Diet and exercice recommendation 6 pack from now on ?

I have been to the gym for 5 months already, regularely, but even if I definitely have strenght gains compared to before, Its still nothing to be seen.

And girls, Actually don't seem to care about how large you are, but only of the presence / absence of 6packs..

The main problem is that I've always had some kind of bit of fat on the under part of the belly that never ever seems to go away...

As of such I need to get one in order to save the girl I love from the curse of shitty gay boy-bands.

What kind of diet and exercice should I do from now on ? Should I cut or bulk ? for how long ? Thank you for your help and understanding !

lol if u cut any more u will look like a starving african boy

Yeah probably ? I already weight like more than 80 kilo tho for some reason..

And how to get rid of the fat in my underbelly..

All of my efforts are probably useless utimately :// probably lack hormones or some shit, I have no beard either

have you tried actually lifting weights?

How strange it might seem, its the only thing I do in the gym..

I usually do with 50 lbs on each arm on the bench, and 30lbs for other exercices so it aient that light either..

Yeah I would also like some explanation

Start over and do SL 5X5

Wtf do you eat? Like at all

I eat a lot, like lots of meat pasta and other stuff.

But I do skip a hell lot of meat and my appetite definitely got smaller, eating 3 meals a day requires some effort..

But I do weight more that 160 lbs you know ? Its not that light

>160 lbs is not light

How tall are you? Depending on your height< you may have next to zero muscle mass. Get your testosterone checked.

I am 191 cm tall, dunno how many feets that is...

Yeah I should get it checked..

meat, vegetables
add sweet potato, yams, or oats for bulking
and don't eat processed meats
>salami, lunch meat, shit with an extended shelf life

dude 160 pounds on a 6ft 2" dude is like 130 on a 5 10 dude. you can see it in your arms your skinny as a fucking twig.

im 6ft and 160 pounds and look twice as defined as you.

eat more and work out harder.

Girls want a man, make yourself more masculine, don't believe the skinny "6 pack" meme, girl like a big guy with an actual six pack

I'm 6ft 2 202lbs,

Can't imagine how skinny you are

You guys are so right... I did work out so hard though...

No wonder my ex keeps refusing me..

Lets me wither and die :/

Beta confirmed.

i'm 6ft 3 and 203 lbs.

when are you going to leave skelly mode?

Bulk. Do it until you gain muscle. Fuck caring about fat. It wont look so bad around some muscle. If the fat is gaining fast, just slow it down. Check/ completely switch your routine. I would present a suggestion but I'm a retard. Adding to that, do a fuckton of pull ups.

My route is really usual stuff, exept maybe the absence of deadlifts.. I do pushups and such a lot..

Yeah I definitely will do more pullups !!

Its just hard to think that despite all the time already spend there.. Maybe I should get hormones checked indeed..

Tall height, no beard, that seems typical of lack of testosterone

Post your exact routine

Usuall I start on the bench where I do 4x12 or 4x8 at around my max strength. I lift while layed down(chest), while sit(elbows), some variations in between.

I also do forearms, but I'm sort of stuck at 30 lbs per arm..

Then I go do most of the machines including pec fly, elbows, ab crunch

Finally I also do pull ups (but I'm not very good yet, I do like 3 large ones max)

Thats about it

Idk if you have enough but try to get a trainer and tell him you want to build mass and gain weight

And for the love of christ EAT

99% chance you're on a shit routine (if one at all)
100% chance your diet is trash
At your weight, do a clean bulk and choose any program that isn't trash

It really shouldn't be a problem of not pushing yourself hard enough in the gym. As long as you're making sure your lifts aren't easy and your diet isn't trash you should be increasing.

Yeah I should but how do I find a legit good trainer..

191 cm is actually a bit above 6'3

Wow all of you are garbage at recommending nutrition and exercise.

At your height and weight, I wouldn't recommend cutting unless you want to be lean and efficient yet still have the same figure and look no different.

Looking fit is a little different from being fit. You can be incredibly fit and not look it. If you wanna look pretty for the ladies, nutrition accounts for 70% of it.

Chicken, veggies, rice, occasional 20 minute post-workout protein shake. Stay hydrated drink at least 2 quarts a day.

To start off you might want to have your muscles familiarize themselves with your bodyweight. Meaning you don't need a gym at first. Calisthenics is an excellent way to get the ripped look, take up boxing and mma as well.

When your muscles don't get as sore anymore with increasing calisthenics difficulty, start adding artificial weight, don't get crazy.

For mass, high weight, low rep.
For lean, med weight, heigh rep.

The best 3 exercises for and are the plank, pull up bar leg ups, pull up bar knee ups.

Get motivated and just start working out. Try to minimize your rest between sets to 10 seconds.

Workouts should be 45minutes to 1 1/2 hrs. Anymore and you're just wasting time like gym idiots who don't know a think about exercise except for dumb strength.