I'm curious. How fast does Veeky Forums bulk? In pounds
Also what sauces go really well with chicken breast?
I use taco spice mix from the supermarket and it's tasty as fuck while being low cal. Satay is a good sauce tho.
For any cooklets: don't use a high heat to cook your chicken, use medium/ low. Takes longer but the meat will be way more tender. Took me too long to realize this.
i just dress it with vinegar
Thanks! I use taco mix for my ground turkey currently. I steam my chicken! Very easy
Is it normal to be able to intentionally pop your kneecap like a knuckle? I've been doing it as long as I can remember; and realized I've never actually seen anyone else do it.
>is it normal
as far as the norm goes, fuck no.
Isn’t it weird how every time we brush our teeth we do a mini vomit to get rid of the paste?
Do u have an actual fitness question?
1 lb per week is too much even when you are on gear. When you are natty you should aim for 1 lb per month but it still would be pure fat if you are already advanced
Problem with that though is that it's very hard to get your intake just right for such a slow weight gain. Because you can't really reliably track a 100 gram gain per week.
Would be ideal if you could.
if you are a noob you should aim for 1 lb / 0.5kg. You will gain fat of course but it will make you stronger due to increase leverage and help you with adding more weight to the bar.
Was looking for a nice pair of adjustable dumbbells and came across these
Can anyone recommend these? Also why would these be "not suitable for performing overhead exercises for example dumbbell military press, standing triceps extensions etc"?
I'm a beginner and have been bulking since late October. I have put on 17 lb. Aside from the ~3 which is water/carbs/food, obviously not all of it is muscle. What baffles me though is how my clothes still fit perfectly, and I still feel loose in the same shirts I used to wear, with very few exceptions of course. Is it because " a lot" of this weight is muscle which is denser than fat therefore it doesnt make you look that big? I dunno...
>Also why would these be "not suitable for performing overhead exercises for example dumbbell military press, standing triceps extensions etc"?
If I had to guess, somebody's scared of getting sued when their crap falls apart and hits a person on the head. But I don't know.
500 calorie surplus/day = 1lb gain/week = 50lb gain/year = FULL weight in 6 years if you start at 150.
Most of us weigh FULL now. Good luck newfag
> don't use a high heat to cook your chicken
The alternative is to brine your chicken. I'll put the chicken in a tupperware with salt and room temperature water, then start prepping and cooking veggies/beans/rice whatever. Then you can cook it on high heat. I let it brown on both sides, and if it's a thicker cut, I'll stick a thermometer in it while it's still on the pan, if it hit 170, it is DONE! Meat therms are about 10 dollars and are really worth it if you cook a lot of chicken. Alternatively, cut it open if you aren't concerned about aesthetics of your plating job. If it's not done, I'll lower heat to medium and throw a lid on it, it usually takes 10 mins of actual cooking at most for the chicken only. Everything from prep to food on plate is about 30 min. Took lots of practice to get down to those times though, as well as keeping a clean kitchen.
Juicy every time.
Over the course of a lifetime you can expect to be able to build 50 lbs of lean mass give or take. Going for such a massive weight gain in a single year is just dumb.
Way to live it, twink
How good are lentils, black beans and chickpeas as a protein and general nutrients source?
I have lunch and dinner at my uni's cafeteria and they always have those open to serve as much as I want. Should I grab a fuck ton of them for those nutrients?
There's of course meat and other stuff available that I get.
I'm skinny. 181 cm and 65 kgs. I eat healthy with no soda, few snacks and rarely eat out. In 19 so I usually cook for myself but my mum is very conscious about health so I've learnt from her.
I've been going to gym for about a month now with some improvements but I wanted to know if I'm doing anything wrong.
I try to increase my calorie intake by drinking more milk, bananas, nuts and in general increasing my portion sizes.
Also I'm doing the fierce 5 program which is similar to starting strength.
Any tips?
I can only squat 40-50 kgs, bench 30 etc but if I'm doing single reps I could probably do more.
>bought a new water bottle last night
>tag on it said BPA-free
>look at the bottom of the bottle this morning and saw that it has a number 7 on it
>did some google searches and found all websites sayinf that number 7 is the most harmful
Am I going to die or am I just a fucking paranoid retard?
I can't DL right now. When pulling I get really bad pain only on the lower inside part of my right leg hamstring. First happened a week ago so I took a break but I hurt it again yesterday. What's up bros
>How good are lentils, black beans and chickpeas as a protein
Not as good as meat, eggs or dairy. But it's still protein and every little bit can be helpful if you have trouble meeting your requirements.
You're on the right path, just focus on improving your lifts over time.
Don't get distracted by performing single reps. Stick to the program.
Probably closer to being a paranoid retard than dying, but if you don't like it, just drink from glass.
Could be proximal hamstring tendinopathy.
too late my breh, drinking from 7plastics causes immediate, irreversibile retardation (as shown by your meme usage)
Thanks m8 I've been tracking my progress and doing my best.
I looked it up and proximal is upper hamstring but ya I probably just pulled it. I started power cleaning recently and my form might be shit.
Is it common that as I'm getting to an intermediate level of lifting, I no longer have the same force output in my later sets as I do in my first one?
When I was doing 4x5, even if five reps felt like a max I could, for a long time, rest a few minutes and then get back to it and dish out another set. It was rare that the third or fourth set would be noticeable harder. Now, however, I can do maybe 2pl8 bench for five reps for one set, but most of the time the second set is a lot harder and I'll often fail at around the 4th or 5th repetition. I've started doing drop sets to counter this, I'm currently doing something pretty similar to the Texas Method except I was trying to do more than one set on my intensity day.
not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but here it goes
is it better to eat so you dont get hungry
or eat when you're hungry.
>looking for a nice pair of adjustable dumbbells
we've identified the problem
get a pair of olympic dbs. they'll use the same olympic plates that will come with your olympic barbell, so it's a multi-tasker.
Is it 100% necessary to eat at maintenance for two weeks after cutting?
Would 1 week suffice? Just want build muscle already!
It's perfectly normal. Basically when you're just starting out it's physically impossible to actually push yourself due to stuff like neurological inhibition that you learn to override with experience.
So as you become more experienced you'll be doing fewer all-out sets. But this doesn't mean you should be doing less overall work. Most people follow their max set up with some back off work. These back off sets will be lighter than the topset but still at least as heavy as what used to be heavy for you. So overall you're still doing more work than you used to, but fewer of your sets are taken to the limit.
What you can also do instead of a topset and back off sets, is start doing a bunch of submaximal sets followed by an AMRAP set.
What like the best routine and diet be for improving muscles for a bodyweight exercise test and a bleep test. Also going under my calorie intake is desired for bodyweight exercise right?
When people say
>dont fall for SS
and post pictures of guys with t rex arms and huge thighs are they critiquing the "Rippetoe" squat form with the hips back thing or just the routines priority on squatting itself? I hear the main criticism of SS is the squat form
I still eat meat. It just happens that I have those also around and I can eat as much as I want.
So can I just go crazy on them? Will I become a soyboy?
I just tracked my calories for today and realized that I barely get 60-80 grams of protein a day although I'm 82kg and 184.
Could this be the cause of my plateau?
Lentils, black beans, and chickpeas are very heathy and good for you, keep it mind you can always incorporate those things in chicken or meat if you like those too
bout .5kg a week i think. not in pounds.
I can. You a runner?
This is retarded advice. You can gain 1lb a week just from a 500cal surplus.
If I was to eat as much as I wanted, even if I was eating healthy, I reckon I could gain 2 or 3kg per week.
I think it's because I've got low T, my total daily energy intake is low as fuck.
As far as muscle goes? fugeddaboudit
I don't know if I have e coli or am going through ketosis
I bought 3kg high quality chocolate. Help
Should girls be taking protein (like shakes and powders) if theyre doing light weight training 3 times a week? Especially when their caloric intake isnt very generous to be eating 6 eggs a meal and shit? Average weight but trying to lose weight and get "fitter".
Also, my mom was basically told to chase protein to lose weight. Normally shell just eat meat, when at dinner parties/buffetrs shell exclusively pile up random meats on her plate. Occasionally shell do weeks of meal replacement shakes at least once a day. Occasionally shell eat veggies but not really. She walks minimally but on the weekends does do a bit of lifting and manual work. Isnt this a terrible diet plan?
weigh out 50g or less as a serving. Make it last so you can enjoy nice things more often.
Please respond. Here are some foam banana sweets
If you plan on seeing any actual results from your efforts in the gym, you should try to meet your protein requirements, yes. If this is difficult for you to do through the regular food you eat, then it would make a lot of sense to "take protein" as you call it.
Any sorf of fad diet is a terrible diet. Even if restricting yourself to eating e.g. meat exclusively helps you create a caloric deficit, it's a hell of a lot smarter to eat a normal varied diet, and then quite simply eat a little less of it. Just don't take that extra helping at dinner and you'll lose weight. It's that fucking simple.
What makes it hard is people forget they want to lose weight as soon as they see something delicious.
I asked this in the last thread but it’s dying, so I’ll ask here. So I hear about low carb high fat and protein all the time, what is a good gram ratio for this? 60P/20F/20C? My usual carb intake is no less than 150g. Max I go is 185g if I have something like pasta once in a blue moon. 150g is low carb correct? Because I get all my carbs from vegetables consisting of tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and beans, and especially oats. Those are the only 3 carb sources I eat every day.
So for weight loss, I bought celery as a snack to have with peanut butter. I put the bunch under water for about 2 minutes, then broke off a piece whenever I wanted to eat it. But I had diarrhea yesterday and have been doing keto. I have mild nausea. I've also been drinking about 4 liters of water a day, maybe a little less.
Anyone ever deal with sciatic pain? My lower back is so weak right now and I have 0 mobility. I havent been to the doc yet because they will just give painkillers
Is it possible to stay at 180 pounds and maintain, but to drop the excess fat and gain muscle at the same time?
What are the best macro counts/percentages for IF (16:8 - 18:6) while also trying to build?
So far I've been getting about 1,400 cal a day, ~160 g protein, 100 g carbs, and 20 g fat.
Been doing this routine for about a week and a half, definitely seen more definition in my core but still wondering if I can optimize.
>160 lbs
>current bf% 13.7
>lifting 5 days a week
Only if you're a beginner
i wasnt planning on going on her shitty meat only diet. I enjoy fruits and vegetables and an occasional serving of pasta. She just gets mad when i suggest she should go for walks/run and eat a bit more balanced while counting calories. Her friend is doing atkin and abuses laxitives and fat blockers, so it could be worst.
Severe potassium and sodium deficiency. You had a good run user. U ded now
2 lbs a week. But I'm blasting test.
2 kilos per second on average
Don't fuck with me
180lbs is overweight for the average man.
It's possible but will take far longer than just doing one and then the other.
>180lbs is overweight for the average manlet
I moved from my old house, but now the nearest gym doesn't have a squat rack, but instead a smith machine. Should I go for it or look for another gym? Sadly I'll have to ride more than 30 minutes more to go to any other gym.
do smith machine squats and supplement with heavy dumbbell lunges to keep your stabilizer muscles strong
Buy your own or replace the movement as best you can.
Or see if the gym owner is willing to get one.
Is it a stupid idea to drink sugary drinks (military rations) to keep emergy levels up while working out?
What’s the opinion on raisins/prunes/figs? I hear they go great with oats and are a better snack than most things.
Look at your overall diet or what you're eating before workouts instead of spiking during them.
5'8 M(anlet)
SW 330
CW 230
GW 150
I don't know what it is lately. I'm nowhere near GW but my overall life I've been extremely happy and I don't know how to handle it. Past ten years have been nothing but deep depression, now I have to keep wiping this stupid fucking smirk off my face. I'm starting to get interested in women again but I kind of feel like I'm too late at 28 and just want to focus on me for another year or whatever. How fucked am I?
While the longer you wait the more issues can pop up with your sperm, it's never too late for men unlike women.
If you're not talking about eventually having kids, then it's never too late anyway. Even 80 and 90somethings in old age homes find new companionship and love.
Just gotta go take part in some non-solo activities.
Assuming you've read the body recomp articles in the sticky, this is all review. You can do whatever you want, but the two week period is to get your hormones, thyroid, etc closer to normal back from the "help I'm starving save anything he eats as fat" mode that cutting gets them into. Shortening the waiting period will result in you having a tendency to gain more fat and less lean mass for a while into your next bulk, giving you less time to build LBM before you need to start cutting again.
I'd say if you started from skeleton mode or are otherwise on the lean side of your target bf, go ahead and start the bulk, and inversely if you started from fatass mode or are on the fat side of target bf, wait the full time.
Why do programs like this do chin ups instead of pull ups? I thoughts pulls were better?
Thanks, I'll look up to it.
How are quick oats worse than steel cut or raw? The nutritional labels say exactly the same thing. What am I missing?
Just seriously started doing Starting Strength a few months ago (was just fucking around in the gym for most of 2017). My squat is just fucking embarrassing compared to my other lifts and I don't understand why. My form is pretty good.
>168cm / 5' 6" manlet
>150 lbs body weight (135 lbs starting weight)
>Bench 155 lbs (3x5)
>OHP 100 lbs (3x5)
>DL 250 lbs (1x5)
>Clean 110 lbs (5x3)
>Squat 185 lbs (3x5)
because chins are easier, they're better; i.e., you can move more weight that way. More muscle is involved.
Even though I know that I still think of em as girl pullups. I like overhand pullups because they seem more like a "real" pull. IRL you typically grab stuff palm-down.
I say do em all, overhand, underhand, and neutral grip. Hell, if you're doing 3 sets you can even hit em in the same workout.
If your form isn't breaking down just keep on track. SS is a beginner routine and things will be where they should be when your plateaus start happening in other lifts but your squat keeps rising.
Optionally you can break SS a bit and just add weight faster on your squat if your form is actually not falling apart, but it means you'll hit when you have to start reducing the weight you add out of line with your other lifts.
doesnt fucking matter. dont obsess over trivial bullshit like this
Both recruit different amounts of different muscles. Chins recruit the biceps more and more muscle mass overall.
They're both great and both have their place, so does neutral grip.
Can anyone explain to me what my routine should be?
I'm a 6' 21yo guy, I weigh 185 but it's largely fat as I never work out. The issue is I play soccer and spikeball daily so I have large calves, quads, and glutes. My upperbody is pathetic though.
How low do I need to drop my weight before I start trying to build weight?
Been told I should aim for 160 but that definitely seems low to me and I'm afraid I'll lose my ability to play these sports at a decent level if I cut that low.
t-nation .com/workouts/full-body-training-for-advanced-lifters looks like a fun workout what do you guys think?
Also if I am not gaining weight but I see progress in my weights does that mean im building muscle and losing fat?
Cutting before lifting is for people who are obese and would be at high risk if they put any more weight on.
Start now.
How bad is going to the GYM just after waking up without eating anything?
the priority.
Collectively? Probably a lot
Start lifting now.
The way your body works is when you're putting on fat and getting fat, you're also putting on a little muscle at the same time.
When you lose weight, you're losing both the fat you put on and the muscle you put on at the same time.
By lifting now and losing weight st the same time, you lose the fat and the lifting will help you decrease the amount of muscle you will lose from losing weight. This maintain the muscle you currently have which you wouldn't have had if you lost weight first then lifted.
I always had a little discomfort in my right shoulder. I've been running for a while and when reaching to about a mile my right shoulder begins to tense up. I'm not sure if its too much on my form as my left shoulder is completely fine, but it could be the case that I'm just tensing up my right shoulder. I need guides to make sure that I'm in the perfect form.
Are there any exercises that I can do to help with shoulder pain? Should I see someone about it?
It's said that testosterone levels are the lowest at the start of the morning, thus rumoured that the amount of muscle gained will be less, but no one really knows,
Also going gym without eating is fine, you may feel dizzy from lack of nutrition but no long term health problems should happen as long as you eat afterwards.
How bad is if i add species like pimient to my chicken during my cut ? it is bad if i add it ? how much more kcal or extra shit has ? should i eat my chicken alone or can i add species ?
i squatted yesterday and now my butt hurts
Unless you're naruto running like a black weeb, see someone about it.
Same but with wall balls
Starting today going from 122kg to 90kg, I want to lose weight quick and build a sexy body what is the best fitness program that will give me a good body?
Actual question: The last two weeks, I have been having exertion headaches (actually, they were almost gone before yesterday, but they came back full force after doing pullups). Can I just train through them? Or do I HAVE to take rest (I really don't wanna)
He's saying that's too big of a caloric surplus, which it is
If I can't do 3 sets of 5 on my bench should I go down some weight or stay at this weight.
I do 5, 4, 4 reps
Any personal tips? How did you do it?
What did you read about it?