
>you still consume alcohol and take drugs in 2018?
>what's wrong? Can't handle reality, little soyboy?

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At least I'm not a stock photo you fucking goof.

There's nothing more soyboy than being straight edge

>destroying your body and brain all to feel good for an hour
Pathetic...TRULY pathetic!!

Did you really tattooed a company logo in your body?

>stims do nothing due to 80HD
>psychs are neat but they either last too long to be comfy or induce vomiting too easily
>weed is meh, but since I haven't smoked in so long just a tiny bit too much makes me vomit or generally feel like shit
>alcohol is garbage
I'm straight edge only because drugs ain't worth fucking with


I've done my fair share of dr00gs (nothing crazier than a little acid)
As a teen and young adult they were fun because I didn't give a shit
Now that I'm a little older I realize it's not worth it. I have more important shit to do
[spoiler] like post on Veeky Forums

I'm pretty sure a bear and joint every now and then it won't be too bad

I was never really interested in drugs and now that I am living the fitness lifestyle I started to hate alcohol. I will still get drunk from time to time and it is fun BUT I will never understand the people drinking a single beer or so after work to relax. I fucking hate the way it makes me feel because it clouds your mind in a way. If I drink the reason is simply to get fucked up and have fun drinking to relax or out of habit is degenerate in my book.

>not drunk shitposting for the fuck of it

It's when I do my best work desu .

say it fast
what medical condition does it sound like?

I don't doubt that..But I got tired of having a clouded mind. I feel like I know myself better now that I am avoiding mind-altering substances

i assumed you were meming but the idea of someone thinking it's actually 80hd is very funny to me

i've stopped drinking alcohol completely and going to parties is lame now, being the only one who doesn't drink in a place sucks

straight edge people are fags, yes, but you can still use drugs without abusing them. The occasional drink at special occasions, or a good cigar now and again, THC on a rarity, or hell even coke probably is probably ok. But if you have to use any of that shit to function (even caffeine), or use it daily, weekly, or even monthly sometimes, you have an addiction and are using drugs to C O P E.

>friends drink alcohol
>they wonder why they are fat and cant build muscle
>friends drink tons of coffee
>they wonder why they are always tired and have trouble sleeping
>friends smoke weed
>tell me they lack motivation and drive

why do people do this ?

t. junkie vegan

>muh study that says drinking a bottle of red wine a day is healthy
>muh buzzfeed article that says that people that drink a lot of coffee are geniuses
>muh link to hightimes says that THC is the cure for every disease and has absolutely no side effects, and is only demonized because of racism and the corrupt pharm industry

>>muh study that says drinking a bottle of red wine a day is healthy
bottle? no. but a glass or two is bretty gud 4 u

Of course, I never defended substance abuse/addiction.
yes my favorite vegetable is weed

>Can't handle reality?

every thing you wrote is wrong, stupid, retarded and gay

i think you mean "a glass" of wine m8

>coffee is bad
delet this

thats irony

your firends are trash

>Drinking alcohol

Calories aside, why?

Shit doesn't taste better than any soda or juice, so unless you want to get drunk (which helps in absolutely nothing and if you think it actually does, your confidence is absolutely garbage)

Are you guys 15 years old that want to prove how "manly" are you?

>he’s so genetically weak he can’t consume whatever he wants with no adverse effects


>chad human
>virgin goblin/elf half breed

>uses internet daily
>I can quit any time I want
Then why don’t you?
>because I don’t need to

Then I’ll continue smoking my hand rolled cigs

>implying it’s the substance and not the person
Pretty lazy to blame it on what theyre consuming and not the person consuming it

My point was that the data gets perverted so much through the process. Some study finds a correlation between the tannins in red wine and reducing free radicals. Than a science 'journalist' picks it up and states "2 glasses of red wine a day is good for you", which then people look at it and play the telephone game which turns it into something like "my 3-4 drinks a day isn't alcoholism, it's good for me".

Have another one

(Brock o hurn, he’s 6’7)

>soyboys try and get their message across through anonymous messaging boards while chad simply states his claim and has a following regardless of what he says/does

not really trash they are just normies.

like any drug it is ok or even good in moderation and bad if you consume it on a regular basis. if you use coffee like pre workout it is great. if you drink it every morning to be productive you have a problem. if you would stop drinking it so often and maybe sleep an hour more you would feel way better without it.

it is just a fact that these substances stand in the way. building a good body while drinking alcohol is almost impossible. drinking coffee every single day and multiple cups will make you dependant and decrease your sleep quality. weed is the only thing that could be argued but I think anybody that smokes weed can agree that it makes you want to chill and not do shit. so if you get home and smoke weed to relax it is hard to get up and go to the gym to get uncomfortable.

>just be yourself

Coffee as a pre workout raises test and increases preformance, and I mean black coffee That’s actually healthy. Way healthier than any pre workout


Also I known I’m going to get burned at the stake, but smoking hand rolled chemical less cigs are perfectly healthy

Smoking anything isn't healthy. There aren't enough studies to be able to quantify it, but all the data suggests that it's the volume of smoking that is the issue. It's why pot smokers and cigar smokers don't tend to develop mouth, throat, or lung cancers at nearly the same rate as cigarette smokers. I don't know much about vaping, I've heard of popcorn lung problems, but if you absolutely can't break nicotine, it might be a better option.

That can be said about anything, anything in excess will inherently become unhealthy

yes, the point is is that the volume of smoking that a typical cigarette smoker does is already at that "unhealthy" level.

I agree, and I belive in order to negate any negative health defects from smoking tobbaco, smoking natural hand rolled cigs is the best option

You're an adult, and as long as you know the risks, you do you. I smoke a pipe probably once a month, more when it isn't frozen tits outside. I just hate people that abuse drugs and have the HAES mentality you see in FPH threads, where they do all the mental gymnastics they can to claim that their lifestyle is horrendously unhealthy.


Jesus that man is a fucking stallion... n-no homo

well said

this guy existing is unfair to any other human being ever

>implying smoking weed is like browsing internet
most of the big bucks that i've made on my life was through internet lol

I can prefer beer over sugar-filled soda or juice. What tastes good is highly subjective so your argument makes no sense at all.

Prepare for the ultimate mogging

Olivier richter 7’2 (its not photoshopped)

> implying the argument looses validation due to one mans circumstances

implying any girl in the world would prefer this guy over brock

I don’t smoke weed i smoke tobbaco m8

Where does this guy live? So I can stay as far away from him as possible. I would not be able to handle being mogged so hard.

What are good days for a glass with or after dinner?

Training or recovery?

>can't handle reality
pretty much

I would, the feeling of having those big strong arms around you as you’re the little spoon (no homo of course)

He travels around for modeling gigs and is currently starting his own business that’s about all Ik about him

Have another one I enjoy the responses
Clint walker 6’6, black hair, blue eyes, actor, singer, bodybuilder


ironically this guy's brain got straight up destroyed by conservative conditioning

lmao when im a soyboy and more jacked than stock photo prolly on some compound

>completely disregard health just for the sake of temporary joy and proving masculinity/independence

LOL! go ahead and drink beer and smoke cigs if you must, but don't ever claim to be healthy unless you go months sober.

SOYMANLETS, when will they learn?

t. chain smoking alcoholic druggie


Soda is literary for children you manchild. Proper (scottish) whiskey tastes better than anything and you'd have to be pretty fucking wealthy to binge drink that stuff.

How can such a man even exist?

>i wasn't invited to smoke a joint because i had no friends in highscool
Straight edge fags should kill themselves

>falling for the fentanyl jew

>getting drunk while eating a whole 2kcal pizza on a monday night shitposting on /co/
good days

>not injecting hormones

>be me
>pathetic autistic loser
>don't get invited to social situations anyway
>such an alcohol lightweight that i get buzzed off of 2, maybe 3 shots worth of alcohol and drunk after 4 or 5
>have tried weed a few times back in college and enjoyed it because i liked the high feeling and actually found things funny for once in my life but literally such an autistic shut in that i cant get weed even in the bay area

I fuggin hate this meme. If you want resveratrol from grapes, then just drink red grape juice, fuck.
Do you drink screwdrivers for the vitamin c, too?

You know who else was a "straight edge fag"? 99.99% of your ancestors who adapted to the natural world and its foods as a primary means of functioning. And those ancestors still dwell within your blood, within your DNA, beckoning for you to give up on stuff that brings you down.

and they died from disease and thrower rocks at each other. Cave niggers are subhumans

Yea they died from things like "im such a dumb faggot and I will eat this plant that gives me good fee fee's" a lot as well since they were so dumb. I guess you got something in common with them.

I hate reality.

He doesn't look nearly as big on other pics. Girl is 5'6" (168 cm), maybe shorter.

>makes fun of you for taking drugs
>is cycling roids

I love how all autists thinks the muhlady 1960 look is cool.


That how we know what plants are poisonous and whoch are not. Also tribes have used psychedelic for thousands of years. And we have been doing hard drugs like alcohol for so long its in our genes and we have a natural resitance

to some things there are no such things as natural resistance. True, some have a better ability to stomach these things (slavs in particular), but you have to remember that some things evolution cannot evolve against. There are many natural remedies to which superbugs, and bacteria cannot adapt to, because they hold chemicals in them that attack the very basic building blocks of those bacteria in the first place. It is kinda similar to alcohol and the many drugs we encounter. Unless we become proto bacteria, and then evolve on a completely different branch of life, set apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. We will most likely never be able adapt to these things.

nice paragraph. too bad no one's gonna read that shit fa.m

well the truth sometimes has wings too...though not often obviously as being a degenerate fuckwad is most often priority #1 with most people. Threads like these are like an uphill battle against the hubris of a bunch of spoiled, retarded little children not wanting to listen to pappa scientist (or his third tier heralds like me), ideally we should release something in the water that makes everyone puke all the alcohol out, even if its just a sip.

I like how all the autist think any kind of suit is “muh lady” tier