Is 1000 calories a day really that bad?

Is 1000 calories a day really that bad?

These redditors are saying it is an death sentence and you will die due to nutritional deficiency. I have been eating at 1000 calories for nearly 4 weeks and feel fine as well as lost 24 pounds now. My lifts haven't gone down much. The only thing that is noticable is a lack of energy during lifts but I experienced this eating at any defecit.

Other urls found in this thread:

lol @ how much salmonella he's getting from that


Always remember the guy who fasted for a year in the 60s, drinking tea, coffee and vitamin/mineral supplements. Research it, ask those redditors to explain it.

How is adding an extra 200 calories to 1000 going to make or break anything? That's like 30 minutes of walking but they are acting like it will somehow prevent lack of nutrients and starving.

Depends on how fat you are.

For example if you're 80kg 12% bf with a 2500kcal TDEE, you're probably gonna be burning muscle eating under ~1800 kcal.

nigga don't fucking lie, you burn 200kcal not in 30 min of walk but in 2 hours of walking.
Only obese individual could burn that much.

According to my scale I am 226 pounds at 35% body fat I don't know how bullshit it is. I have a ways to go before getting to 12%.

I am obese technically.


You burn around 100 calories per mile walked/ran/sprinted

2 miles walking at a slow pace is around 15 min per mile = 30min

I can’t imagine how obese/out of shape you are that it takes you 2 hours to walk 2 miles

I've been on OMAD for about 25 days and I get about 1000-1500 per day @ approx 20% bf. My lifts are around the novice and low intermediate levels and they are still going up. Managed to hit 1pl8 OHP for the first time. If I stick to meat and vegetables meals I feel great. If I eat a pizza or some other shit my energy is pretty low the next day. I just look shitty, kinda skinny-fat.

I think low calorie diets are fine for short term weight loss, especially if you have 20+% bf. These people on reddit seem to have the bucket of crabs mentality.

1000 kCal a day
100 push ups
100 squats
100 situps
10 km of running
And even in the hottest day of summer, no air conditioner.

I mean it obviously depends on your current body, bodyfat%, an several other factors but generally no 1000 cal is p unhealthy and borderline eating disorder.


>lol @ how much salmonella he's getting from that
You only really get salmonella from the shell of the egg, doesn't look like he is eating the shells...

those electrical impedence body fat testers are inaccurate as fuck

>You burn around 100 calories per mile walked/ran/sprinted
This is just so wrong.

>You equate the calories burned in the same distance if walking vs if sprinting
>You also strawman his position (he never said X distance max)
>He may simply be a fat fuck literally unable to run in which case 2 hours walk is reasonable exercise
>But the retard is the other guy, not you

In my experience I end up losing muscle mass anyway with a 500kcal deficit because it takes months to lose the fat (=months of shit workouts due to low energy) so idk what's worse

500 cal deficit is all you need to cut, anyone that tells you otherwise is wrong. 1000 calories per day is extreme (unless ur a grill or turbo manlet)

Been doing around 1200 calories with OMAD for about 7 or 8 months now, haven't noticed any huge downsides to it, ended up losing 155 lbs since last January in total and the rate sped up when I switched to 1200 calories with OMAD. I think you'll be fine, just make sure to get your micros and protons ma

For once I actually agree with reddit. Fasting is stupid and will leave you weak and possible could kill you (but not the fatties)

What he says isn't 100% accurate, but it's more accurate than the other poster saying 2 hours of walking is 200 calories.




Desu I ate at 500 calories a day for two months to lose the last of my poundage

Chris-chan's references are just off-the-charts brilliant

you can completely FAST (no, not gay "oh i skipped breakfast, im fasting!" nonsense, as in no food whatsoever) for well over a month will no ill effect.

In fact this was and is a medical treatment for a variety of diseases in the former soviet union. These fasting clinics remain popular to this day.

Western medicine is just starting to catch on that fasting is useful and is treating it like its some brand new discovery. Lol.

There have been studies done on fasting as a weight loss tool. They found that you lost too much protein (from muscles/organs), so they tried with only protein. That worked reasonably well, except people didn't get all the nutrients they needed and ended up with deficiencies. Eating only protein and supplementing the nutrients you need is what is called as a protein sparing modified fast (PSMF), and is the fastest non-retarded way to lose weight quickly. Typically you eat around 800-1200kcals/day, depending on your BW, in mostly protein plus the little fat and carbs that's found in the food you eat. I did it for 5 weeks and lost over 20lbs. I've kept it off too

So to answer the OP, 1000kcals is both safe and reasonable IF you know exactly what you're doing and make sure you get all you need (mostly salt and certain vitamins and minerals).

>Exceptions disprove the rule

probably should have been mentioned in the OP that the reddit thread was about a 5'5" girl who was told by her doctor to eat 1000kcals in meat and vegetables, and her complaint is that "I'm a pretty active person and it just didn't seem right for me to be eating less than 1200/day" despite being a girl weighing 235lbs at 5'5".

Reddit logic:
"You’ll probably lose more if you eat more. Eating too little causes your body to protect its fat stores. "

GP's are generally retards when it comes to anything more than basic "I'll refer you to this guy" treatment.

When I was 150lbs overweight my doctor told me the best way to lose weight was to walk for 15 minutes a day. Nothing about the inhuman amounts of food I was shoveling into my gullet.

It's more "1000kcal isn't sustainable". Which may be true. I was doing 1200kcal (1500 below maintenance) and kept fucking up, but 1600kcal (1000 below current maintenance) has been much better.

The only difference is losing 2 pounds a week instead of 2 1/2. You are just progressing slower.

i'd much rather eat at a small caloric deficit and make a little bit of cardio, i lost 4lbs of fat and gained 2lbs of muscle, all my lifts went up and i wasn't even trying to eat clean, i was just eating less than i used to when i was bulking.
extreme diets are retarded

>redditors are saying
found the problem. illiterate masses are not to be listened to user.
asks specifically what happens sub 1k cal and nutrition. bring up specifically someone who ate sub 1k cal and and still hit their macros.
>hurr its an exception wan wan chin chin~

if you can continue to keep your metabolism up by snacking on low cal food a less than 1000 calorie diet is perfect sustainable and can contain the required nutrition.

you'd be better off fasting

Yes, it's terrible for you. Much better to eat 0kcal.

>They found that you lost too much protein (from muscles/organs)
Not true by the way.
It's true though, the body only starts to properly utilize body fat on a 0kcal diet, not an extremely low calorie one.



stupid fucking chinks

If you just kept it up for very extended periods of time you'd die, but depending on your weight you could go months, maybe years. It's not healthy and you'll get much weaker, but you'll definitely lose fat. Make sure you're getting enough sleep and taking vitamins if you insist on doing something this dumb, though.

Redditors are massive pussies. I'm not saying 1000kcal is safe or dangerous, I've no idea (I think it's safe doe), but reddit has shit fitness advice.

You should just fast or eat 2000 cals per day

Why are you eating only 1000 calories? Why starve yourself when you can just do cardio?

I'm on a cut and eat around 2500 a day I just do an hour of rowing and 45 minutes of cycling every day before and after my lifts.

You’re eatinf complete shit if you have low energy in a 500defecit

Technically obese is potentially the best kind

she's drinking 6 liters of water
she's drinking 6 liters of water

>1000 kcal/day
It only states what macro nutrients you get and not what they consist of so it's impossible to say anything about your health.

Presuming it's mostly protein, no carbs and some essential fats, while making sure you get all the minerals you need you can safely dieting until you reach 12% bf or so.
Keep sets low and don't push to failure. With a diet lite that you just want to keep the muscles used to prevent autophagy. You don't want to break them down and convert them into energy.


That is a ton of cardio and those two on top of lifting would take forever

Rest in peace, Patches

>1000kcal a day
>for 4 weeks
>24 lbs lost

Assuming 6 lbs of that was water weight, that's still 18lbs. That's 4.5 lbs a week. That's 15,750 kcal deficit a week. That's 2250 deficit a day. How fat do you have to be to have a maintenance of 3250 kcal a day?

If you're overweight, you won't starve. But I'd take a multivitamin to be safe.

is taking a multivitamin the new "just take a scoop" ?


RIP Patches

I did an 800 cal/day diet for about three months under the supervision of a doctor, and while it worked and I'm not dead yet (started at 275 lbs, ended at 238 lbs), I'd definitely say don't do it without some kind of supervision and multivitamins. Besides, how likely is it that you're just going to give up and bounce back to eating too much after a while? Better to just make a smaller, sustainable lifestyle change that you know you can keep up for the rest of your life, and quit worrying about INSTANT WEIGHT LOSS RIGHT NOW, because your odds of dropping the diet or slipping up are infinitely higher.

That was not drawn by cwc

Calories burned is actually pretty consistent over the same distance because time spent performing that movement is inverse to how strenuous it is. Jogging will get you there faster but that also means your body isn't jogging as long. This gets more muddled when you start going into distances over several miles, though.