Who wins in a fight?
5'10 220 lbs prime Mike Tyson
6'9 420 lbs prime Hafthor Bjornsson
Who wins in a fight?
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Is this a real question
Tyson no doubt, if he wouldnt have to wear these thicc as fuck gloves he would literally bash your skull in with a single punch. the amount of force this nigga had is fucking insane.
Who wins in armwrestling?
Thor or some canadian guy?
even 15 yo Tyson would kill him
Boxing? Tyson
Fight? Probably still Tyson because he's a nigger.
it's a damn shame how Tysons career turned out, he couldve been the GOAT if he wasnt such a retard. he is literally the ideal boxer
Hafthor may be full blown beast mode, but he isn't a trained fighter. IF he landed a hit Mike would drop like a fly, but chances are Mike would evade him until he gets tired, then finish him with a couple good headshots.
There is little doubt in my mind Mike hits at least twice as hard as Thor.
i could beat up mike tyson and i'm only 6'1 lol
He had his time and for sure he is amongst best boxers this world has seen
And well, everyone's time comes to end. He ended Andrew Golota's prime and similar, after fight with Lennox nothing good came from Tyson
One body shot from Mike would have The Mountain weeping for days
After Cus died and he split with Rooney because of Don King is when nothing good came.
Even simple things like the padwork Rooney made Tyson do is hard to find. Rooney made Mike hit the pads. He didn't slap his punch and make Tyson seem to hit harder and faster. He made Tyson come to the pads. It is incredibly rare to see that even now. They made Tyson put in the work, and Tyson wanted to do it.
Tyson not even a question
you are wrong
All the greats had actual strong opponents. Hollyfield beat Tyson at every turn. Tyson was the most EXCITING boxer ever. but not one of the best boxers.
All the best boxers had good rivals to contend with (Ali) or crushed everyone (Mayweather) . Tyson had neither.
I love Tyson's style and dominance. There will probably never be a more vicious puncher (there are harder punchers, but nothing quite like him) and Tyson is tied for my favorite boxer of all time. But he is no comparison to Ali or Robinson or Dempsy or Haggler or Duran. Tyson couldn't stand the test of a true strong opponent and thus is not one of the top boxers
even if a guy is a manlet if he's over 200lbs it's a fair fight even against huge guys because any guy under 6 foot who's over 200lbs and isn't a landwhale is gonna be strong as fuck
I doubt the mountain punches anywhere near as hard as Tyson did or even still does, he was a force of nature in his prime.
>this board
Mike Tyson would kill everyone on this board in a 1 on 1 fight, including that dude in the right.
M8. Have you ever trained in fighting? There is a ridiculously substantial difference between a punch from a trained fighter than that of someone who does not train. On top of that, a trained fighter can take a punch much differently than one who does not train.
Point is, a trained fighter can throw a punch and take one so much better than someone who is not trained that the fact the other guy is swole is almost completely irrelevant.
Tyson is one of the greatest boxers of all time. Goddamn not every fighter goes undefeated, even Ali's had a opponent (Joe Frazier) who was difficult to beat. Tyson lost a lot in his career due to his ex wife and Don King
hafthor can just pick him up like a child and slam him, or grab his wrist and throw him around
Just to clarify, Tyson was 5'11" in his prime.
Height has nothing to do with fight ability, just look at Yuki Nakai, Conor Mcgregor, Urijah Faber
There's no way Hafthor hits any harder than your average HW. There's a reason Bodybuilders fail in boxing.
>that double jab
In his non-trained attempt to do that he’d probably get his jaw, nose and eye socket broken by the time he got close enough to grab anything.
No he wasnt, and it wouldnt matter 1 inch is not a big difference.
Fucking kek at these lanklets who think they can beat someone in a fight because they're taller lmao try that in the real world and see where it gets you
>tfw the only time I've had trouble in a fight is against shorter guys
It doesn't matter WHY a boxer lost. If they never beat top tier competition then they can't be called the greatest.
R u fuckin serious
That's because taller guys are way easier to take down and ground and pound than shorter guys, basically how I win every fight I've been in is get close and take them down and elbow their face or back of the head until they stop any attempt at fighting back and you've won because they won't do shit when they get up because they realize it'll just happen again
at least reply to me if you are going to bitch about my post you pussy lol
Yes you dumb cunt. Golota was good but he was never top tier. Holmes dominated a weak era. Lewis and the Klitschkos would be roasted by the public is Holmes was their best win. At the end of the day Holmes is an ATG for his longevity, not his H2H ability or wins against top tier rivals.
Depends how strong and heavy the shorter guy is
tyson, you idiot
I'm 5'9" 208lbs and have wrestled my whole life, there isn't many guys id have trouble taking down and pounding that I come across in my daily life
nah, you're one of those people who think martial artists are gods. Probably believe in bruce lee legends too
Lanklets...... when will they learn
Yes he was, manlet. Larry Merchant told the story of when the HBO tram first met Tyson they didn't believe he was 5'11'. "So we pulled out the tape measure and sure enough, he was 5'11."
Hafthor isn't a bodybuilder. He competes in strongman competitions.
I think Tyson would have a hard time with a KO, because of the angle of his swing to hit a guy a full foot taller than he is.
>hard time
Why would he even attempt to go for the head? If this is a street fight, Tyson cold go straight for the kidneys and it's game over. If this is a regulated fight or whatever, he could go for the chest or gut. I don't think Halfthor has the speed to protect himself and he'd possibly suffer organ damage or a broken rib.
Strongmen and Bodybuilders trying to box and kick is completely retarded. They should be learning wrestling and grappling, and put their extra mass and power to good use.
In a street fight wrestling has saved me every time and made me win every fight I've been in, funny when someone's like a foot taller and the look on there face when you take them down and realize they're fucked when you start dropping elbows and punches
Daily reminder, power doesn't win fights
Stipe is that you?
Exactly, Bas Rutten loved to punch the liver. Caused most opponents a TKO
take a guess
Kek that's how most of my fights have went but most of the time they only land 1 punch until they're down and then the fights basically over because after an elbow or 2 they lose all will to continue fighting and they start yelling to stop like a helpless baby
Sure thing manlets
Tyson is a HW and has solid technique. The Mountain is a shitty boxer. Sorry, but you need to learn lifting doesn't make you good at everything
Stay mad when your reach and height has no effect on the fight when you're on the ground getting your head bashed
Holy leee fuck. Bruce lee could fucking kill mike tyson. Fucking kill him
But Tyson is one of the goats
Mayweather only crushes his pillow hands
Yeah, just poke people in the eyes all the time. Become millionaire.
Remember when Giga Nigga was fighting in Pride and would actually fight? What if he bothered to actually learn some wrestling and grappling and make a real go at it.
So this is the power of wrestling...wow!
Damn some of you guys would have lost a ton of money on the Buster fight 28 years ago hahaha. Truth is Tyson was far from the hardest hitting boxer.
The average guy has no idea how to defend a takedown, I've wrestled for 16 years and every newcomer to the gym is ridiculously easy to take down no matter how much bigger they are than me
The nigger fears the white mans autism
Black guy looks scared shitless
>I'm just pretending to be retarded
Tyson is the giant killer.....crush the ribs n uppercut
>Tyson in his prime being beaten by anyone, let alone a fat slow lanklet
Hahahahha wtf man
Sad part is Stipe probably hits just as hard. He just doesn't throw everything into every punch, and he was extremely careful that fight.
sure but I think he could have been the single greatest. I think he was the most physically gifted boxer to ever step into the ring.
Even to the Buster fight he had lost a lot of motivation and training.
But no, Tyson didn't hit the hardest, I'd say Foreman did. Tyson still hit hard as fuck, with speed and the skill to land it though. I wish I could keep people guessing like that when they know exactly what punches I'm going to use, just not what I'm going to do to land it.
>his ex wife and Don King
Don’t forget Trump
what about muhammad ali ?
With a name like Muhammad he's automatically exempt from being great. That name is fucking retarded
very smart boxer and revolutionary in every sense of the word but physically not even close. Tyson would murder him.
You know who Cassius Clay was right? Muhammad Ali?
yeah ? well who the fuck wins in strongman ?
im tired of this shit
Gloves protect hands, not faces
>elbow back of the head
I didnt say bare handed, but give him MMA gloves and he kills people with his punches.
eddie clearly won lol
nah, Ali would be fine. Frazier was like Tyson, except Frazier was actually insanely tough.
Kek Hafthor could LITERALLY tear him apart. In boxing yeah obviously Tyson would win, in an actual fight it's not even a competition. Tyson is getting squashed with no chance of getting out.
i think you guys are SEVERELY underestimating just how much of an absolute goliath Haftor is. Sure Mike can punch like no other but at some point skill doesn't matter. Haftor has like what 200 pounds of solid muscle on tyson? This isn't a fucking lanklet but a goddamn giant. Haftor doesn't need to punch at all is what you guys don't realize. Just needs to grapple and slam and tyson is fucking done. Honestly I'm betting 70-30 in favor of Haftor
Street fights are about winning as fast as possible there are no rules
obv thor if we're talking about a real fight with no rules
have you seen his sparing against McGregor ? He cant catch him because he is slow as fuck, he couldnt catch Tyson either I am pretty sure.
That's all anyone needs to do in a fight is get them down and drop bombs on there head until they stop moving or fighting back, most guys once they're down can only take 1 or 2 elbows and they're done
Yeah he just grabs Mike while Mike does nothing and stops moving. And Mike hitting him in the face when he comes in obviously does nothing as well.
>street fights
You've been fighting people that don't fight
This is a man who can deadlift 400kg. FOUR HUNDRED FUCKING KILOGRAMS. If Tyson goes within 5 feet of him, he's getting grabbed and tossed across the fucking room, lol. This would not be a fight at all.
Haftor can block too when he's charing, or he can just wait till tyson goes for a jab and goes for his own grab. This is like saying a wolf can beat a bear in a fight because the wolf is faster
Nobody I've fought in an actual fight had any clue how to defend a takedown, you seriously underestimate just how bad the average guy is at fighting, I've fought someone who was supposedly a good boxer and he had about 5 inches in height on me and he got 2 shots in when I went for a takedown to the top of my head which didn't phase me and I ground and pounded him
You are retarded.
congratulations you have just assumed that Tyson only has 2 weapons. as you grapple him he bites your ear off you can feel the pain as you are grappling him while liters of blood are streaming out of your head. you will bleed out within minutes, what do you do ?
>yeah ? well who the fuck wins in strongman ?
Not Hafthor.
no manlet is getting near haftors ear
Tyson would wrap his head in a blanket of punches. His footwork would gas the dude in the first half, too. Not even a question.
Can we get that kimbo slice vs joe white guy webm pls