I’ve been on Phraks GSLP for a month and a half, and my upper body lifts are already stalling! Why? I eat 2500 kcal, 1g of protein/lb, and sleep 8 hours.

My OHP is stuck at 45 pounds and Bench at 75 pounds. What the fuck am i doing wrong? Noob gains can’t be done because I’m still well below average strength, right?

I’m 5’11 and 150 pounds if it’s important

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>I’m 5’11 and 150 pounds if it’s important

2500 calories is probably not a surplus for you, so you can try eating more

realistically though if your lifts stalled there even with insufficient calories in 6 weeks of training (and you aren't a teenager), you are probably towards the bottom of the bell curve when it comes to response to training

sorry man that's just how it is

did you really fall for the >counting the bar meme?

Are you sure you’re doing the program right/counting your calories correctly? Try starting strength and see if you progress on that. If you don’t, see a doctor for low t.

What about stalling after 2 months on an eternal cut while being /fat/

Your form must be fucking horse shit

a cut is a little different, actually being in a sizeable deficit is a lot different than just undereating by a little or maintaining

the thing is having poor response to training isn't even usually something easily fixable like low testosterone, it's a whole host of genetic factors that you can't do anything about

optimistic but i don't think even the worst form could make someone stall at weights that low

Here's a list of reasons that might give you insight on why you're stalling

>bad form(you'll end up not developing the main muscles of the movement)
>you aren't eating enough or you're not counting calories
>you aren't following the program to the T
>you have structural/muscular imbalances that cause you to have bad form in any exercise and thus making little gains there
>you're not sleeping enough
>you're way too stressed out throughout the day
>you have THE worst genetics/THE lowest test

Its definitely the last option for OP

Suck at counting calories and/or need to readjust your macros for your new lower weight.

let's be honest

only the last one really explains when people have progress this poor, because i sure as fuck didn't eat enough or have great form when i did SS and my lifts cruised up to way over that no issue

i started OHPing with more than that

I really scared about turning fat since I’m already flabby

I check my form religiously and ask the workers constantly to make sure I’m doing it right, so I don’t think so


ALSO forgot to add, I actually am a teenager, turned 18 a few months ago

No those are my actual lifts with the bar. I’m weak as shit

What was your weight a month and a half ago?

Chances are either you're a troll or you aren't being honest with yourself. You aren't eating well, training well, or resting well. Those are 99% of the factors that go into progress. Unless you have shit genetics, and you'd probably know it, as in you'd make CGI Captain America before his super gear look like a beefcake. You'd look like a death camp jew even without starvation. If that's the case, it's your shit genes, and maybe going to get TRT would be the fix.

You're most likely burning the protein you're eating, depending on when you consume it.
Up your calories by adding carbs and try to get a majority of your protein in RIGHT after your work out. And try to lift a little heavier for lower reps. So up your calories to 3000-3300 and train harder.

>my OHP is stuck at 45 pounds and Bench at 75 pounds
> I eat 2500 kcal, 1g of protein/lb, and sleep 8 hours.

Problem is you're piss weak. I eat less calories than you and I'm already intermediate.


WENT from 145 to 152 now

You need to eat more. 150 lbs is nothing at 5'11". You should aim to be 200 lbs, MINIMUM.

Take it from me, I'm 6'4" and was a 170 lb skelly. I'm now 255, pushing up to 275. Bit of a belly past 240 lbs but I don't care cause I'm still getting stronger.

I eat 4300 calories per day to gain weight. You should aim for 3k-3.5k.

I honestly am eating well and sleeping well FOR SURE. I work as hard as I can in the gym and always ask buff dudes and bodybuilders for advice if I’m even a little bit unsure of form or technique.

Am I doomed to be a weakling forever?

Watch this video and learn how to eat.

>150 lbs

there's your problem


Not OP but same problem
If this genetic response to training shit is true, i'll unironically kill myself
Ugly, Manlet and eternal dyel, fuck my life


I don’t want to get fat though

Just work on form and do more reps with lower weight. It's also possible that you aren't lifting more because of a psycological block, try to remove mental inhibitors.

1. Keep at it. At worst, you're not getting weaker. Even if progress is very slow, consistent progress is still progress.
2. 2500 calories is not that much. That's actually the recommended amount for an adult male. If you think you're doing everything else right, the easiest thing to do is eat more. Try 3,000 and see if you make faster progress.

You'll stall real quick if you're cutting. Although 2500kcal is a bit high for a cut unless you're like 110+kg.

If you're fat then just deal with lifting shit until your body fat is at a level you're happy with. Then go insane and watch your lifts balloon. :)

It really sucks to start going to the gym the first timewhile cutting. Good luck!

please post photos, I would like to see how weak you are for science.

Here’s how I looked when I started, I look pretty much the same now

Eat 3000+kcal you dill, 2500 won't build shit.

this guy is right, I would aim for 3500 kcal

>Phrak’s GSLP
You deserve this

wait so you OHP the bar only?

Maybe he's talking about 45 lbs dumbbells
