3 months ago

>3 months ago
>be overweight, unattractive 5/10 who got tinder after a breakup
>use all selfies, unaware of the new unwritten rules of online dating
>5 matches the first month, all fat chicks
>would constantly swipe every day to a fruitless avail
>hitting me hard right in the feels
>decided to get Veeky Forums
>fast forward to current month
>made stupid crazy aesthetic gains and body gainz in short amount of time (ty keto + IF + lifting)
>no more emo selfies, got breddy gud photos of me now
>number of matches climbing up to 2-3/day but they're all still 5-6s ( i swipe pretty fast and don't want to get hung up on a lot of the profiles, lest i catch feels)
>decided that it had to be tinder's algorithm that's at fault, so I just yolo it and delete my acc and make a new one (just did that now)
>within 30 fucking minutes i get 5 matches already and they're actual 7+s

Dear diary

So what

Tinder algo has a noob boost to determine your ELO by exposing you to everyone in the beginning. As hot girls with high ELOs swipe left on you yours will go down to normal and you’ll start getting 5-6 again. Also 3 months won’t do shit and you still probably look like shit. Try again in a year.

so what's your fucking point, or are you just whining about shit no one cares about like a bitch?

post a pic of u i wanna see the progress

>3 months
>nothing really changed

10+ in 1 hour. I shit you not, whoever is in the same situation as me, you need to delete your account and reroll

Ooh buddy, I can't wait to get home from the gym and show you up. I don't have a 6 pack yet, but I did make gains

Ok I'm back. This was me near the end of October. 6'2 @ 300lbs

This is me a week ago @ 238lbs

You've had very good progress, I hope you'll keep at it.

thanks senpai, I'm not gonna stop. My goal is 200lbs before may, that way it can be an even 100lbs in 6 months

my tinder doesn't even work
left or right swipe, i see the same profiles when i turn the app back on...

keep at it

Nice noobie gains
Keep it up

you're still an ugly fatass 3/10

hows the skin? (similar boat to u

>>use all selfies, unaware of the new unwritten rules of online dating
So what's this about?

routine and diet?

You look like a gay bear who dates a twig.

perfectly fine, shouldn't have a problem

Classic PPL
as for diet i mentioned i do 18/6 intermittent fasting and keto diet. I also stay under 1600kcal a day. Not sure which of the 3 things is doing the most for me, but I'm not changing it because it's all working quite nicely

I want to grow my beard out more. I'm at that awkward phase of growing it out there it just looks a bit round and misformed. Planning on squaring things up and giving it a tapered look once I gain enough length

ok man

newer accounts get shown to more women
older ones get buried eventually
I'm still getting 5-10 matches a day regularly
I got hella into tinder dynamics for a while and it really helped my luck
If you really want matches that badly, I suggest looking at what David Bond does with his, which is basically just brute force but with tinder matches, his amazing profile also helps