I think my hairline's receding. wtf do I do Veeky Forums?

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cut it, be a man and don't give a fuck

How long is your ponytail, fag?

it is?

it touches my boipussi

Bacc to /b/ with you

Ahhh cute.. boy is becoming a man and is upset with the changes going through his body.

Male pattern baldness, and greying hair... natural signs of aging.

You can not DO anything, you are becoming a man... accept the changes

Good news! WOMEN (not girls) like these changes.

actually it goes an inch past my shoulders.

I'm still in my late teens. This shit's normal?

get on finasteride now or wait for it to get worse before you start taking it anyway.
don't make my mistake.

alain is this you

I had full head of grey hair by middle twenties... thankfully my family genetics KEEPS the hair but we go grey early... I accept the good with the bad

I work in a factory where we heat up metal with some kind of black coating and the place has shitty ventilation. Could that have something to do with it?


sounds like a cancer factory
enjoy your tumor gains of 2018

>the place has shitty ventilation.

Buy an industrial floor fan.

What are you talking about? You have a normal hairline. Did you make this thread to trigger hairlets?

if you are under 21 and its already this bad expect full blown male pattern baldness by age 25
if you are already over 25 then its not too bad really

You're not balding, dumbass. Saged.


That looks like a normal fucking hairline, worrying about balding increases the rate of balding by 5000%



Am 19


do a dna test or check with a dermatologist about your pattern.

if you prefer full hair over dick getting hard
chug finasteride. just keep going to the gym to not become a girl.

you can try saw palmetto during the falling cicles, but it do not work to everyone.

minoxidil on the head always.

or, chug creatine and go to gym 7 days/week forget your hair while you become a testosterone blackhole of pussy.

>chug creatine and go to gym 7 days/week forget your hair while you become a testosterone blackhole of pussy.

Minoxidil my mans. This is me after 4 months

starting to think I should just cut my faggy long hair desu. Also holy shit is that real?

yeah dude it's me

If you stop do you lose those hair gains?

Also mirin hair

>If you stop do you lose those hair gains?
yeah if I stop my normal male pattern baldness will resume within a few months (I haven't tried and I don't intend to but that's what I've read at least) so I have to be on it for life. But, unlike finasteride, there's no side effects (you might get a slightly dry scalp although I only experienced that very slightly and only for the first two weeks or so) and you just rub it in your hair in the morning after showering (you hair needs to be dry though) and then within a few minutes it dries (although this varies depending on whether or not you have the topical solution or foam. I have the former.

>Also mirin hair
thanks bruv, I'm really happy with how it turned out. Also it may continue to add new hair for up to a year and maybe even longer so I might even experience more hair growth, although I'm happy with how it is now.

Does Ketoconazole shampoo have any effect on facial hair?

Also, I was gonna apply it to my hair every day, cause more is better right? I was gonna keep my hair conditioned and use my beard oil on my scalp as well to ensure minimal dryness.

What would happen if somebody who wasn't balding took it?

Thicc hair

How much does it cost you per month?

Yeah I'm not balding (barely have a mature hairline at 25) but I'm thinking of taking it just to get super thick hair

basically this Minoxidil doesn't actually fight the root cause of balding like finasteride does, it just makes you grow hair faster than your balding is making you lose it. So you end up with a net surplus of hair growth. That's why women can use minoxidil (although at lower dosages) to thicken thin hair but they can't use finasteride because that's a hormonal drug of sorts and will fuck them up.

min is cheap m8. 6 month supply for 22 bucks


About $40. Not a bad price to pay to reduce/eliminate balding.

After seeing that amazon link I'm now realising just how expensive my country is

People who can't accept they are aging are fucking pathetic.
Think of the celebrities who demolish their bodies with shitty plastic surgery.
Would you rather be old looking or look comically ugly and insecure

What about the foam?

>People who can't accept they are getting fat are fucking pathetic
>Think of the celebrities who demolish their bodies with shitty fad diets.
>Would you rather be fat, or look comically flabby and insecure

Just cause people are retarded and try to improve their looks in a retarded way, doesn't mean you can't sort yourself out look better after

Think of the celebrities who don't demolish their bodies and look amazing for their age with no downsides.

I agree. What I am saying is there are some things like age that you just cannot fight and fighting them is sometimes worse than just going along for the ride.

Improve yourself all you can.

That's a false equivalence if I ever heard one. Aging isn't something you can avoid - It is the natural progress of things. Being fat is not.
Fact of the matter is that people endeavor to do something about balding because of their insecurity and ego, when they should just accept that they're getting old

I just bought peppermint oil since I heard it helps with baldness and it's way cheaper than off brand rogain. any anons use it before?


You pay a premium for the convenience, but nothing that'll ruin your fucking life. Comes out to about $11 a month.

The older you get, the slower your metabolism gets, therefore the fatter you'll get, if you don't change your diet/exercise regimin
A full head of hair is always more aesthetic than a receding hairline, so everyone should strive to keep their hair full. Or not, as it makes everyone who does have a full head of hair look even better in comparison.

I started thinning at 13 dude, some of us just have shit genes.

Does it work as good?

>The older you get, the slower your metabolism gets, therefore the fatter you'll get, if you don't change your diet/exercise regimin
Which you can do by exercising and eating properly. Balding also isn't unhealthy in a physical sense, man, and is only devastating mentally if people can't just accept it and move on.
>A full head of hair is always more aesthetic than a receding hairline
Eh, some people look great with a buzz, and it has its advantages; You look more competent and strong, which is definitely the virtues you want if you're a man.
Honestly, though, you have somewhat of a point. If I were a balding woman, say, I'd probably do anything to keep my hair, since appearance is much more important for women

Could it help with beard gains?

>it's way cheaper than off brand rogain

One ounce of "off brand rogain" comes out to about $1.80 here . I don't know how good the peppermint oil works, I'd love to know your results, but it's not any cheaper.

And you haven't gotten over it yet?
Sorry about your genes, though.

And of course, I'm not saying that you SHOULDN'T do something about your balding, just that the more wise and inexpensive thing would be to just accept it

Have no fetishes
Dont watch porn
Dont masterbate
Wait until marraige


I've heard yes, but it will also fuck the skin on your face.

Also, to anyone getting excited about minox, do know that there are good chances it will do jack shit. I've been taking it for almost a year and my hair gains were almost negligible. It might stop it from getting worse, so I'm not gonna stop, but yeah, don't expect results like

nothing its permanent

>thick, full head of hair
>MAYBE recedes a cm, can't really tell

you're retarded

I know a girl who's 29 and has grey streaks going. It's extremely cute. It's all about how well you wear it.

Just described my entire life user. Now what?

Doesn't look receeding at all OP. Have any comparison pics? Your hair looks thick.

soak your hair in onions twice a day and SS+GOMAD

It's just the front. Shit's kinda pissing me off.

You're a good ways off from actually being bald, dude. You can keep that hair style for now

Doesn't look receding at all to me. If it were you'd notice the corners of the hairline first. I think you're spending too much time on Veeky Forums and getting insecure. Relax, you're all good.

Thanks for the kind words brahs.

yes it is now better jump off a cliff

Change your name to WARF and learn to speak clingon

Just a mature hairline, at least for now. Keep an eye on the temple area. Anyone telling you otherwise is either trolling or worse, stupid.

It doesn't even look like it's receding to me.
Mine is going back like devil horns. Long hair, looks fine.
At least you probably have symmetrical eyes. I figured out, or knew through time, that one of my eyes sits like a quarter inch higher than the other. It really sucks man.

You should know what to do next.




I’m pretty confident I know what that is and it’s not minoxidil but I not spillin our secrets

Give a hint that only the worthy high IQs will be able to figure out then.



A S C E N D ?

Anyone else getting gyno from Fin? Tfw 5 years at the gym all gone bye-bye

At least I still have 9/10 facial aesthetics

not sure what you're talking about but I've only used minoxidil. I'm gonna continue to use it for a while and see how much I'll get out of it before I start consider finasteride. I've also heard some exciting stuff about RU58841 but I don't feel safe putting that shit in my body without more tests being done.

yeah I realize I'm fortunate enough to be one of those people who got really good results from it. From what I heard it stops balding in about 4/5 people and stimulates new hair growth in about half of people. I'd say it's worth trying anyways though, you never know if you're one of the people who's gonna respond really well to it.

buzz it, but not enough to look like a bald retard just kinda like pic related. you will need facial hair to look good tho., but not much, just a stubble will do

so cut it short not just for aesthetic purposes, but bc you'll minimize the hair loss my reducing tension on the hair strands that generally occurs when combing, washing, wearing hats and shit like that. traction alopecia is a real thing

My hairline receeded at 16, didn't give a fuck, just wear a hat or shave it bald and grow a beard

The reason pic related doesn't look like a bald retard is because he's not balding, buzzcut won't save us baldlets

op doesnt look bald either. tho yeah gyllenhal has good hair genetics

Should I just buzz this shit?

Is this bait?

thats a sick tatto bruv

>not knowing what your company manufactures

>At least I still have 9/10 facial aesthetics

It starts with an S and ends with a G

How long did it take for you to start seeing visible results?

just look into healthy dieting/looking after your scalp

if you eat the proper nutrients your hair will stay strong for a lot longer

You good hairline you fucking retard dont just shave it off because you went back 1 mm.