The Veeky Forums personality

Post your MBTI personality type and add a picture of your current body (optional) and let's see if there is a correlation between the two and lifting in general. Also what are people's first impressions of you upon meeting you?

If you do not know your personality type, here are some sites you can take the test on.

I'm INTJ and I wish I could live in a society made only of INTJ people. We are pretty much the apotheosis of mankind.


Not posting pic but I'm a 6'2, DYEL lanklet with pencil wrists and neck, bird posture and the appearance of a soy consumer, albeit without glasses and beard

>tfw too intelligent
Here. Dyel


People usually comment on how quiet I am, how I look serious all the time and I get shit like 'user doesn't have feelings'. And I'm not trying to be an edgelord. Martial arts and lifting make me feel alive because I like physical power.

Oh and yes, death to NTs


intp 25 kissless virgin

W H A M B A M T H A N K Y O U M ' A M

INTJ. Former fatty on a cut, so no body pics yet


Really? That would be boring as fuck. Logic is cool and all but extroverted and emotional people are really fun to be around.

Source: I am an INTJ

O O O P S I forgot to post the picture.

People have told me I'm intimidating for whatever reason. Probably because I don't typically initiate conversation and I'm pretty blunt from the get go. My current body is a 285 lb obese 5'9" individual. I would have posted but my old pic the file is too large.


no current body pic sorry

Same brah. Hows life? Hate commitment as well?

>extroverted and emotional people are really fun to be around.
No, they're not. They're boring, annoying, and LOUD. I can't stand them. I think that you have been wrongly categorized.

I usually only see 1-2 others in the entire thread with this shit type.

shit body so I ain't postin'

Boys I made it, I'm ENTP and am obsessed with becoming a pshyo beast. This explains alot

ISTP 6"0 162lbs
id upload a pic but i Cba

Yeah dude, everyone knows all the exciting and friendly people are the quiet introverts.

An ideal society would have a healthy dose of ExFx's, otherwise it'd stagnate.

same fren

I have taken this test several times over the years, I went from:

1. INTJ (giga autist)
2. ISTJ (mega autist)
3. ISTP (autist)
4. ESTP (normie)

I have held firm at ESTP for the past couple years.

you look pretty good user, just gotta work on that chest it seems to be lagging a bit.


all of those arent autists compared to intp

You got a bunch of different results because mbti has no psychometric validity whatsoever. You idiots may as well bond over your shared horoscopes (and ignorance of basic statistical methods)

ENTP reporting in. Can confirm 9 have fun making people around me insecure. Can't post pics because I'm at work.

in between ISTP and ESTP, depends on my mood if I feel like being introverted or not.

>everyone knows all the exciting and friendly people are the quiet introverts.
That is correct. We have interests other than watching TV, eating, and drinking.
He keeps getting different results because he doesn't really have a personality. His "personality" is really just his current mood/emotions.

Yeah, we know. But it's fun.

>tfw too intelligent
reporting in. I try to keep my autism to a minimum when out in public.
[spoiler] Doesn't work as well as I wish it would [/spoiler]

You know people do this for fun, right? It's not a valid tool for describing the actual person but it's perfectly fine for creating an image of the values a person wishes described them. Complaining about this is like complaining about horoscopes, yeah I a rigorous setting you'd be right but doing it casually just makes you look autistic.

>tfw unironically ESTP
>tfw OP think's I'll ever post a picture of my body on this fuckshit of a site
>tfw ESTP description in OP's pic is EXACTLY what I do unironically
>tfw the first thing people notice about me is my distinct, authoritative, smooth and low voice

>Implying that socialization and self actualization are mutually exclusive

Why not acknowledge that social interaction drains you rather than coming up with the excuse that people good at it have to be deficient elsewhere? Are you that fragile?


Post your DISC profile for real discussion

>tfw voicelets are behind every -let on this American Personality and Behavior Data-mining Japanese Advertisement-run Honeypot


I've taken this test 3 different places, INFP every time. Fuck.

ISTP. I don't have a recent picture but i'm 190lbs at 5' 11'' and like 17%ish bf. So kinda fridge mode. People think I'm quiet and shy until they talk to me and realise that I'm just fucking weird.

ESTP-T aka Chaddy Daddy. 185 lbs 6'2, don't care to post a pic

we're like twins!

Why do people obsess over these personality tests? I've heard from psychologists that this type of assessment of a person is pointless.

>Not P

Not gonna make it, pleb.

>I like physical power
huh. me too. that's why I started lifting. must be a istp thing

INTP, 6'0" 140 lb (181 cm 64 kg) at 6.5% bf. Also male, if that wasn't obvious

>Why not acknowledge that social interaction drains you
I acknowledge that openly, but it has nothing to do with the fact that normalfags are fucking boring, and loud. They have nothing to discuss, and they don't know what fun activities are, with a few exceptions. For example, theme parks. I love those, and so do normalfags usually.


>hi :) i'm a lowkey severely depressed trans girl

your chromosomes will always be XY. You will never have XX. You will never be a female. e-v-e-r. you're depressed because of your stupid hormones, not your identity. stop fishing for attention you vapid worthless prick

I suddenly don't mind being an INFP anymore.

ENTJ I'm dying alone. FeelsBadMan.

I feel like this at times. INTJ here.
However we tend to be good at problem solving and think tanking but not implementation of ideals

A society of us would likely stagnate while we contemplate how to achieve perfection.

However , a beautiful gathering hall of the minds I can get behind.

Being arround other types is emotinally exausting but as long as I have solitude to recluse to I can gather my emotions for another jaunt into reality.

5'11" 198 lbs I yo-yo weight due to poor eating habits and then loose it all with will power. I bounce between 175 all the way to fat whale 235 . I hate myself fat and then exercise / diet back down again just to feel like I'm a super human and gain it all back again.

This time I have changed my eating habits instead of dieting to have more sustainable weight loss so I can keep it off this time. Goal is 180 but while sustaining my muscle mass this time.

I have above average muscle mass comparatively , people notice my arms fill out my medium sleeves till stretching them.

But last time I list weight I became a twig ... so


INTJ : no picture ... due to having no pictures of my own body. I have the body type that allows me to loose weight fast and fit in clothes off the shelf. Broad shoulders tapering frame.

>accidentally calls you mommy

>assertive -> 97%

do you do the Chad stride?

>taking MBTI seriously

How retarded are you people? What happened to my Veeky Forums?

Hold my beer, fuckers, I'm doing this test.

a world full of beta nerds sounds fucking hilarious.

Oh God what the fuck


are you like following me around or something? i don't even remember where i wrote that lol.

serious question: why do you come on the internet to be mean to people?

How did i do lads?

im ENFP but im a straight male, what does this mean?

You sound like a buttplug

serious question: why do you come on the internet for attention and validation? why post a picture with your response to maybe fool people into responding to you like you're a woman?

GAH, you fucking nigger. What part of this assessment do I post? I was just given a fuckin' novel of results.

sociopath lvl1

I hate commitment in general. But I was willing to commit to a girl I fell in love with for the first time. She left me tho because I was, as you might now, emotionally retarded. Destroyed me but I'm keeping it together doing my thing. What about you?

I float between INTJ and ENTJ depending on my general mood and which would be better in any particular circumstance to be.

I guess I'm INTJ but can go E if it's worth it or I need to take charge to get something accomplished.

187Lb 5'11" 1/1.5/3/4.5, prefer OLY lifts.

I would argue that's dependent on the individual. Sure they might have a predisposition to being boring if you make friends with anyone xSxx or xxFx, but for the most part it's all dependent on their individual interests and personality. I'm an ENTP, my best friends are INTJ, yet I have INFP and ENFJ friends that are great and not overbearing people in the slightest. I'm willing to grant that I can potentially tolerate more bullshit as an extrovert, but I can't make friends with normies for shit. Unless a litany of common interest acts as a foundation for the basis of our relationship, I can't hold a conversation with them for more than 5 minutes unless we're talking exclusively about their lives. Anyone else feel the same?


not showing pic but my stats are 5'7, 136lbs, 14.5%bf DYEL

People think I'm a genius. A bit arrogant, but genius.

that literally is the thread.

>post personality type
>post body pics

what's the problem, exactly?

Why would you come on the internet for bashing other people you will never meet? Why reply to someone if you don't give a shit about it in the first place. Kill yourself faggot.

>tfw still ISTJ

Life is suffering for us INFJ's.

lol what? this better be bait, you fucking faggot

truly it is. no one taught me growing up I'm the exact opposite of the psychos women want.

>there are niggers in the thread that think ISTJ isn't alpha

Stats are 6'0 180lbs
What a poopyhead you are.
Same here people consider me an arrogant genius yet it sometimes seems to me like i'm the only one using my head around.

Nobody will see us If we disappear I guess.


>yet it sometimes seems to me like i'm the only one using my head around.
I get the same feeling sometimes. For example I'm going to college and getting the highest grades in the class while studying jackshit. Meanwhile my classmates can't shut up about how they studied a week in advance and still failed, and how I'm such a genius and look like someone who knows a lot of stuff.

Does that count as a brain mire?

I am too user, don't worry.

Our friends care about us more than they say they do.

>Cums almost Immediately
fuck you how do you know that

>Also what are people's first impressions of you upon meeting you?
“It’s like you’ve been friends with him your whole life, even if you only just met him” or “you’re like a giant puppy in human form” Are the two that stick out in my mind

Here you go, thanks for the discussion, you fucking random.

Entj is the shit man you don’t sound like one

INTP master race reporting in

That’s because as an ENFP there’s a wall of confidence we have that friends take for granted. They feel we don’t need to be reminded and thus can go by the wayside in their mind

Body type is big boy and well built but also kind of fat like 20% bf

More of a joke.

>me = istj
Wrong. I like kinky shit. But only within marriage.
>wife = esfj
She will start playing with my dick without me saying or doing anything, and she'll go down there like she wants it and then she swallows. She doesn't ask me for anything. Asks my permission to even cut her hair.

What i noticed is that i sound arrogant when people can't put simple 2+2 things together to arrive at a conclusion, a slight annoyance in that inatance transfers over to my voice and i sound arrogant. With more advanced subjects that aren't common knowledge and not everyonecan know them i'm not arrogant. Also yeah people brain mire a lot but it's moreso out of gratitude for pointing something out rather than amazement as the case with body mires.

No CB Pic tho.
My goal is Pic related.

ISTP with no friends because I can't relate to anybody and lifting is the only thing that keeps me sane.
Yeah, great life.

I also remember getting that years ago way back in 6th grade.

Last time it was INFP, now it is INFJ

We're good at it though, we can take it.

It's one of the reasons I lift, to keep that wall strong.

I agree friend. I too become annoyed when a person cannot even grasp something I find simple. It's frustrating trying to explain it to them. I've only had one girl really brain mire me, she got all close to me and said in that almost-dirty-like-voice "You are soooo intelligent" etc. etc. Body mires are great too

I changed from ENFP to ENTP.
This site made me this way.

Istp here to say that sounds lovely.

Tfw "Magic Mike"



does this mean I'm going to die alone