Should ugly people be sterilized? Not killed off or anything just not allowed to pass on their genes at all...

Should ugly people be sterilized? Not killed off or anything just not allowed to pass on their genes at all. The world would still have issues but it'd be better in general for the decision wouldn't it?

A world full of stupid but good looking people? Interesting user, I think you're on to something

>A world full of stupid
But we already have this.

The problem is that beautiful people can give birth to ugly people because you can't garantee that they will pass on the certain facial genes.

We all carry beautiful genes and ugly genes, it's a matter of luck weather your face gets the kind of features that recemble harmony.

If both parents are ugly, the kids are pretty much guaranteed to be ugly

Oh fuck....he still think that ugly people are more likely to be smart. Should we tell him?

how many % of the population would you consider good looking? If that % is

That's fine, the ugly kid just gets sterilized. Beautiful people can have ugly kids but ugly people cannot have beautiful kids. Not like it's murder or anything, just stopping misery at its number one source.

Nah just really ugly people. The kind that probably make up 20% of the population at least. Actual weird unattractive features like huge noses, nochins, giant bulbous foreheads and eyes too close or fat apart. Everyone who is at least meh tier can stay.

Sounds like a nice world, no?

the bar for being ugly would just go up it wouldn't result in attractive people

borderline attractive people now would be considered the disgusting ugly then

No, because actually ugly people would still be born out of accident. Sterilization would just be a humane act of reducing the amount of poor souls who have to live with it.

Even then the new higher standard of ugly will not produce disgustingly ugly children like the current standard.

go to a class that has a physics/maths lecture ongoing then go to a class that has psychology.

Everyone below 6'3" and non white should get linched after they get cucked by me

>Even then the new higher standard of ugly will not produce disgustingly ugly children like the current standard.
to us right now no, but if you were to do this eventually attractive people of now will be considered goblins

Didn't you say on soc that you were like 5'10?

>he thinks this isn't some larper with another persons pictures

i'm like 6'5", i was just trolling some butthurt autists

You quoted my even then but ignored that really ugly people like actual retards will still exist in small numbers. Obviously the ratings will change but the new ugly will still be on a higher level than the old one. They will be lovable with a personality. And there's more to looks than just how you compare to others, there's a primal genealogical component.

If ugly people are consistently and constantly sterilized then eventually humanity will be extinct.

how will I get cucked if the guy you chose to larp as isn't even that good looking?

By what logic?

Btw I'm saying we purely eliminate the small percentage of the population which some sort of outrageously ugly flaw, like chinlets.

op should just kill himself

Because then today's average will be tomorrow's ugly

>Still thinks eugenics isn't a piss-poor idea that will hurt human survival long-term
How's middle school going?

Eugenics is a bad idea, especially the original version where we discriminate on iq, but genuinely ugly people have a horrible existence and just spread hate and bad feels.

Holy fuck, yes the standards will change, but the new ugly won't actually be that ugly, not absolutely abhorred by our primal good gene seeking minds the way really fucked people are.

Veeky Forums's userbase would go instinct if that happened

chris hemsworth has a bad canthal tilt. it's all i can notice about him he's unironically only a 6 at best. so overrated.

Fuck you look like a pasty pencil necked low t nerdic manlet. Your eyes scream beta

relax, he is larping as the guy, who stole his GF.

Now he has some pictures of the guy and tries to make him look bad. going on for months.

what if you're ugly, but your dick is huge?
what if you're good looking, but your balls are shriveled and you have a micropenis?

Ugly people are less likely to be popular/hang out with friends/party during their early school years. Thus they become more studious since schoolwork is really all they have to keep occupied.

Who cares? The world would be aesthetic. Our politicians would look like greek/roman statues.

Most attractive people are stupid

The new average ugly would fill that niche and besides lots of good looking people are smart.

That's not true tho, just something ugly people tell themselves.

You're retarded user.
Removing ugly people from the gene pool would only raise the bar for looks and soon people would be obsessed with looking perfect and things will get out of control. People would literally measure your face and your frame to check for imperfections and if you have any you would also be removed from the gene pool.
Good looking people LOOK good because their are ugly people in the world to contrast them

All these points have been covered already. Also if you're not a brainlet it's obvious that the beauty is in comparison to ugly is only part of the picture.

Wouldn’t people just start seeing other more handsome people as ugly then? I mean would it really make a difference?

Not ugly white people. White people who are ugly very often produce normal or good looking offspring, loom at Feancisco Lachowski’s parents for example, look at Angelina Jolie’s father. All blacks people, in my non-biased opinion as non-white non-negroe, are ugly so should be sterilised, but theres a whole list of reasons why black people should not be populating the same world as the rest of humanity. For the rest, your rule could hold I guess, however I would rather prefer the encouragement of good looking people to breed rather than the forced sterilisation of uglies (other than negroes as mentiones before).

Should also sterilize any man below 6'0.

We don't want a new generation of dwarves now don't we

Both those people's parents make it into the average category. Jon voight easily a 5-6 and same with franciscos parents, at least 5's.

>encouraging good looking people to breed more
Sure but I'm trying to say this is a necessary humanitarian act that we owe each other. More beautiful people will simply be a side effect of us making sure ugly people don't have to suffer existence.

I appreciate your perspective. For me the sterilisation and prevention-of-birth of seriously disabled people is more important at the moment. If major physical and mental disabilities are non-existant we would have already furthered humanity by a long stretch, both materially and morally.

Idk dude, there's a program at my school that got a blind and deaf since birth nigger mongoloid a job at town hall filing, and he's so automatically good at it they don't have assistants and interns do the filing anymore. Retards have uses like everybody, but normal intelligence ugly people are only here to feel the pain and it's wrong.

Meant autistically, not that it matters

The majority of people are fucking stupid, that goes for uglies too.

why target ugly people when you could target stupid people, lazy people or black people?

second to right looks like a black Ben Stiller

>cucked by a soyboy with soyeyes

Yeah I’m all for it except it’s not realistically feasible. Guys below 5’7 and women below 5 feet should be included as ugly too no matter the face. Just a bunch of short ass kids lol