Why are vasectomies a soy boy attribute

I keep seeing vasectomies associated with soy boys. Why? I am fit by normie standards, nice house, decent but demanding job, and my hobbies include guns, cars, bikes, liquor, working, lifting, and doing whatever the fuck I want, when I want. How is a kid conducive to a Veeky Forums or /successful/ lifestyle? I have seen what kids do to colleagues and friends and it has solidified that I will never want kids. I'm trying to creampie without compromise. Maybe Ill even wake up at noon on Saturday and hit my volcano and watch Rick and Morty just to rustle you fuckers

> inb4 "youll die alone" here for a good time, not a long time brahs

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It's a meme and shouldn't be taken seriously, they're even reversible nowadays so should you ever change your mind you can still have children. I've been contemplating one as well since I'm fully focused on myself and my career and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.

If you don't spread your seed you are a beta male plain and simple

Vasectomies are not 'soy boy'-ish, but blogposts like yours surely are, homo.

Also, no self respecting adult should use this term.

why would you get one seriously. stop shitposting here cancer gains please.

> anecdotal evidence
Get the fuck out of here

Official Tier 1 or higher Braphogs won'teven notice you unless you can output a spermy 12
Good luck finding an unofficial braphog that hasn't been loaded with indian brapware

to bust fat nuts deep inside and not be taking care of a bratty teenager in my 40s so that I can focus on gains in the gym and my bank account

Here's not anecdotal evidence from the jews themselves money.cnn.com/2014/08/18/pf/child-cost/index.html

I'm right with you OP. Why the fuck would I ever want to spend even one second of my life on another human being when Nintendo Stick is out? Go full MGTOW!

You think this is uncommon? I would vasectomise every fucking GDE in the world (including myself), so stupid people wouldn't be able to reproduce. Strangely enough, in my country only dirt-poor people have plenty of children, most middle and upper class have just one.

yeah here in burgerville the poors fire out fucking litters, dont take care of them, and use them for muh gibs. Middle class ruin their own lives to have 1-2 of em.

Nothing is more soyboy than destroying your name and seed in return for a fetish

>destroying your entire genetic line

yeah sure op vasectomies are for chads

Being a bugman who values hedonism over all else is a soy trait

Why would you let what people on the internet think effect this decision?

If you're under 40 you may have a hard time getting a vasectomy (or so I've heard).

>here for a good time, not a long time brahs

this is retarded attitude to take.

lol, what is even the point of being professionally successful if you can't pass down accumulated wealth?

if i were sterile i'd become a hermit

due to biology, OP will only pass 50 percent of his genes through reproduction. In 150 years, he will be a great grandfather where his descendants will only have 12.5% of his genes. In 300 years his descendants will only have 1.5% of his genes. In 450 years, his descendants will only have .19% of his genes.

If you clone yourself, you get 100% of your genes and in 450 years, 100% of you will still be around if your clone keeps cloning.

Cloning technology has worked with a goat. Im not sure if sperm was needed for that cloning but DNA can be pulled from hair for the cloning process

To have the cars and other crap Ive always wanted, and to free myself from wage slavery, unlike my father who probably regretted having me and is still a slave at 60.

Im about 30, getting one done in a couple weeks. I guess I can see why its associated with numales based on these answers, so my question is answered, but my mind remains unchanged.

>Why are vasectomies a soy boy attribute
>literally sterilizing yourself
gee, i wonder why, i guess you'll cut your cock off next

Wanting kids is so retarded, i'm not falling for that trap
Don't let other people decide how you choose to live your life or get in the way of your success.

I have a vasectomy and the only bad thing is that only roasties don't want to have children. I want to marry, but children is still a no-go. Someday I'll find a qt to live with. I think some girls do feel turned off when there'a zero risk of pregnancy, kind of an instinct thing.

What did they do to wojack...

Vasectomies are great. The more faggots unable to reproduce the better.

Do you mean a sheep as in Dolly the sheep? Because Dolly died around the same time as the sheep she was cloned from and showed signs of advanced aging that has been connected to the shortening of telomeres in the Cells she was created from. meaning that it wouldn't work until we discover howto regrow telomeres.

>millions of years of evolution
>dies with you

lmao, pic related me lmaoing at ur life holmes

Genetic dead end, congrats on failing every single one of your ancestors that fought tooth and nail to continue the bloodline

You may not be a soyboy but you're definitely a manchild.

>I think some girls do feel turned off when there'a zero risk of pregnancy, kind of an instinct thing.
They think you're insane because the only point of marriage is to have and rear children.

it just makes no sense.

don't want children? use contraceptives or remain celibate.

I just can't see the reasoning behind actually getting snipped. It's an unnecessary and irreversible decision. It's like getting rid of a wasps nest on the side of a house with C4 explosives.

There's litterally no logical argument to be made for perpetuating one's genes/family name .
Just feelings and culturally reinforced pressure.
Debate me.


There's no logical argument to be made for working out over playing the Nintendo Switch all day.
Just feelings and culturally reinforced pressure.
Debate me.

Nope p much right, too many people in the world as is holmes.

>culturally reinforced pressure
did you forget that we are animals that have been reproducing for billions of years due to overwhelming natural instincts? holy fuck

Exercise has proven mental and physical health benefits but you're right. It's just a hobby, which is subjective.

How is prescient an argument?

>choosing to live a life of hedonism
Never gonna make it

Furthermore, the natural instinct is to have sex. The gene spread is incidental.

Subjective moral high ground.

Not wanting child or responsability is a manchild attribute. Grow the fuck up you infantile soyboy

Or just a simple cost-benefit analysis.
If the cost outweighs the benefit, the decision is simple.

Life is not about choosing the easy path.

Having a child is literally the actual goal of your life, but it's difficult. Soyboys permanently give up their ability to procreate in order to make their lives of mindless hedonism and pleasure seeking easier. It's possible to replace the goal of having children with something else that also has meaning, but such people wouldn't need a vasectomy as they are simply too busy with their great work to make time for the opposite sex. A soyboy has himself pseudocastrated so that he can dedicate more time to the Nintendo Switch without fear of accidentally contributing to humanity.

Correct. It's about choosing the path that maximizes your happiness. Spreading genes has not been proven to do this except for individuals who have made subjective decisions to prioritize it.

Simply spreading genes has not been proven to "contribute to humanity". You just say it does.

>It's about choosing the path that maximizes your happiness.
Absolutely pathetic. You enjoy your hedonism and consumption now, but all things must end. 50, 60, 70 years from now, you will lie on your deathbed. You will be alone, but that isn't what will truly bother you. Great men have died alone. What will bother you is that you will have left no mark. The world will turn as it turned before you were born, as unchanged by your passing as it was by your living. All that you have done will mean nothing, the various objects and things you spent your life accruing will go nowhere and things will be as if you had never lived at all.

Because of pics like this. Having responsibility for your wife and kids, is a stage in a mans life. Some will never reach it and remain juvenile because of that.

Your own kids are your _only_ possible attempt at becoming immortal. I witnessed it a couple of times: childless old people have remorse that they will have almost none lasting effect on the world.

Must be because they are neutering themselves

>implying adding to the population size is the only way to "make a mark"
How uncreative of you.

The fuck are on his feet?

Not at all. I said as much in my previous post. It is just the easiest way to do it. If you have some great work that you consider worth more than procreation then that is no less a way to make an impact. I have a feeling that this is not the case, though. I have a feeling that you mostly spend your life seeking pleasure and material wealth. And I have a feeling that when you die, you won't be sitting peacefully in your armchair contently reminiscing on all the good times you had with your games and toys. You'll be sweating, begging in a hospital bed. Please God, just a little more time, just let me do SOMETHING before I go. But God never listens.

With that, you wont have to care about having little parasites sucking your money and life in the future.

You wont have to pull your dick out when you cum.

Also you will be able to cum inside all times you want, no condons, no pills, no fertility calendar, just fuck and fuck without care.

And if you still want childs years laters, do a
surgery to revert or to extract sperm from your balls.

>Mah reproduction is what made me an adult.

The great tragedy of people like you is that they always realize that they were wrong after it's too late to do anything. This post won't convince you and nor will any other. You won't remember reading this in 50 years. But you will have the same realization that all others like you have.

Vasalgel when

>focusing on bank account
Guess how I know your a man child


You're throwing away your families dynasty on cummies and toys. Just a cog in the international Jews money making schemes. But whatever bro enjoy niggers taking poor care of you in a home.


The world and the universe doesn't give a fuck about anything you do in life, whether you create children or make a great scientific descovery. In time everything will decay. Every action is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Your, and all life is meaningless and you should just make the best of it.

Do you not see the irony in someone who focuses all their efforts on consumption and who deliberately avoids production labelling others as parasites? Well, if not yet, then eventually, you will. You probably won't find it as funny as I do, though.
Yes well if you're going to be a nihilist about things then at least do it properly. Things have meaning because humans decide they do. The universe doesn't care about us so why should we care about it?

>Things have meaning because humans decide they do.
So you're saying people can choose for themselves what has meaning.

Absolutely. Children are the default, but there are certainly other things. Train your body to physical perfection, write, sing, sculpt, build, think. But if you're honest with yourself, I doubt you actually find much meaning in working 9-5 until you die and spending your free time watching cartoons and smoking weed.

If this isn't every man's end goal on Veeky Forums you cannot call yourself a man. Not wanting to raise at minimum 3 young lands from adorable kids to strong young men makes you worse than bugmen and soy boys

I was going to get a bit mad until I realized you are probably a low iq spic if you can't figure out how to make money and have kids at the same time.

Also, pic related for your fitness worries. Kids love exercising just don't overdo it.


>your name
yeah because your family has accomplished so much over the ages kek

if you were actually not larping, at 40 and having a bank account, you could manage a child no problem

imagine being this much of a soyboy

If the only thing you contribute to society is that you made another one of yourself, how is that in any way success? Your son is going to think the measure of success is procreating, so he ends up just as much a failure as you.

Whatever is important and meaningful to your life, you pick it up and do it yourself, you don't hope the next version of you will have a better opportunity.

Why the fuck don't we have safely reversible male contraceptives yet? What happened to that Vasalgel/RISUG shit people were hyping years ago?

Random user dropping in to say duh, no shit. Meaning is subjective. It's the result of a person coming into contact with an object. Words have meaning because we gice it to them. Theyre just sounds. The same goes with life.

Now, certain things demand or suggest meanings too. A job that pays well and raising a kid or two with a loving spouse probably means happiness for most of us. And our culture certainly tries to tell us this every day, in media and in our conversations and movies.

But, to come down to my point for OP: this thread is a big argument about what a person should do with his life. Things being (relatively) subjective as I've just established, I would say that you should do whatever makes you most happy. If that's a family, fine. If thats being able to cum inside soft pussy on the reg, then double fine. You can do both, reversing the surgery later. Store your sperm. Whatever. Just keep in mind that when you get old, old--like 60's to 80's old--you'll probably be bored without kids and grandkids. Kids are an effective way to give purpose, fulfilment, learning experiences, and love to yourself. Watching them open xmas presents, teaching them about lifting, bringing home a dog for them to love. It is our nature as humans to do this family thing, and it is naturally rewarding.

But humans can also think and make choices and do what they want bro.

Good on you mate

Don't listen to these boys, heads are so out of touch with reality

And reversal is like 99% successful so, on the super off chance, you could have it back

But yeah we need less fucking people