What is Veeky Forums opinion on taking a dance class at the gym...

What is Veeky Forums opinion on taking a dance class at the gym? I'm tired of doing cardio on the treadmill and want to try something new. I've never danced in my life but I figure if I stay in the back of the class in a dark corner nobody will pay attention to me, plus I'll get to watch the qts shake their bootys

Do what the fuck you want you thoughtless faggot

Is this the stanky pussy dance?

like two wise men once said,


Literally anything is better than running on a treadmill. Dancing is great you get to learn a new skill and meet some qts. Just remember to leave your autism at the door.


learn it and you will never have to cook mexican food for yourself again

But I don't like mexican food

please post more


If that guy's not careful he's gonna get fat


probably just got out of prison

check , do whatever the shit you feel like and stop asking others how to live, damn

neivamara on insta

Bachata is Dominican not Mexican

Even worse! Dominicans are the lowest form of subhumans, and their food tastes like shit.

I actually think it's pretty nice to see how uninhibited the guy is in this moment. Sure, he could be engaging in a more healthy activity, but it is rad nonetheless

What the fuck
Jesus christ i havent been so disgusted and shocked and embarrased for that guy since high school

don't be a soyboy. next thing you'll be doing is sipping latte after your yoga sesh

is it weird that I find this cute
he doesn't care about the calories, the transfats and his clogged ateries.
he just eats because its tastes good, completely thoughtless and innocent
I find it heart warming

more like kizomba but yeah

what the fuck are they doing and what is with those pants jesus people keep getting weirder every year

If it's a class at your gym it's probably alright cardio, but you won't learn how to dance.

Bachata is patrician tier as far as social dancing goes, but it's not intense enough to count as cardio. Maybe hip hop or something.

It's called "dancing", user. It's fun and girls like it. Give it a try some time.

kind of looked like the homely one in pink, who I'm assuming from her being the dude in the dance is a dyke, was trying to "dance" while the hot one in blue was trying to show off for the camera.

Seen it before, nothing new, actually really tame.
Lambada was literally dry humping with clothes on. The moment that took off it became the year of paper thin pants tiny skirts and no undies.

Probably one of the best types of cardio: fights inhibition, increases social skills, increases coordination(body awareness/precision/timing), variety of styles, several degrees of intensity and is fun.

this one always discusses me

Is it a real dance class? Jump in, girls love that.
Cardio is indeed so goddamn boring that's why I joined my gym's Zumba class. It's not real dancing a waltz or some shit but it's fun.

This is some industrial autism.

Will one of you teach me to dance irl? no homo
I have a phobia of touching people

1. Go to a convenient place for dance lessons.

2. Take beginner courses and then intermediate ones. Get kind of ok dancing (maybe 12 hours of lessons)

3. Go to Le Hot Dance lesson center. Take beginner courses. Claim you've never danced in your life.

4. Amaze qt3.14s with your "innate" dancing prowess, as you're obviously the best in your class.

5. Rinse and repeat

Shut up cunt.
If I wanted your opinion I'd give it to you.

b8. confirmed never had mangĂș con salami


Upgraded to weaponized autism.