Daily reminder that HAES/fat acceptance is a way for liberals to turn their laziness into a social movement and...

Daily reminder that HAES/fat acceptance is a way for liberals to turn their laziness into a social movement and forcibly silence anyone who disagrees.

>b-but there are fat conservatives! Trump is fat!

I know. But only liberals are pathetic enough to make it a social movement and rally in its favor. A liberal would rather attempt to be a """""revolutionary""""" and force society to adapt to their backwards ass world view than develop discipline and work towards a positive goal. Disgusting and pathetic.

>b-b-but I'm a liberal a-and

No. Pic related is what any liberal trying to argue with this thread looks like.

Preaching to the choir, retard.


fat people insecurity is a good marketing niche to pander to

therefore HAES has valid use

FYI pic related is the camera he/she/it has pinned to he/sh/it's chest

i like that the chair is covered too
shows they at least put in some effort

the right is the traditional party of fat people. they try to turn being a fatass into an issue of freedom of choice.

We, no.

Go to any FPH thread. Find all of the images of Reddit/Tumblr/etc posts preaching about body positivity, fat acceptance, muh genetics, muh patriarchy, etc. etc. I guarantee you every single one of those posters is a rabid lefty.

There's plenty of fatties on both sides. Nobody is debating that. But ONLY left wing fatties try to turn it into some sort of cause.

>But ONLY left wing fatties try to turn it into some sort of cause.
that is literally something that only exists on the internet.

try bringing up banning soda or trans fats in restaurants with a right wing person irl. i promise you they will go on about freedoms and such nonsense.

Get off the internet. I know a dozen liberal fatties and none of them defend it. People aren't stereotypes from tumblr screenshots.

State of you.

I can only read this as "white people fuck"

Edgy, but true

Who is that girl?
is she in LONDON

Your leaders support it sweetie

HAES will be a platform of the Democratic party in two election cycles. Screenshot this.
>banning how people eat

So you admit that liberals are weak willed manchildren who need the government to plan their meals for them, because the concepts of moderation and self denial is completely alien to their mindests? Because if so, you and I agree on more than you probably realize.


Two things

1. Id bang idgaf

2. Imagine being his dad. How disappointed

This is what happens when you let talmudvision and the internet raise your children.

>that pic
imagine getting this mad over bants

>tfw a liberal democrat
>lifting and fitness is a giant part of my life
w-we aren't all fat fucks i swear.

I wouldn't mind if he was my daughter

> Obesity tracks strongly with Republican leaning states


Typical conservative snowflake retard lmao. You're probably a fat fuck yourself.

Otherwise the poldittors that zerg rushed and took over Veeky Forums would get offended, and we can't have that in this safe space of a site now, can we.

>calls others retards
>his graph in no way demonstrates his point

Yeah OP already addressed that in his post you illiterate McCollege drop out.

Stop wasting our time with your illiterate ass and do us a favor and go riot with the rest of the ANTIFA scum and get your skull smashed by the National Guard.


>making a generalisation about an entire population you accuse of generalising
this guy has a pretty funny joke about abortions, though

>thinking this post deserved is own thread

I’m a liberal and I’m in good shape and I think the HAES is a cancer to society. Nothing wrong in being overweight, just stop convincing everyone that it’s “healthy” and perfectly normal to have a BMI over 40
