In order to maintain his size, Mr Geraldo eats every three hours; usually egg, sweet potatoes and meat
In order to maintain his size, Mr Geraldo eats every three hours; usually egg, sweet potatoes and meat
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I just don't get why people use steroids to look like that.
Tony said: '"My wife doesn't like it. However, I am happy with myself. She has to accept me like I am, or we will have to go on separate ways.
"Other women love my size, they love it. Once we were walking in front of my gym and I told her, 'Look, if you don't want me there are several other girls who does' Then, pointed to all the girls coming to talk to me."
Must be pretty hard to get t-shirt from a store, buying a suit is not a simple affair.
mental illness.
>brazilian niggers
>buying suits
Synthol, not steroids, but yes, because they're mentally ill and highly insecure.
They'd look a LOT better if it were roids my dude
Their arms look like water baloons
It's synthol. They're weak as kittens.
How do they think that looks good?
So like, these guys can’t lift for shit?
Sounds like the stories delusional fatties post on tumblr. I bet everybody clapped after too.
forgot to take the neckpill
those fucking tits
>Falling for bait this hard
Lat status: 404 not found
>that fucking neck
>those bitchtits
Guess their IQ.
>to maintain his size he needs to eat
>acting like eating has anything to do with that
Pretty said these guys have been roiding for over 30 years and look like complete shit everywhere. And I don't get why people use synthol in their traps. If you're already roiding, why don't you actually try and build traps?
Obama is Brazilian?
you have to be literal down syndrome to use synthol
Why don't they just use roids instead?
Obama look like that?
By way of Kenya
i will never understand synthol
>"look at those titties man"
-Manny Ribera
Holy shit Obama got big
> you have to be literal down syndrome
Or Brazilian.
Trump is the healthiest presid-
left looks kinda obamaey
these oil fucks always embarassing our country, funny thing is they all go on some tv program thinking they'll get the fame they want but are always humiliated
Post their legs. I need to see these walking failures in their full glory
tabloids are fucking pathetic
i know these guys they never shot up harmful chemical
they got them bodies with hard work and time at the gym
It's not roids though
but does that actually help strength or is it just tissue.
Haha ya it was bait haha got em xDddd
This shit triggers me so much. A moron injects synthol into his arms and thinks he is the next muscle star. These idiots have no self awareness whatsoever.
And then all of them without exception talk about a made up high volume diet that they eat to maintain their oil arms. These idiots are so stupid they really think they are fooling people.
it's oil you fucking potato
Is this the curlbros final form?
These guys are shitting on the legacy of the Silicone Man.
RIP him and 50 Cent's carreer.
It's not even tissue actually, it's inflating tissue that already exists
arm tiddies
Any single person in this thread would feel inferior to them on a primal, animal level. Women want to be ravaged by sheer muscle and size, it's in their programming. You either admit what I just said, or you cope-insult.
how did he put on the shirt?
>the final form of the machines only culbro
You're insecure.
that still doesn't answer my question
That is the most quintessential British looking girl on the planet.
Why is it always Brazilians that take up synthol, I heard it's cause every bitch in Brazil is a retard and thinks it's real from hard work
maybe it's just cheap
there are a lot of transgenders as well in brazil, so maybe girl/bizeps pills are just cheap there
How come they're so bad at the injections?
Do they only know of the major muscles?
What I said:
I'll never understand why they don't just use real steroids.
They're primally more attractive than you either way.
Shoo synthol man, go away
You're insecure.
Your mum is insecure since I started fucking your dad