Mmm...why do you have those muscles but you don't have the face user?

>mmm...why do you have those muscles but you don't have the face user?

Bold words from someone with the face of a 12 year old boy

>but user, your face is disgusting!!!

she looks 12


Because a gym membership is cheaper than a complete facial reconstruction

What girl in her right mind would say this you bumbling autist?


>why are your legs so big compared to the rest of your body?
>what's stronglifts?

thats why these threads are great. Its autists trying to make other autists feel bad.


has anyone ever had this said to them ever

And? You don't want an oppailoli gf irl? You gay bro?

milky moo moo


If a woman had the confidence to say this to ur face just end it all.

No, I follow the law, like a human being.

Have no fetishes
Dont watch porn
Dont masterbate
Wait until marraige


Leave you disgusting piece of garbage. I can just see your ugly,autistic face and want to bash you.


>nice abs but you don't have to send pics of your body to talk to me!


>>mmm...why do you have those muscles but you don't have the face user?


Not for you to look at, Tyrone. You stick to your own kind.

>Get the fuck out my house, thot.

My response

so your a soyboy

another retarded fuckin bait thread that will net a lot of (You)s

w-whats wrong with sl?

i see a couple of milk trucks coming my way

Lawful good is most lowtest alignment.

It lacks a fat Texas man. Maybe some other stuff, I don't know, I didn't run it.

said no girl ever

>Implying neutral alignments aren't the true soy-swallowers

"Neutral" is just newspeak for "excuse to avoid having to choose something difficult". Lawful good takes balls of steel to stick to.

hey quick question, where in America do i go to meet 12 year old women like these?

I have facial gains user

Some ex tried that line with me. It even rhymes in our language. I just laughed and spent the next 10 years with my current girlfriend.

Wow, (((they)))re posting on Veeky Forums now


ironic that all the estrogen gives young girls titties but robs young males of their balls