I'm fucking sick of all you pussies on this board

I'm fucking sick of all you pussies on this board.

All of you cunts who post about your crippling anxiety should get the fuck of this board right now. Man the fuck up. Your whining and bitching rubs off everyone else and makes life so fucking depressing. After browsing this board since I was 15 year olds I have finally fucking realised how pathetic you all are. Just stop being such fuckin pussies and live life, obsessing over what everyone thinks of you is so cancerous. This is my world and all of you cunts are living it. Fuckin get yere shit together lads.

>browsing since 15 years old
so, 1 month?

4 years actually

If this is your world, then why allow this biotchfiesta you're complaining about to go on, if you disapprove of it so much?

>this is my world

>>Ops face typing this

Why do I allow the cancer on this board to go on? Fuck do I care if a bunch of retards wanna self loathe.

What pisses me off is the fact that there's so many mentally unstable and vulnerable people who's lives get even more fucked after listening to all the retards here complain about their lives. It gives life such a blique and dismal representation

And nothing of value was lost.


>and nothing of value was lost

I can tell you were raised by shitty parents you selfish cunt. No wonder this board is full of loners with no fucking friends. Who the fuck would want to be around an edgy cunt like you

why is everyone on the internet british now?
It didnt used to be like this?

I'm not British.

why are you so triggered?

Because from 15-17 this burned turned me from to an outgoing socialable guy to a fucking creepy introvert, that's why

You're probably part of the problem. This board was a phenomenal source of info and motivation before your years.

Veeky Forums has always been toxic but there is the rare good post that makes it worth it.

I wish there was more helpful people but it hard to do that with the way everything is so temporary.

I never posted, just lurked

You sound like you’re a bit unstable yourself lad complaining so aggressively on a Mongolian sewing board

hahaha sounds like a personal problem

Sounds like it’s your fault pal

I hate faggotss who BAAW over how hard it is to eat, I'd like to curb stomp faggots with such a non issue issue.


>waaaah waaaaah
>this is my safe space, you can't say things that i dont like

The micros of all those foods are pure ass

spotted the fat cunt

>not doing something is harder than doing something

spotted the brainlet

I used to be fat, now I'm just on a permanent cut or maintenance. My bulk is actually maintenance, you stupid ugly dyke cunt!