Fit ideals thread

no current thread up sooooo

also, yes, i am a socialist, idgaf fight me bitch

nobody cares man

National Socialist?

Not bad, body could use more description tho



basic af but watch me while i care

shit tier beard/10

mirin legs


peep this shit bitches

Old one got deleted

Good for you, but no one cares

1/4 Only body is good. Would give 2/4 but I don't like tattoos.
Hope you don't want to be natty, because you'll need plutonium supplements. 4/4.
3/4 Don't dig the hair.
1/4 Why Bella Thorne?

I saw that one last night when the old thread was up. huh

There was one pretty far down.
7/10 - Style does not fit the rest. Your body and Hair says man. Your style says city bitch.
8/10 - Not a fan of chicks with abs, but you do you. Style is good.
10/10 - I like where you're going bro.

I have a thing for tall and lanky models, don't kink shame me bitch

thick n blacc

Faggot OP didn't post template.
Here goys.



what kind?

You're supposed to rate, fags.

Rate others reeeeee

>Soy beard

mine so rating others
3/4 good hair, good tats, good style
4/4, extra points for gsp
4/4, just don't get the gay shit fag nosering
3/4 hair is cool, good gains, chick is a dime, but fuck those clothes are trash


Sauce on the ladies?

Mary Elizabeth Winstead on the left
Tessa Fowler on the top right
No clue on the bottom right


I just wanna save the white race with a cutiepie, senpai


What does that have to do with anything?
I kind of want to try a muscle girl. I bet she could hold me down really hard :3
Mommy > Daddy desu

body is dank, I like the hair too but girl and style is just not my cup of tea
I can dig this, klokov is an instant 10/10
I like the body, the rest kinda seems all over the place
you could be a Guy Ritchie move character, I like it
Odd but in a cool way, pretty gud
dog 10/10
pretty damn good this, not something I'd choose for myself but I like it
girls are cute but the style is not my thing, body and hair is pretty nice too
I like all of it, the body is pure hnnngg and the hair is top

Like it.
Feel very nonplussed about this.
Ambivalent at best.
Physique,hair, grill are on point just not feelin' the fashion.
Just like the physique ideal,.
Like the physique, hate everything else.
If this is a joke, I ain't laugin', otherwise, hate it.
Hate it.
Like it more than I hate it.
Hate it.
It's okay I guess.

i dig the mustache 6/10
seems kinda average 5/10
8/10 just for Bella thorne
style is kinda boring 4/10
weird bike/10
long hair is best 7/10
7/10 doggo
girls are cute 5/10
10/10 girls, 4/10 rest of the shit
7/10 you seem pretty cool desu
buff bob marley/10

2/4 Men’s Physique is ass/dreads not really my thing
4/4 but I’m kinda meh with the whole thing except the grills
3/4 Your style is a little fucked imo
1/4 the grills are alright I guess
3/4 I don’t fuck with the aryan shit
4/4 As long as you don’t wanna fuck the dog I wanna be your friend
3/4 Style doesn’t make a lot of sense
0/4 just because you have a nun fetish
0/4 saw you on a thread already
2/4 I can dig the style
4/4 Klokov is everyone’s true ideal physique

>3/4 Your style is a little fucked imo
why ;_;

holy shit dude I'm jelly 8/10
8/10 I like the style
Her eyes are so intense 7/10


Not really a fan of older styles, A good mix of modern/vintage is something I personally fuck with.

body same as you, you found nicer pics

don't like the hair too much, rest is solid

whats the name of the asian dude with the neck tattoo top right?

Liking mantilla's does not mean I have a bleepin' nun fetish. It means I like a good eastern orthodox women.

I'm also up for a trashy Asian. I've honestly no preference between the two.

not user - but I believe that is chris heria.
The ThenX guy.

>baby driver
Neck yourself faggot

As metalhead with tattoos all I gotta say is gross, dude.

i am a metalhead with tattoos too, whats gross about this?

wow youre so cool dude bruh

4/4 Solid overall look and girls.

3/4 Almost all of what you idealize is realistically attainable. Just not my style, but you do you. Solid stuff.

2.5/4 You definitely stand out, but I think you’re the antithesis of what I idealize. I’ll give you bonus for everything matching the vibe, though.

2/4 I don’t think the body would suit the style.

4/4 If you’re tall enough to pull the fashion off this is a great ideal.

The white trash style and the crack whore women. Also, thick wavy hair > thin straight hair.

Questionable fashion, 7/10
10/10 my man.
>full body tattoos
Disgusting, 4/10
Nice all around, 8/10
Disgustig fashion, good everything else, 6/10.
Great body and fashion, 8/10.
>tattoos everywhere
No, 3/10.
>k-pop fashion
Yuck, but good Asian qt, 7/10.

Honestly what's the point of these threads when people post the exact same thing every time?


They are ugly as fuck

Step aside faggots


no titties

See you jail bud.

why you wanna dress like an autist?



>nazi wannabe
>wants non-white girl

alex terrible was an aesthetic motherfucker when he was on gear

no time to rate, no need to receive them either.
all female choices are okay, nothing more to add.

1/4, I just don't get it.
4/4, on the fence about long hair.
3/4, lofty goals.
1/4, Sambas are comfy.
3/4, nice.
4/4, would steal.
Please rate others.
check'd and I like your wholesome posts.
4/4 nice
3.5/4. Can't judge the hair but I'm just not sure about it.
2/4, learn to crop.

styles a bit autistic but rest is 8/10
Goat style, body and mammari/babs GF. Hair is fedoracore though.
unless you're bearmode this will just look wicked tismo
Body/Hair is 9/10 Chicks dont look like they have any noteworthy features
Aryan/10. Top left chick, breh
tattoos just rip male aesthetics to bits imo, rest is pretty good.
2D or 3D girls.... which is it


>Hair is fedoracore though.

Long hair is not fedora core just because fat autists wear it. In fact, it's the manliest and most natural hair style. I have gotten nothing but compliments and attention from girls since I grew it out. I'm a 400lbs bencher and a 600lbs squatter, so I don't look like a hipster.

you have titties
Ban a la ban.

Good shit tho. 4/4

Please either go back to r e d d i t , or go back to class. High school is very important.

a fukboii 7
10/10 hair and style
simplicity does not mean stupidity 8/10



>3 different goal bodies
>3 different styles
>nazi wannabe who wants lily white girls with the bodies of minorities

Bretty gud

Faggot infidel/10
Your women will be mine white boi
Dog is filthy animal, Haram/10


literally more white than Goebbels. Hitler would have approved


LARPing faggot


Super basic haircut that only gets salvaged by superior facial aesthetics.
Physiques are also basic.
Suspenders and basic casual wear that doesn't even fit properly. 2/3 girls are cute though.

Okay physique, hair basic but classic, first outfit is what I usually wear during winter but the rest look awful. Diverse women, the porn girl in the bottom is great.

John Krasinski had some great hair after around the halfway point in the office


pedophile ex inmate core

Gee, I wonder why you want the ex-inmate aesthetic

Miss me with that gay shit

not nice user!


God hates fags
Style, body and hair all bode well. Good girl too.
style is nice, hair is a good goal if you've already started balding.

makes sense?

Conor McGregor mode, chick is 10/10, overall 8.5/10
Fairly basic but all around good, 7/10
Body is pretty much my goal but I'm not into the rest, 6/10
pretty weird, don't know what to rate it

But on the mine site up north ... absolutely.

here's mine

Get some better clothes

>also, yes, i am a socialist, idgaf fight me bitch
>*tips fedora*
