Plg powerlifting general

100% scottish edition

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My mom said my "gems" (thats the word she used) no longer fit in my boxers. Not sure how I should feel about that.

>70kg girl outsquats 99% of the thread

yea but how much does she bench?

no idea

i can clean that

Please show video. That's very impressive

>tfw I 1rep max less than a 10kg lighter roasty

Does anyone know her name though?

Makes me feel like shit, but its not like I can do anything about it.

Just try harder and eat more

She's IPF WR holder IIRC, no need to be ashmed.

Thanks. I closed her insta after I grabbed the videos and couldn't find it afterwards.

Wtf, a guy lifting that would be huge (compared to her). Are girls muscles stronger per pound than guys? I just checked a bunch of world record holders stats and compared them... girls always lift more given the same muscle mass. Why is this never mentioned?

someone post some manlet twink lifting more than that

Females are shorter

oh nvm then she's on more test than I am


Lu Xiaojun Squatting up to 275kg + Warm Up 2015 W…:
Granted he's 5kg heavier

>Wtf, a guy lifting that would be huge (compared to him). Are manlets muscles stronger per pound than guys?

fuck oly lifters squats are always so sexy. I wish one day I could squat like that.

I wish I'll have same low back control someday.

>cleaning 190kg
>posting on fit
cmon lad, try harder

you cant without the proportions


5kg heavier and 4" shoter. The guy has a huge amount of muscle mass on her. Which is my point, if you find a guy with the same muscle mass, they don't lift as much as a girl.

you forgot and squats 100kgs more

lu is 5'8 are you implying shes 6'1

Is joining a PL gym worth it?

I get free access to uni gym, but the barbells start bending at 2 plates and the environment is generally shit tbqh... then again it's free and convenient

i am not denying bigger muscles are stronger than smaller muscles. Just that given the same size... girls are stronger by a little a bit.

he is 5'5 she is 5'9...

plenty of chinks who squat 230kg weighing 56kg dont know what youre on m8

>70kg girl outsquats 99% of the thread
It's indefenseable.

Some faggots will yell "roids". The fact is that she trains harder and more consistently than 99% of Veeky Forums.

this, sounds like he wants some excuses why he's weaker than her

>she trains harder and more consistently than 100% of Veeky Forums.

unless there's hidden ipf wr squatter among us

>the barbells start bending at 2 plates
what kind of bars are they using?? wooden ones?
Im training in a comercial gym and a non olympic, 10kg short and shitty bar can hold my 215kg didilift

you cant compare weight class when assesing muscle mass... a short guy weighing 56kg will have much more mass than a tall girl weighing 56kg. Also guys are leaner than women are so you must also consider that.

maybe because even 56kg manlet chink benches like 180kgs while she benches like 100kgs.

i am talking squat. With bench the man has a mechanical advantage of broader shoulders.

is this some new level of coping

Well at first I was like "im pretty sure im bigger than her, why am i so weak". But then I Looked into and everything kept looking like women are infact stronger give the same muscle mass.

In powerlifting I cant find anyway talking about this but there are a bunch of papers about how women are faster sprinters when compared to men of the size.

no you were talking about muscle mass and I'm explaining to you that men have way more muscle mass in upper body than any girl will ever have. So obviously they also have more muscles when guys are squatting about the same as girls.

yes they have more muscle mass... no shit. I am saying given the same mass... girl is stronger.

but thats wrong you were already proven wrong hereStop looking for excuses why are you weaker

You are an embarassment to men.

Consider mtf transition.

based jim

well this + i have very long arms which makes my diddly obv very easy

but would be nice to bring my bench from woman tier lmao 2pl8

new thread so again srz

And he's saying guys have proportionally more mass in the upperbody. If you have a chick and a guy weighing the same, the chick will have more lower body mass compared to the guy.

i already said why he has more muscle mass. Not only is he 5kg bigger, he is 4 inch shorter, and leaner. This means he MUCH more mass. So no shit he lifts more.

shit sumo form

she will be out of the game soon
mark my words

lol retard

i am not doubting that the strongest fastest people in the world are 100% men and it is not even close. What i am debating is that if a man has the same mass as a women... women is stronger.

I'm talking about 56kgs chinks squatting more than her and shes 72kgs. fuck off retard. You're just weak and she's stronger than you accept that finally.

>rounded back

I think your confused... the chink in the video is 76kg... she is 70kg.

but thats wrong

based polish dwarf

fucked genetics, doesnt count

Long De Cheng 4xBW Back Squat 226kg:

>weighs less
>squats more
hurr doesnt count

i bet theres some chink that squats more with normal proportions

That's fucking insane lmao

>his squat ROM is quarter of my bench rom

thanks ape arms

just as i am saying... much more muscle mass on a smaller frame.

At least your DL should be good
>tfw t-rex manlet
>3 years
>155 kg bench @ 88
>210 DL

What are your standing verticals? I just tested mine and it's about 15-18 centimeters

>mfw 1.5 years
>90kg bench
>200kg deadlift

>unlucky proportions
>deadlift starting position is almost the same as low bar back squat starting position

and same weight feels lot heavier in deadlift than in squat

i can touch the bottom of the rim and am 5’9 so whatever that means to you

Found some papers on it:

It says percentage wise, women gain mass at the same rate as men. It also shows the women gained more strength relative to mass gain.

what the fuck? thats like the size of my dick? No way your jump is so shit.

consider binch only comps you legit have decent genes for it.

Why would I lie about such a shitty fucking stat

haha, okay raffy

>tfw long arms and femurs
>squat is ~60-65% of deadlift
kill me

fix ur form

very noice DL.
Sorry about that bench
How can you have unlucky proportions for all 3 lifts? You're either average or you fall into one of the orangutan or t-rex arms groups.
I like Squat and DL tho :(

I did and squat numbers went 20kg down.

I mean I just find it hard to believe that there is someone who jumps up about the size of my dick. Are you extremely obese?

You didn't do a SVJ correctly. Even at my heaviest as a fattass 102 kg @ 5'7 I jumped way more than that.

I'm great at low bar squatting.
I just suck at low bar deadlifting lol

fact that i neglected bench for veryyy long time is also contributing factor

2018 will be upper body gains year desu

ohp bench dips mostly, taking it easy with diddly now (t. did 2.5pl8 rows today and 4pl8 RDLs yesterday)

Probably a long distance cyclist, those guys have huge legs and cant jump for shit.

>such shit stats that people think you are lying about them

This place seems so proud of being weak.

Aren’t DUP programs just like texas method/madcow with an extra day?

Anyone here know a good sample to said program?

>Aren’t DUP programs just like texas method/madcow with an extra day?

>Anyone here know a good sample to said program?
DUP is more of a programming philosophy than a set program. Dr Mike Zourdos, and Greg Nuckols both have good resources to learn about it.

>work all day(new to the job)
>erectors get fried from warm up weight on DLs
Does it get better

Squatting is the non twink lift anyway so you can feel good about that.
best of luck mang, I believe in, hit a 3pl8 binch by end of year

>Squatting is the non twink lift
that's bench press

yea you adapt it will take 2-3 sessions but you will get used to it.

dunno man exorcist arches can make up for some strength, squat is hard to cheat in comp.

I'd take bench press genetics over low bar squat genetics

just become disgustingly obese, enjoy your massive squat (and probably pathetic deadlift)

>Does it get better
Most powerlifters work for a living. How out of shape are you to not be able to handle working and lifting at the same time?

If it's that big of a deal, wake up early and lift in the morning before work

Quit powerlifting desu

Go to a doctor and get your test checked. Best case scenario you get legal roids.

I'm sure this question gets asked here all the time and I hope you kind sages have the patience to be honest with me...
What is the best strength program to follow once one has exhausted their novice gains and wishes to pursue intermediate gains?

Did you? That's sad :(

You going to compete or do you just want to get strong?