>Boogie is never gonna ma-
Boogie is never gonna ma-
Face it boys, he will surpass Zyzz eventually
still enormous and deform
He got the surgery. He'd have to be an absolute failure of a human being not to lose weight after it.
Instead of wasting taking pictures like these he should at least start exercising or working out. Or better yet stop looking like lying back on a bed and having a doctor mutilate his insides just so he could eat less be a fucking achievement.
You are just jealous of him, but don't worry, I am sure he will go back to his original weight. Only this time he will be muscles instead of fat.
-ke it
Sorry I thought I had a sneeze coming
>my mom bullied me, I can't go to the gym
BBC (Big Boogie Cock)
Imagine that thing poking in your ear when you're unprepared
-rry again? You’re right.
>having two penises
Yes, I am jealous of him cheating to get his weight down and being LITERALLY so weak-willed that he couldn't just eat less for free and lose weight the natural way.
zyzz was never a fat ogre.
look faggot, he got a surgery that literally makes him feel like dying if he over eats, now if you cant make it like that you literally die. BUT
>dude is still obese by a longshot
>he most likely never look normal.
>he will need skin removal surgery.
>he will never ever have abs, nor get jacked
>he will still be an omega with no respect from normal males
>he will be an hero for faggots, fatlards, nümales, betas and omegas. But in all honesty who cares about those fucks anyways.
>Anime is for mental retards with autistic delusions.
i mean, technically "boogie" isn't making it, his lap band surgery or whatever is making it
sure I am jealous, how fat are you?
sure his is better now but his body is so fucked up I can barely imagine letting my body deteriorate to his current state.
He fucked up yet is still doing his best with what he's got. He isn't blaming anybody. More than can be said for most of the losers here.
He had mental issues which forced him to constantly eat plus only 5% of diets work, so a surgery was literally his only hope.
>best with what he's got
You mean a surgery funded by his retard fans?
holy fucking kek
Hey boogie.
man, he literally has a dildo on his arm.
Genuinely happy for him.
Sure he used a handicap, but are /frauds/ no better in achieving their goal? idgaf how you get there, a certain amount of will is needed.
Good for him, dude can actually walk now.
-rry again.
He's making the best of what he's got, better than Boogie by far
>He isn't blaming anybody
LOOOOOOOOOL. All he does is cry about his mean mom who FORCED him to be fat.
Fat boogie frame mogs skinny boogie
>mfw man with one arm and no legs is more chad than 99% of Veeky Forums
Boogie this is sad, stop making dumb posts here and go for a walk or something.