Deadlift back pain

Hey Veeky Forums i keep getting lower back pain whenever I do deadlifts. Here's a video:

Yes i know i'm short
Yes i know i'm weak
Yes i know i'm ugly

I'm just looking for a form check and some advice.

Other urls found in this thread:

Knees and hips don't open simultaneously... heels come off the floor... How about you watch a couple of YT vids on how to deadlift before trying it yourself

Try a more neutral head position and roll the bar towards you before initiating the pull. You should probably be pulling off a 3+ inch box also.

You need to start the lift by driving your feet into the floor. You're starting it by lifting with your lower back.

I recommend reading and watching this a thousand times before you ever deadlift again. Deload and start over.

Thanks for the advice,

my gym doesn't have a mirror in the deadlift area i can practice in front of so it can be hard to check what i'm doing wrong.

How's my back? Is it straight enough?

The bar should travel closer to the body. It should practically scrap the body on the way up.
I'd work on engaging the lats more and sticking out the chest more and making sure the bar is always above midfoot. GL you ugly fuck

Feet into the floor, got it.

Thanks for the link

>heels come off the floor
wat? when in the video does it happen? (hint: it doesn't)

I would make sure your chest is out and your chin is up

Also, the guy in the back isn't going too low with those squats? Looks like he could injure his knees

Alright thanks i'll work on it

Thanks my dude, how about hip position, is that alright?

Depends. You should feel tension in your hamstrings before you pull

>hyper extensions 2x10 on non-DL day
>taurine in your whey mix

also stop moving the bar around and we can't see your feet position. plus you should be dropping the bar more than lowering it.

>you should be dropping the bar

No, he shouldn't. But he should be letting it get all the way rested on the floor before picking it back up, which he isn't doing.

Learn how to deadlift correctly. Learn how to brace. Train to get stronger posterior chain and back. You know why people suck dick at pulling from the floor much more than squatting most of the time? Because people overall have a undeveloped posterior chain: tight hammies, small and weak glutes/lower back/erectors.

literally at the bottom of each rep. Are you blind or just stupid?

I think that's why his heels lose contact with the floor. Keep the bar closer to your body. For some people it helps to point their feet outward so their knees don't hit the bar as much when they extend

I just noticed he's wearing running shoes. Wear flats

Be bearfoot if you don't have flat shoes. You are initiating the movement with your back. Your back should be rocksolid and the pull should be with Hamstrings and glutes. Remember to build tension before you move the bar

Notice that the bar is moving in a / instead of a straight line.

The barbell is too distant from the body, that's the main issue. Don't obsess too much on "knee and hips opening at the same time", people with different proportions will have slight differences in the execution but as soon as you keep the barbell next to the trunk you'll be better.
Deload and practice with an absolute focus on form
>my gym doesn't have a mirror in the deadlift area i can practice in front of so it can be hard to check what i'm doing wrong.
That's bad.
It seems it doesn't even a proper flooring too.

no bracing
no tightness
rounded back
bar over your toes instead of mid foot
That's mostly it.

I get same lower back feeling. I think were supposed to feel it there helps muscle get bigger. form looks good

you need to stop doing deadlifts and squats until the pain goes away first then follow the advice

>I get same lower back feeling. I think were supposed to feel it
No, you don't. Chances are you're making more of a good morning than a deadlift
Awful advice. He needs to do even MORE deadlifts with lighter loads and with an emphasis on form.

Thanks fellas, I put your advice into practice during my set this afternoon and it went a lot better.

No more lower back pain!

1. Stop doing touch and go. Get yourself set and brace your core for each rep.

2. Keep the bar closer to your body. It should basically slide up your legs.

3. Watch videos on lat tightness in the deadlift, and do that. Your lack of lat tightness lets the bar fuck around and go too far forward.

4. Learn how to properly depress your scapula. Shoulder blades into back pockets is a good cue.

Don't lift in front of mirrors to check form. Take videos. Mirrors give deceptive feedback from 1st person POV, and causes poor form because you're not focused on the lift.

Your hip position seems mostly okay.

Oh yeah, watch the new "common deadlift mistakes" video on the Starting Strength youtube channel. You do a little bit of mistake number 4. You should watch the entire video though.

Didn't tell him to breath with his balls.

Also, good morning and direct ab training can help out.