb that is too sharp but make sure you get everything out.
4. Dry hair with towel then put coconut oil on your scalp afterwards.

Repeat every other day or so.
Annoying as fuck but that's my life so far and that's the only way I can control it. You will never get rid of dandruff, its just gonna be there for life.

try nizoral

This worked for me.

Dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp, I had it on my face too, it cured that too.

Did you use this "clinical strength" kind?

I didn't even need to keep using it. It cured it literally after a couple uses.

go to a dermatologist, I had the same problem and it turned up I had psoriasis

Take cold showers

Go back and tell them it didnt work

it will get used to it, feels like shit and doesn't look great for a week or so, then it gets better

you might look into baking soda washing, though use it very rarely

Cold showers is the best way to fix this. It will reduce your dandruff like crazy

So I need to take cold showers for the rest of my life? Or just cold showers at the end of my session?

Your doctor is retarded then, head and shoulders just seal it up and it will come back twice as strong afterwards.

They can suck, so if it's too cold I just don't use warm water on my head, and set it to cold when I wash my hair at the end.

I just wash my hair cold and shower the rest of my body separately


That looks like plaque psoriasis, not dandruff.

It's not my picture.
I have like 1 millimeter large dandruff pieces and itchy scalp

You're going to hate me for this, OP, but part of the answer is nofap. The reason being that dandruff is caused in large part to an imbalance of yeast on the scalp. Whenever you jack off your DHT levels go out of wack, and this in turn causes the yeast levels on your scalp to get out of wack because of the concentration of DHT receptors in the hair follicles. Nofap will help return the yeast levels to normal, and along with that you need to scrub your scalp vigorously with a body scrub (not shampoo) to treat the skin itself. You also want to make sure your scalp is getting enough blood flow to maintain circulation to the surface of the skin.

tl;dr Nofap helps

get oranozol(might be called nizoral in usa)
it cleared my shit up, just that you need a prescription for it

nofap is a meme.
people who fail in life tend to blame anything else but themselves

your post lowered my IQ

you probably think nofap increases test and attracts women too

>you probably think
now you're just projecting

i fap at least 3 times a week.

That's pretty good self control, the people with a real problem are doing it multiple times a day

either way, nofap is not the solution to my dandruff.

Only works if your tap water isn't shit with super high ec

alright man, it's a free country

Bro science at its best

dude your head looks infected. get a soft brush and scrub that dead skin off your head. apply some lotion or coconut oil and repeat.

shit looks like a sunburn

Stop using shampoo entirely. Ruins your scalp. At most, use it once every other week and use a good conditioner right after. Don't keep it in your hair for more than a minute - rinse right after. Instead, wash you hair by manually scrubbing your head with Extra Virgin Olive Oil soap for your scalp instead. Lastly, put a lotion bottle in your bathroom and lotion your scalp every time you finish taking a shower and after every time you take a shit. The latter serves simply as a good reminder - it's easier to remember to lotion your scalp regularly if you do it as part of a routine in the same way you wash your hands.

>t. Use to have bad dandruff.

Does the lotion on the scalp actually work? I'm always afraid to apply stuff directly to the scalp and leave it there. What kind of lotion did you use?

nopoo is a shit meme. theres a reason why shampoos were invented in the first place

drink a fuckton, sleep enough, keep using h&s wiithout stopping

Apple cider vinegar. No shampoo or conditioner.

Lotion moisturizes your skin. Dandruff is dry skin that is so dry, it flakes off. Definitely works. Just rub it in so you don't have huge globs. Personally, I just buy cheap shit, just do a skin test first to make sure you aren't allergic.

cause its not dandruff. You probably have seborrheic dermatitis. Wich is what I have and i always thought it was dandruff but head and shoulders never worked either. I picked this other shit up on a whim in pic related and after using it 3-4 times the first week i got it the flakes were gone. Just have to use it every time u shower and u should be good. U can get it at any cvs/walgreens.

Pic related



also when u start to use it wash your sheets a bunch or at least your pillow covers to make sure your not picking flakes up off your pillow.

I'm not him, but I can confirm that fapping less does help fixing an itchy scalp. I don't know if his explanation is correct, but lately I've been fapping twice a week instead of every single day, and my scalp is noticeably better. It's also worth noting that I've had a zit on the side of my nose for probably a year now, that I couldn't pop or anything (even tried cutting it and it just reformed), and now it has noticeably decreased in size too.

I also think that nofap is a meme, but I do think that one fap a week is probably optimal.

don't listen to this fucker. Don't know about noPoo, but here's how i resolved my problem with dandruff:

Buy one of those treatments for hair loss (minimal hair loss). I bought mine on amazon UK for 40 euros: shampoo, condictioner, lotion and another thing. You use it for a month, use the right technique to wash your hair, and it's done. I did it only once, 4 years ago, and I don't have dandruff anymore.

This is because most people get a small layer of sweat as they jerk it. Your heart rate increases when you rock your johnson, and before you can even smell it, your skin starts cookin'. Shower afterwards or towel yourself off.

I don't sweat when I fap, though. Or at least certainly not more than when I work out, and yet I've seen no correlation with my work out sessions and with dandruff.

>don't listen to this fucker
well iisnt dandruff just eczema underneath the hair? drinking and sleeping sufficiently are first step to treat that

feel free to link the treatment you used. my dandruff and general skin problems are much much better than they used to be but I am always open to try out new shit

No it’s not. What you described is one form of dandruff and it isn’t even the most common.
The main cause of the nasty dandruff that seems to come back no matter what you do is some type of fungus.

It does though.

Ear garlic everyday. Helped for me, but wasn't as bad.

Never seen so many armchair dermatologists in my life.

So if Head & Shoulders worked for you before why the fuck did you "quit?" It's not like it's a medication you have to limit your exposure to. It's a fucking off the shelf shampoo and conditioner. Go buy some fucking head and shoulders and use it you retard.

found it:

Is it that thing where your dickhead can't come out if the foreskin?

"Dandruff can have several causes, including dry skin, seborrhoeic dermatitis, not cleaning/scrubbing often enough, shampooing too often, scalp psoriasis, eczema, sensitivity to hair care products, or a yeast-like fungus. Dry skin is the most common cause of flaking dandruff."

>inb4 Wikipedia

Do I look like a pre 2010 college professor?

thanks, bookmarked for the future, once I have time and motivation to properly research that shit

just follow the instructions, and when you clean your hair (shampoo) use your fingers to move the scalp: this to clean better the hairs and also to prevent hair loss, said my barber, since with such movements you can stop the skin from getting callous

kek, no that's phimosis. Psoriasis is a skin condition.

that's a phimosis


are you sure it's not dry scalp?

>Start eating only meat and vegetables, only carbs allowed are sweet potatoes, that's it.
>Wash your hair with cold water only
>Moisturize, don't overshampo your hair, get a moisturizer conditioner and use it 2 times per week without shampooing

Das it

Electric conductivity, basically how many salts there are in your water. If it's high this shit will stay in your hair and look like dandruff. Tried nopoo for a month or so and it only got worse, showered once at my dad's place with better water and hair was fine

>I tried head & shoulders once and it worked very well
you answered your own question dumbass

I'm sure this has all been covered in this thread, but I have had dandruff for most of my life and recently conquered the problem. This is what worked for me;
>Don't shampoo every day. I use a t-gel shampoo or Selsun Blue 2 or 3 times a week.
>Wash your hair with colder water. I like to look like a lobster when I get out of the shower, but that shit is poison for your hair. It strips all of the oil out.
>Oil your hair often. At least every time you get shampoo it.
I use liquid coconut oil mixed with a splash of peppermint oil for smellz. Comb it through and and use this to style your hair.
Just like that, my dandruff disappeared. Before this, I was struggling with massive flakes and a raw, scabby scalp at worst. Black shirts were a no go.


i think that's way too much gunk to just be dandruff
looks like psoriasis, i have it and it kinda cakes up like that if i dont treat it for too long
go to a doctor and get it checked

Just remove all your hair.

this is not true, black women smell fucking disgusting because they dont wash their hair and the smell never fucking goes away. i don't even experience this from black dudes, its the women that reek of rotting head oils from like 6 feet away.

I have had dandruff since like 15
it used to go away if I used the same shampoo (I use anti dandruff every time) for like a month but if I switched it used to come back
I just started shaving myself very short and after my recent water fast its nowhere to be seen

Have you tried, though?

Doctors are fucking retarded, I had this for years and also on my face (mostly on the nose and surrounding skin) and they just told me to use moisturizer.
I finally researched it on my own time and figured out it's called SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS. Take that definition to your doctor and they will give you the shit you ACTUALLY need: antifungal cream and shampoo containing ketoconazole. Here it's called Nizoral shampoo and cream.
Had this shit my whole life, within a week it was largely invisible. Oh and oils, like those used in moisturizers, feed the infection, so GL with that.

you need actual medication, because that is probably seborrhoic dermatitis.

You're supposed to keep using anti dandruff shampoo, it's not some miracle cure you fucking retard

That's not dandruff user. That looks like very bad case of seborrheic dermatitis.

You need to go to a dermatologist.

Stop shampoo forever

It didn't work because this is not just dry skin dandruff, its cradle cap, use a sensitive baby shampoo, Aveno makes a good one, you can put some coconut oil on it to help loosen some of the flakes, but no gel or hair product, no hat, let the air and sun hit it as much as possible

Wow I also have this seborrhoeic eczema on my head and do you also have hair loss? Itching all the time and still not found the solution. Even the eyebrows also itches very bad.

>started getting dandruff after hitting puberty
>was suggested head and shoulders by a doctor
>only got dandruff when i didnt wash my hair with head and shoulders
There you go

This, my man. I had dandruff like yours for a long time, tried all kinds of stuff that would work only temporarily, and this stuff has worked consistently and extremely effectively for over a year now.

>I had a problem and consulted a doctor
>He recommended a treatment
>I tried it and it worked well
>I stopped and things got worse again
Wtf I hate doctors now

You have psoriasis/seborrhea, a form of eczema. I've gotten it several times in my life, for varying lengths of time when it's appeared. There are shampoos for it at the drug store, but I reccomend seeing a dermatologist. I had a pretty obnoxious case of it a couple years ago that wasn't going away on its own. Saw a dermatologist, they gave me some prescription creams for it, and they worked like a charm.

Not him but I've got Seborrheic dermatitis and I've been slowly balding since I was 18, now 25 and the crown of my head is practically gone. Pay a large amount of money to a private dermatologist and he'll sort you out with prescriptions, I currently have no itching but my face is forever red and flaky.