What does Veeky Forums think about Crossfit?

Honest opinions only

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Overly stigmatized, mostly see videos online of idiots. Would I ever do it, no.

would not do it, but I know a normie chick who got a lot fitter from it so good for her

>What does Veeky Forums think about Crossfit?

Shit form, good marketing.

most of this shit isn't crossfit, ever watched a crossfit games?

>crossfit athletes train using crossfit method

Wouldn't reccomend it, easy to fuck up and lots of flashy retarded movements

So it's a no no for stupid people and normies.

It's a mixed bag. If you have good coaches running it it can be great, they will prevent you from doing things that result in injury. Unfortunately good coaches are the exception not the rule. It is also very expensive for what you do. It's a good way to meet fit sluts.

Creates athletes, not aesthetes

you can crossfuckoff

Probably gets more shit than it deserves. The decentralized nature of the organization means the variation between crossfit boxes is huge. One box could have actual oly lifters and powerlifters that know what they're doing, others are like what you see in. But having gyms where people perform oly lifts without a person that knows what they're doing is irresponsible in and of itself.

I do think that their programming is pretty retarded. Pairing HIIT with highly technical oly lifts just seems like a recipie for disaster.

It probably is only positive for powerlifting, as it gives PL the mainstream approval it desperately needs. As for oly lifting, it does bring a lot of normie retards into the sport, but that also means that oly lifting equipment is cheaper and more easily available.

jacks of all trades, masters of none, and also, hated by everyone

Great for general fitness, but horrible for anyone who has any real goals with their training. Also way toi expensive.

By "the Crossfit method," do you mean mainsite or metcons? Nobody uses mainsite, and all of the pros use metcons in their training.

It's the veganism of lifting: overly evangelized, supported by questionable evidence, it leads to needless health problems, wildly expensive, and is appealing only to pushy douchebags.

This, literally average crossfit.

Cope harder, faggot.

go away elgen

Can you tell me the positive things about crossfit?

Supportive coed environment

That is all

Probably not as bad as its portrayed online, but it seems pretty retarded.

wouldn't know never done it it seems like you would get some could endurance from it and its a good way to motivate normal fags, Next youre gonna say "muh injuries"

Really fucking expensive for what they give

>tfw living in shit country (brazil)
>bodybuilding here is full of retards that don't understand the importance of compound movements, powerlifting and olympic lifts
>was doing some deadlifts in my gym
>coach comes and say: "wow user, you really like doing some crossfit moves, i'm gonna write a really nice workout for you"
>tfw only person at my gym who does deadlifts
>only person who squats more than 1plate (seriously, 1plate is the max i've ever seen ppl here do)
>tfw used to live in australia and work out in an university gym full of oly plataforms, all sorts of plates and swole gym bros

i miss UQ and Brisbane so bad

My girlfriend's roommate does crossfit. Her legs are fucking amazing and I try to leave the room if she's there because I'm worried I'm gonna stare.

>20% injury rate is low

They just get in the way and fuck things up in regular gyms, ruining it for everyone and generally being a nuisance. On the trails, I get stuck running behind a group of them all wearing 40lb vests and "running" about two miles an hour. They should all be rounded up and gassed desu.

Not for me, but I understand how its appealing for a lot of people.

yeah so theres no need to use their retarded marketing jargon and call a gym a “box” fag.

Good for endurance and fat burning.

Crossfit does one thing well: Motivation
The insane, cult like culture of crossfit pushes people to train more.
It's activities lend themselves to lots of small, incremental improvements. There is almost always another small 'win' within reach on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Punch out one more rep, lift just 1 pound more. Any minor improvement is celebrated. (This is really good and should spread)

Results: Eh, anything > Nothing. You can see results, but nothing miraculous.

Everything else. Fail.
Honesty: I had a guy trying to sell me a membership tell me 'it's impossible to lose weight on a bicycle'.

Safety: That push for constant improvement, or to keep going also pushes people to go beyond what is safe for them. Going until you puke is celebrated. Going until your muscles are so damaged their internal fluids flood into your blood, overload and shut down your kidneys is heroic. Practices and techniques that help you not hurt yourself are thrown out in the name of more/faster reps or greater weight.
Stopping before the others in the gym think you've had enough is a sin and can earn you some abuse. Everyone pushes everyone to be 'better', and keep going. Many times far beyond the point where doing more is just doing more harm.

Courtesy for others: If there is a crossfitter at your non-crossfit gym, they /will/ do their crossfit there. Damage to the equipment and the safety of those around them be damned!
They will throw that barbell they could just barely lift, screaming with effort all the way on the floor of a second-story gym, over and over again. When staff asked him to knock it off (after a plate cracked in half) he complained to management and that guy doesn't work here anymore.
Same dude was later bouncing a medicine ball off the wall. leaving dents in it.

Crossfit just feels and looks like it was designed from the ground up to be a fitness fad that motivates people in an 'unhealthy obsession/addiction' way. And it does that very well.

It worked out amazingly for me in divegrass but yeah it's easy to fuck up and injure yourself.
I did it for a while a few years ago.

depends on the gym i guess. some places are a gimmick and the coaches don't teach proper form and make you do complex movements for time.
in other places, the people are legitimate athletes. my buddy placed podium at the crossfit games several times and he is an amazing athlete. very strong (weights and gymnastic movements), has lots of mobility and is overall a very nice dude. maybe him and his gym are an exception, but w/e

kipping pull ups, abundance of kettlebell memery and personal trainer dumbassery, terrible form (retards never lock out deadlifts etc), sheeple clientle.

Step1: Give noobs brief instruction on complex olympic lifts.
Step2: Have noobs perform olympic lifts to failure.
Step3: Sit back and wait for inevitable injuries.

>it just gets better and better


There are much better, and safer ways to learn the Olympic lifts.

I'm probably the only person on fit who goes and likes it. I don't know. I just like it and I know I won't sell it to any of you. I think that getting yourself better in general is good. I do agree with some posts saying there is no end goal though. Think I want to pick up kick boxing, so I'd have to go CF early as fuck in the morning, go to work then go boxing. Haven't been injured yet, probably will eventually.

my dilemma with them isn't the usual
>lmao shit programming
it's how goddamn expensive they are and how punitively restrictive they are
I'm talking the cheapest crossfit gym membership I saw was something like $110 per month and most of the gyms have restrictions on which hours are free and which are allotted to classes
So not only do individuals have to pay more than $100 per month to use the facilities, they don't even necessarily get to use the facilities they pay for on their terms

as a person that would actually want to use the equipment that crossfit gyms have, I'm furious at them
but I have to respect that these places must rake in some killer cash

>Honest opinions only

It's got some negatives. Poor programming on an individual basis, poor technical methods taught by coaches (external shoulder rotation in the overhead position, wtf), and is hell expensive ($50pw+ where I'm at).

It does some things well though. Generally encouraging atmosphere, people to push you along, competition, etc.

It gets shit on for what it was 5+ years ago, but these days it should be shat on for different reasons.

what was wrong with the bear crawl?

takes up a lot of room in a small gym

fair. i've done it as a warmup in BJJ before, mainly to get blood flowing/loosen up joints type deal.

i do appreciate that you can get lifting shoes from people other than commies/former commies/Adidas because of crossfit.