>tfw grill has better insertions and bigger biceps than you
Tfw grill has better insertions and bigger biceps than you
Yeah she does, we'll get there though if we just keep going hard.
Do women require PCT after roiding?
She probably has a bigger cock than me, too
That's a good question. I would guess they don't.
They take nolvadex if they over did it
>Tfw no amazon woman to dominate and ravage boipucci with clitcock
Bros, what makes a good bicep insertion? Is it bad to have a long bicep or a short one?
No woman can gain muscle mass like this, she's obviously on roids
t. emasculated cowards who look like soft, twiggy shit and can't stand the fact that a girl is more muscular than they are
ironically want my face in those pits tee bee aitch
i would lick the sweat off of her armpits
Yeah well they have a point. If you're into women who roid and have the body of a man/more testosterone than men then you may as well be a faggot/tranny fucker. Makes no sense to me but I guess there are a lot of weird people with weird fetishes out there.
>workout at shitty ymca
>only old fucks and sticc cardiobunnies
>tfw no mama bear gf to choke you out between her thighs while she vaginally rapes your tongue
who raped these girls
longer and fuller
I did (in my dreams)
it would literally be a dream cum true, unfortunately they are probably strong enough to stop me atm
lost the game
I love muscular women but wtf
Who beat you up at age 5 on the playground?
Why don't you just buy a gun if you're so insecure?
If you can call that a woman, sure.
Giv muscle gf
why even live?
t. Got beat up by a muscle girl