Will be fucking serious here. How many times you should hit the gym per week...

Will be fucking serious here. How many times you should hit the gym per week ? Im in my rest Day but i have failed with diet, should i go to gym now to balance the extra calories or just rest ? Thanks/fit/

I work out 10 times a week, each session being an average of 45mins - 1 hour. 4 of those are runs, 2 are swims, 3 are strength and 1 is a ruck march

Oh shit, forgot I have 2 rest days which are Thursday and Sunday. You can totally rest if you want to just have some disipline with your diet.

Whether you want to see changes in body composition or athletic capacity, the PURPOSE of training is keep subjecting the body to a stimulus that causes adaptation. In order to succesfully keep doing this, the stimulus must be stronger and stronger over time. This is what's called progressive overload. If this isn't happening, you are literally getting nowhere.

So how much should you train? Enough to create a sufficiently strong stimulus, but not so much that you cannot recover and improve from this stimulus.
So how do you know if you've got it right? Simple. Your performance improves. If your strength, speed or whatever you're training for doesn't increase over time, your training IS NOT WORKING. You either need to do more (or sometimes less) of it, or you need to change it so it's more specific to your goal.

This is the entire point of being in the gym: to facilitate continued progress in performance. Yes, even if all you care about is muscle growth.

Most people don't understand this. So many people get caught up in endless debates of whether it's better to hit a muscle two times or three times per week, whether it's better to do 3 sets or 4 sets etc.
You can't look at it like that. What matters is: Are you getting better? If not, you must either increase or decrease the stimulus.

So you CANNOT sit down with a piece of paper and theorize as to what would be the optimal program for you. At the end of the day you have to pick a starting point and adjust from there according to how your body reacts.

>How many times you should hit the gym per week?
Can be from 1 to well above 7.

How to get a back like this?

3 times full body or 4 times push/pull twice. depending on schedule.

Once or twice during exams

with a PPLxPPL split you could go 6 days a week

with a less demanding split you could do 7 days a week, especially if you have a day or two just for cardio and abs or something

depends on your goals and your strength levels that would affect your recovery times

Depends on your program and how taxing your workouts are

Some areas, like the quads, should probably be hit twice a week and allowed to rest

Some muscles, like your biceps, can be trained pretty much every day

pretty good advice user.


Did you write this? Anyways, I'll cap it and post it more often. One thing that makes me wonder tho. Why is this not common sense? Is the majority of people genuinely to low IQ to realize this? Especially on Veeky Forums where autists congregate, there should be plenty more that understand this.
Consistency, hard work, progressive overload and a good diet are 90% of getting fit.
hook grip, conventional or sumo, when you are hitting 1/2/3/4, +200g protein a day, SS or 5/3/1 and all this other bullshit autists here obsess over makes up only 10% of your success in the gym.

Here's another one. This should be stickied or at least spammed across all threads by some dedicated shitposters

Optimal total volume a week

Chest, back, quads, hamstrings
>60-120 reps a week
Biceps, triceps, shoulders, abs, calves
>30-60 reps a week

Make your own routine using this knowledge

forgot pic

people are different. stop shitposting simplified bullshit, you arent helping anyone

Enjoy your lack of gains.

read this thread you moron. Only you can possibly know when you are actually making progress in the gym. Learn to listen to your body, not some stale lazy shitposts

3 years training

>work out
>work out
>work out
>work out
>work out
>work out

sauce now nigga