/Gyno/ General

Who here struggles with gynecomastia aka puffy nipples aka bitch tits? Tell me about your struggles brah.

I have very mild gyno that's not noticeable except when I wear fitted t-shirts.
Can't afford the surgery and I'm at 11% bf so it's not fat. Can't afford surgery bros.

SRS here, is it possible to DIY gyno surgery on yourself? Any of you tried it?
I can pinch my bitch tits and I feel it. It's just like right there bros. I was thinking about numbing overnight with an ice pack, taking pain killers and sterilizing those medical knives. Cut the nipple and scrape out the gland? Would this work? I am too embarrassed bros. My ex left me but she used to squeeze my bitch tits and told all her friends about it. I'm desperate.

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Work, save for it and get it done in a cheaper country like in eastern europe or south america. If you are already lean it should be around 2000 euros.

do not even think about doing it yourself. You would bleed out, pass out from the shock and maybe die. If you managed to stay conscious you would definitely do a carnage on your own that would take even more plastic surgery to get fixed.

From what I feel on my nipple it's about the size of the tip of a pinky finger. It's always poking and showing like a pimple almost. and the surgery vids show it's just a small incision and you pull the gland out, then you stitch it like twice

Jesus Christ save some money and get the surgery. If it really bothers you this much, you'll do it.
Also do they look good when they're hard?

Same boat except they poke through any shirt in existence, they look fine hard though.

Nah bro. It's like a little pyramid. It's only noticeable when I'm relaxed or doing pushups/jump rope. I know for a fact it's not fat and pure gland because when I jump rope only my the lower part of my titties bounce and not my stomach/chest. Not even joking it just sucks because I have fairly decent gains and my ex now shit talks about it with everyone I know. One of my bros even calls me "itty bitty titty" when we're roasting each other. I don't care much about being shirtless but I love wearing compression gear because it looks good on me if you don't count the bitch tits. When I tape them I can just tell how aesthetic my chest would be

the gland is connected to the back of the nipple and the surrounding skin of the chest. It is not free-floating in there waiting to be taken out.

Surgeons prepare the area with injections that make the wound not bleed, and use an electric scalpel to instantly cauterize all the incisions while separating the gland mass from the surrounding tissue.

You can definitely do minor skin surgery on yourself like taking out a cyst or a lipoma if you dont mind the blood, but this is a serious surgery that can only be done by a pro.

Seriously, save the money and get it done by many of the reputable cheaper surgeons abroad. Many of them have reviews online so you know you can trust them.

I had it bad op. Got the surgery. Best decision of my life.
If youre an ausfag you can access super to pay for it.

Do not do it yourself. Its a 1.5 hour operation. I wouldnt even trust a general surgeon. You need a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

What would be the worse case scenario besides pain and a bad scar? I can definitely feel the layers of the muscle to fat and gland. I read on other forums of a guy who did a DIY surgery but he sucked it out with a needle

I had really fucking bad gyno. Got the surgery, best decision of my life. Feels so good not having to worry about that shit anymore or only being able to wear dark colored shirts to try and cover it.

Save up and get the surgery m8

Do you know the cost in USA bro?
My insurance won't pay for it because it's cosmetic. And other surgeons told me to be ready to shit out $5k. I can't afford it

Same boat my man. I've tried the cut and scrape, and I just dont have the mental fortitude to cut myself that much. I've watched the same videos, and I'd recommend against doing it yourself even if the alternative is expensive. I get that "bump" feel you described too. Mine are thankfully getting a little smaller. Get the surgery in bulgaria or something

Any of you know of any successful retards who did a DIY surgery on themselves successfully? I've only read about one but he got banned from the forum and never posted after pics

>have pseudogyno
>if my nipples are hard/cold i have an 8/10 chest, looks like i bench 315 for rep ez
>this is fine because usually when i've my shirt off in public i'm at the beach and the water is cold
>but when i'm smashing my gf i get hot and my nipples get drooping and i look like a 14 year old skinny fat fuck that works manual labour in the summers
>tfw bulked for the last 10 months, now ~18% (measured with calipers) and chest is nicer but obviously more fat around the nipples and to top it off i've got the beginnings of love handles and a gut
>can't wait to cut but want to finish my bulk properly and get to that 4pl8 dl

if i cut down to like 10 to 12% bf would my nipple fat go away bros plz this is the reason i started lifting

Lets say you are genetically predisposed to get gyno because your family has it. If you get the surgery, then do a cycle of test e, is it likely to come back?

This dude tried to do it and he pussied out because it is fucking impossible to see what you are doing when a wound is overflowing with blood.

Best case scenario, you do like him and only need a few stitches to cover your attempt. Worst case scenario, infection, sepsis and death

It's fibrous, glandular tissue. You can't pull this shit out with a needle. You need surgery man.

Worst case you slice up under your nipples, try to rip out your own glandular tissue through the hole, it doesn't work because you're an amateur trying to do surgery with a fucking knife and fork from a seafood restaurant, so you give up and stitch yourself back up and end up in a lot of pain with nipples that look like absolute shit.

If you have a case that's bad enough that you're in this thread... you can't do this surgery yourself.

Borrow/beg/steal/fraud/save the money. This isn't going to be resolved without surgery, there is no other solution.

You'll hear about Tamoxifen and think it will resolve it, trust me it won't. It at best will reduce it a tiny amount, and only for as long as you take it, meanwhile it's killing your liver.

Surgery. Like this user said getting the surgery will be the best decision of your life.

Once getting near 12%, supplement your fat loss with pic related, should get rid of it.

Had this november, local anaesthesia.

in 25 days it looked like nothing had happened, it's been bit over 2 months and only when I lift my arms up I can see scars which are fading properly

1000€ for the surgeon and a good fucking one, gona be head chef of the european union on comestic surgery or some shit, 550€ for the hospital
the expensive part is doing massages to break down the scar tissue(dunno the proper name in english) that form naturally on the scar area

I was really shredded so it might've helped with recovery and surgery, didnt had lipo,

Nah bro. Gyno is a gland. If you have it removed and take roids it won't come back

Ways to pay:
>the way i did, claim it's causing you chronic pain and access your super (retirement savings)
^probably only applies to ausfags
>plastic surgeons have payment plans
>borrow the money from friends/family, be honest about what you're doing with it so they feel sorry for you and lend you the cash
>insurance may well cover it, gyno is a legitimate medical condition.

how to get in ontario, apparently it's restricted and will get stopped at the border

I have genuine gyno too on one side only.
I'm low body fat and on top of the puffy painful nipple I can actually see a circular mass under my pec.
Anybody have something similar and got it removed?
I got that shit since I'm a teenager and the doctors had told me it would go away but it never did.
It feel like the more fit I'm getting the more apparent it is.

Unironically search leddit for an answer

my nig.

I was about to post the same shit. This worked great for my bitch tits.