Waking up early

Let's all dump our best secrets and tricks about waking up early.

>stories on what you've learned about waking up
>tips on how to wake up that you use
>methods you used to train yourself
>any general information that might be helpful

I'll start. I found that washing the crap out of my eyes with cold water right when I wake up works wonders. You really have to get it out though, don't just splash water on your face and call it a day.

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Good timing, I just had my first morning workout today. Beats the shit out of doing it after work for the sole reason that I have the whole gym to myself.

As for waking up itself, I just went to bed earlier and slept in my gym attire so I could save time on the morning.

I yell when I first have to yawn

I usually have 3 alarms 10-15 minutes apart. I'm usually awake after the second, but the third is for if I somehow fuck up.

Have an alarm so loud that you shit the bed when it goes off.

I'm trying to pick up a morning routine. I don't feel relaxed when working out in a packed gym in the evening. My energy levels are also lower by then too.

Some tips? I don't know..I've become reliant on caffeine to get me up.

I work an 8-5. I don't know what to do about not being sleepy though. I drink a lot of water and it helps a bit, as well as napping during lunch after quickly eating. I have to get up at 5 and then fall asleep at 9pm if I want a solid 8 hours.

I just go to bed earlier. I want to get as much rest as possible.

Set a red bull on my phone so that when I wake up I have sips

I also set like 10 alarms 5 minutes apart so I wake up in the first place

>sleeping naked
good feel

>call it a day
nigga you just woke up

>waking up early
Rip social gains


have a reason to wake up

I set an alarm for when I need to wake up that way in case I am still asleep the alarm can wake me. If I wake up before the alarm goes off I just turn it off. If it wakes me I disable it and get out of bed. I really don't understand how hard it is to get good sleep. I don't even try very hard but sleep quite efficiently

Snooze button is a no go
Never hit snooze
put alarm far across the room
Never get back in the bed/sit on the bed
When you first piss stop and brush your teeth and put on deodorant.

> set a rich piana sound clip as an alarm clock
> woke up hyped as fuck
> run to the gym
> destroy PRs

The secret to getting up early is to go to bed early. Apart from that I have one alarm that wakes me up and then a few minutes later I have another one that if I don't get out of bed I won't make out to the gym before work.

I wake up 8hrs after i go to sleep like clockwork unless I'm really exhausted for some reason, set a really annoying alarm for when i feel lazy

Read a couple days ago about a guy on Veeky Forums who has a bluetooth soundbar in his room connected to his phone, and puts his phone in another room/downstairs so he has to run and disconnect it every morning. If you really struggle, this sounds like an excellent way to get up early.
Personally I just try to go to bed early, and try to keep it in a routine. After a while I started to wake up 5 minutes before my alarm no matter what

>>sleeping naked
>good feel
The only whey to lift

when im too tired to get up i think about how much weight i can lift and i pretend it's my one rep max and then get up explosively out of the bed like He-man. i also keep water near. if you chug some water as soon as you are conscious you wake up really fast i find. it's the coldness or chemical reaction idk.

is this photoshopped? how can a bepis be this wide?

it is shopped bub.

Go to bed early.

Download one of the sleep timer apps. It helps you calculate when you should go to sleep to get your complete sleeping rhythms.

don't be a pussy and get up in the morning.

She just has a child body

Stop watching porn you fucking faggot


Set 2 alarms. One 30 minutes before I need to actually get up, and one when I have to get out of bed. I'm slow to wake up and that allows me to enjoy my warm bed for an hour and get my mind working. Also drink plenty of water in the morning. My college alternates the times when I wake up so I technically have 4 alarms at different times, and I set them to four different tones. Idk, helps my brain not get used to the noise and prevents me from sleeping through it.

Are you me?

gib sauce

bros set this as your alarm


This definitely. I have been trying to wake up consistently around 9 the past 2 weeks and the days where I have nothing going on like class or working out, I almost struggle to get up. I don't really fall back asleep, though sometimes I do unintentionally, but I'll still just lay there awake for like an hour or so before finally getting up.

Underrated, this is the be all way to do it.

Remember as a kid when you tried to fall asleep fast so you could wake up and play? Don’t let the world sell you the idea that you have to feel different than that.

holy shit, sauce?

I have my coffee machine in my room, pre loaded for the morning and set on a outlet timer.

>sleep early
>take melatonin and relaxation vitamins
>set my alarm
>wake up to my alarm and get out of bed
>go to bathroom, go on phone and take a dump
I've been doing this for a long time since I workout at 4:30am. I haven't overslept intentionally in a long time. Getting on the phone helps keep me productive to not fall asleep.

I put my alarm across the room so I have to get out of bed to shut it off.

I also own one of those full spectrum lamps they use for Seasonal Affective Disorder that I immediately turn on.

Works like a charm

I make sure to only sleep in 1-2 hours on weekends as well, even if I was up really late.

Food dictates to your body when you should wake up. Have dinner early. Keep in mind that food wise, breakfast is that one meal distant of 12 hours from your last meal. Eat around 6pm, go to bed at 8 or 9pm. Wake up around 4:30am/5am, have a breakfast at the same hour each morning for 3 days: bam, your new morning starts at 5. Breaking fast is what jumpstarts your body and/or helps understanding what's what.

You could also do it the unhealthy way: pull an all nighter, go to bed super early the next day. Wake up early, eat.

But I would not recommend it as it becomes hard for your body to figure out what's what. And nobody wants to wake up at 10pm each day for a week because they passed out around 3pm.

Just remember that in any case, you need at least a week for it to become automatic. Just don't expect not to be tired as soon as 7pm like you would when you usually go to bed at 5am. That's why you need goals in the first place. No point in waking up super early if you're not going to use it to your advantage somehow. You might aswell go to bed at 5am instead.

I glued push pins on my snooze button so I don't hit it in the morning.

Also, you don't want to interrupt your REM sleep with pesky alarms. It's highly disruptive and counterproductive in 90% of cases because people set up intervals that are too small for them not to fall back into a deep sleep directly. You should be able to wake up normally and at the same hour everyday with 0 alarm. Worst case scenario use this shit sleepyti.me

It's just a matter of consistency. Don't ever miss a fucking breakfast or eat at night.

Finally, there is no point in terrorizing yourself into waking up. If you have to do that then you're not getting enough sleep in the first place (which is extremely important for your general well being) OR you're breaking cycles and creating useless loops of deep sleep for yourself. A nice awakening is also a matter of timing. Ideally you should wake up at the end of a REM cycle. Never a deep sleep cycle, because no matter how many hours you've slept, you'd just feel like shit anyway. Use the website I've linked earlier to figure that out. Lastly: impressions are important. No matter how little you've slept or think you generally need, it is very much possible to convince yourself you've not slept enough. The contrary is obviously true. But the rule of thumb is to privilegiate the most natural ways of waking up instead of beating yourself into not suffering from an obvious lack of sleep.

>natty anthem to start your day
good call


What app is that


I shitpost on here for a few mins.

Just like now, since it’s 05:00

Alarms on my phone (sinister bell tone from Bloodborne)
fuck I'm being invaded) as well as a regular alarm clock across the room so I have to stand up. Coffee pot set on a timer in the room also helps since i work on the road and live in motels most of the time, but isn't practical for at home.

Been doing this for a year, it never fails.

Same here friend, 2 alarms is best. I set one for 7am and another at 7:10am. I put the kettle on after the first, it's at the other end of the room so I gotta get up and then after I'm back in bed till the 2nd alarm.

Multiple alarms like these guys but I put them going off like a minute after each other so right when your about to fall back to sleep and mess up you have a loud as alarm that completely disrupts it and not only that you put it way away from you so you actually have to get up and turn it off.

The other thing I do is no bed. I sleep just with a blanket on the floor no comfortaire or pillow or anything just the blanket on the floor and a blanket on me. You wake up going owww my back my neck owww I feel everything and you dont even want to go back to sleeping in that position you just wake up. Takes a little while to get used to but worth it.

I have one of these.

>Shit the bed
>Go back to sleep


Samsung health

eat healthy no pop no weird food nothing just clean wholesome food

>hook up phone to Bluetooth speaker with maxed volume before bed
>12 alarms in 5 minute increments before when I need to be up that all repeat ad nauseum
>put the phone and speaker at the top of a 9’ high bookshelf on the far side of the room and move the ladder to the opposite side
>sometimes I wake up 5 hours after I had to with no memory of turning off the alarms and getting back in bed

I wake up at 3am every day for the last 5 months with no alarm.

Naturally, I will go to BED at 3 am. But anyway, here are the tips and the first one is the absolute most important

>have a reason
If you don't have a real reason to wake up early, there's no motivation

>go to bed early
I'm in bed before 9pm almost every night

>no caffeine for 8 hrs before bed
So basically, just in the morning

>have an early job
>need to catch public transit
>be paranoid of being late
> catch 1-2 buses earlier than i need to.

I couldnt wake up for 7am classes but i would wake up at 3 am to make it to work for 5am on the weekends. Someitmes im pretty sure i only need 5 hours of sleep because if i wake up after 5 hours im up and ready to go for the day but at 7+ i need 30 minutes to "wake up"

Damn the virgin finally made it

I remind myself everytime I get up that there is breakfast in the kitchen and I'm right out of bed. Goddamn do I love whole wheat pancakes and eggs.


I think the only way to stay consistent is to pick a time and wake up at that time every single day. Sounds easy, but it's not. Like let's say you have a day off and want to 'sleep in' you just fucked up your internal clock for the week.

And if you binge drink till 2 am and get hardly any sleep then sleep in till noon you're internal clock is fucked again.

People say "Just go to bed early" For a lot of people it doesn't work like that, I can't force myself to fall asleep. I just need to wake up early every day, you'll probably feel like shit for the entire first, maybe even two weeks but you'll adapt.

As somebody who has been nocturnal on and off for many years, I can assuredly say the only way to change a sleep schedule is to stick to a waking time, not a sleeping time.

Going to bed early. If you got 7-8 hours of sleep it wont be hard to wake up, even if it's early in the morning.

kek'd at pic


i started waking up at 5:30am to go for a 5k run. honestly, you choose if you want to rise or not. if i choose to be lazy and sleep in a bit more, i won't be rested that much more and i won't do my cardio. at the end of the day, you have to remain mindful of your goals.
be mindful that you're in control of your actions. either let laziness take over or struggle and get results.

Go to sleep early, and when your alarm rings, literally stand the fuck up instantly, develop a reflex to do this

Good shit

I like wearing as little as possible, but hate exercising naked. I feel too vulnerable with my cock and asshole exposed

I only wake up early for something important and there's really nothing to it for me. I set the alarm, alarm goes off, I get up, that easy.

>Loud ass alarm
>Drink water before you sleep so you have to piss when you wake up
>Drink water when you wake up
>Cold showers
>Do a bunch of pushups within a few minutes of waking

My routine works bretty gud for me

>set alarm for 5.45
>snooze it till 5.50
>get a coffee
>back to bed for 10-15 mins (another alarm set at 6.00 and then another at 6.15) to let it get to a drinkable temperature
>drink coffee
>6.30 shit, brush teeth etc
>7.00 walk to gym for 7.30 start

Once you're up and about waking up early is easy

Lmao why is an image of this so funny

>Remember as a kid when you tried to fall asleep fast so you could wake up and play?
Fucking this. Can't recommend it more than enough. It just slightly takes out the grayscale of life as an adult.

>go to bed earlyish
>have a vibrating bed alarm designed for the deaf.
>get out of bed and go to the gym

Tbh, it's going to the gym that makes me want to be up in the morning and really is the only reason I will get out of bed before 9.

Go to bed earlier. Up by 5, in bed by 9

Why on earth are you waking up at 5:45 for a 7:30 start?

Not him but rushing my morning makes me feel like shit. Having a couple of hours to get ready in the morning is mad comfy

Wake up at 3 am. Walk downstairs and pop a caffeine pill with quarter cup orange juice. Walk into garage and play some rock. Begin to lift. 15 minutes and I'm golden.