Answer my BURNING Question

Do fat people smell?

I can't smell; I have anosmia. So I've never been able to smell. However I've heard several times that fat people smell. Interestingly enough, I've found myself gagging as a reflex when I get a face-full of living lard.
So please tell me: do fat people smell? Do they smell really bad? Describe it. Is it a unique smell? Does it smell like old food? How strong can it be? If the person is fatter do they smell worse?

I appreciate any sort of details or anecdotes you give.

The fatter the person, the worse.

Fat people smell, yes, especially because they sweat a whole lot. It's a sort of strong smell that can vary salty or even salty and acidic.
They usually smell like armpits basically.
It's terrible.

Fat looking to get not fat here.

Thank you for this precious information.
It's been so hard to find an answer because of this question's offensive nature. Thank you for bringing it all to an end.

Yes. The fatter the person the more folds they have in their bodies that sweat or become inflamed because of friction, which then smells like putrid sweat and pus combined. The fatter they are the more likely they're not very hygienic either, or even have the common decency to use cologne or deodorant.

t. former fatty struggling to get even leaner.

Yes. I believe its because they perspire more from carrying around all that weight and insulation, and when you get to mediun fatness bacteria and sweat gets trapped and rubbed around in their fat rolls not to mention more surface area. At superfat stages i assume they give up on bathing because its too tiring and theyre not attracting anyone anyway so its pointless for them

Massive people such as pic above just smell fucking terrible. It's a disaster. Almost like rot to me. But then again, I made myself pathologically allergic to them for the sake of scaring myself away from the fat.

I hired this 50ish year old man last week and he has a huge gut and smells permanently of pizza and I have to crack a window everytime he gets in the truck because it's suffocating.

Yes. And fat women, not the ones like pic related, but fat ones that try to be polite and live a normal life, will cover it up with tons of perfume. It never works. The perfume mixes with the sweat, and I can smell it instantly. Perfume or scented soap on a thin girl can help to enhance her natural sexy odors. But the natural odor of a fatty is sweat, and the scented shit enhances the shit smell.

The only related story is that my dad has the same thing you do, OP. It works OK because my mom farts a lot, and it doesn't bother him, so they get along great.

Adding all this to the database. My suspicions finally being confirmed.
Feel free to put "assisting the disabled" on your resumes, because this is pretty much like describing to a blind person what a sunset looks like.

Hahahaha this is great. So from my perspective, being fat is like a curse or a mark. such as, no matter what you do to cover it up, there is this invisible force that reminds everyone of your status until you've become not fat.
I'm slowly coming to understand that general disapproval of being overweight.

And so hold on a second, so when people have those big ol' fat rallies or protests for all women of size, does just imagining them bring on this putrid smell of dirty laundry and sweat into one's mind?

Also yeah my best friend farts around me all the time. I also offer to take out the trash or clean up someone's puke if they drink too much or something. Just call me the Trash Man.

Happy to help my dude, happy to help.

If you can taste, you pretty much know what smell is like. Smells can be sour, bitter, spicy, ect. The sensation is similar, but usually less intense. Imagine drinking sour milk. That's what smelling a fat person is like.

Yeah but I can't taste either... I thought that was sort of implied.
Poured myself a glass of milk once, got halfway through chugging it before my throat started tingling. Read the date and the milk was pretty well past expired.
Also drank my own piss once, by accident (I'm not some weirdo), and if I didn't realize it was piss for other reasons than taste, I would've kept drinking it because it tasted no different than like tea or water with a lemon in it.

>had a high school biology teacher who couldn't smell
>ofw she said if we farted she could actually taste it

Yes. If they know about their smell you can usually tell from the compensation perfume or cologne

Hey op do you eat really healthy because you can't taste anything or do other biological traits cause you to desire unhealthy did?

Taste is like 80% smell friend.

They smell what really nasty, fungi ridden dickcheese would look like if they are horrendous at keeping their hygiene

Please respond op I need to know.

Yes I eat very healthy. Last night I was eating raw broccoli, cauliflower, and some tomatoes because they were just sitting out. The focus of this being that they were sitting there and convenient a.k.a I didn't need to do any prepwork.
As a general statement I'll say this "I hate food." I really hate food... I hate how much time it takes to chew and I gag pretty typically just trying to force myself to swallow the mass of nutrients just sloshing around in my mouth.
I eat raw food a lot, ESPECIALLY garlic. Garlic is so good for you, as I'm sure you all know, given it's the right kind of garlic.
However, contrasting nearly all of this, the texture of the food and other things impact my "cravings." I like eating cold stuff, like ice cream or more typically smoothies. I like feeling the ice chards going across my tongue and the coldness is nice too. I really like, thick melted stuff, like melted cheese is awesome. So pizza, calzones, and other stuff is noice. As an overarching statement for unhealthy foods: I'm drawn to junk food for different reasons than its taste. Potato chips are crunchy and think, plain sugar is like chewing rocks, and soda carbination is pretty neat.
Naturally I typically just find foods that shares those characteristics: crunchy vegetables (snowpeas), uh shaved ice I guess (not too much compares to granular sugar), and carbonated anything are some good parallels.

Things I hate eating are things that are dry, take a long time to chew, or just make my mouth feel weird. Things like plain peanut butter, or bread (I HATE bread so much, like SO much), I used to hate pickles because of the mix between juicy and crunchy, but now I like them.

I realize this is scatterbrained as Hell, but I gotta take a piss and I want to finish this post and somewhat answer your question before doing so. I have gone out and bought an oven bake pizza and a bag of some sort of chips, probably cheeze its, and had a "cheat day" solely because of the convenience

I hate to pry into an answer that is sufficient on its own, but is this smell's presence solely enough to warrant a cause? To say, is it comparable to someone farting? Like is that smell of their unkept body comparable to an act of insult or inconsideration? Is the odor so strong that it's just as real a factor as me wearing a shirt that says "Hey, screw you?"
I can't think of any good comparisons except for like, if I had headphones around my neck, and I played music so loud that everyone around could hear.
Because to me it sounds like that fat people's odor is on this level of audacity, and so I'm confused why people don't openly express their discomfort. As to say, I find it probable that someone would say "hey you douche, turn down your music or put your headphones on" but if someone said "UGH! Lose some weight you cow! You're reeking up the bus" then I feel that person would receive backlash.

I'm not asking WHY it's socially unacceptable to call fat people out, but rather, can the smell be on that level of intensity?

what the hell did you put piss in a bottle in the fridge or something

Dang dude. Sorry for all that. I guess taste and smell are the easiest senses to live without though, since you don't need them for 99.9% of all possible tasks, but damn I would miss them if I didn't have them.

But you don't ever have to smell ass, which I guess balances it all out in the end.

More or less.
I drink a lot of water, like a gallon a day. I strongly believe in all those articles talking about being dehydrated etc.
So I have all these gallon jugs sitting around, maybe like three in my general work vicinity, and no-shame I had to piss while playing a video game and decided just to go in the empty jug next to me. I used to piss in jugs occasionally, not anymore, but I go for my 12th cup of water in the day and get a swig of piss and before I can stop myself I've swallowed it all within one fluid motion, cause you know, I thought it was water and was ready to chug. But after one second I realized the jug was warm and obviously that it was piss.
After all was said and done, I wasn't repulsed by the taste, like at all. I was more disgusted by the idea that I just drank my own piss than the taste. Afterwards my stomach felt mildly upset and that's it.

I was pleased to know that if survival depended on it, I could drink my and anyone else's piss and be the last one standing. "Perhaps I am the supreme human" delighting my thoughts.

Imagine you're watching a real video of a guy skateboarding. He does a jump, lands poorly, and you see his leg snap, and his bone come out of the skin as he starts screaming. You feel an instantaneous sensation, right? It doesn't feel good; makes you cringe, and feel warm and sweaty. Your body tenses up, and in general you feel "bad". That's what it's like with a bad smell, which fat people have.

Do not feel sorry at all man. I can't speak for everyone, especially those who have lost their sense of smell commonly due to overexposure to chemicals etc., but I much prefer not being able to smell.
What I'm about to say is probably pretty controversial and will make a lot of people think I'm full of BS, but I went to the doctor, and my mommy was like "you need to find out why you can't smell because it might lead to bigger health problems."
So I go to the doctor when I was roughly 16 and he's like "shove these down your pie-hole."
So I take doc's mystery vitamin supplements or whatever they were and after two weeks I get my first experience smelling something.
I'm at school taking a dump (which since I've been told is a douchey thing to do because it stinks up the place) and I smell this WRETCHED aroma coming from beneath me. I soon learn that "___ smells like crap" is not just a meaningless expression and struggled to finish using the bathroom as I could hardly breath comfortably. Ended up flushing each turd as soon as it came out.
Then, if not in the same day, I smelled the hallways... just, a sea of sweat is all I could smell. It wasn't unbearable, but it was all I could focus on. I hated it...
Later I ate McDonald's and was blown away by how good it tasted and then never took my magic smell pills ever again. Just like that episode of Spongebob where Patrick gets a nose, all the bad smells superseded how good anything good smelled (even though I never smelled anything good).

I remember one obese dude who didn't smell so bad. Must be a titanic task for him to maintain such a level of clean.

Is it like that shudder you get after the last dribble of puke is exiting your mouth?