Real talk here

Real talk here

All shitpost aside. How much of the soy thing it's true and how much it's meme?

I was assuming that this is one of the boards with most knowledge of nutrition

Other urls found in this thread: Content of Foods Consumed in Canada, Including Isoflavones, Lignans, and Coumestan.pdf

>All shitpost aside
you came to the wrong place

It’s a myth dude I don’t have any studies but some anons are bound to turn up and post a shit load
I personally have been a soy boy for almost a year and I’ve seriously gotten bigger, stronger, leaner and way healthier at the same body weight like I’m talking magical shit my face cleared up my BP dropped out of hypertension to 118/70 my hair got way fuller it’s lit

Seems like soy doesn't really significantly increase estrogen

If you have to ask this question, then it's already too late for you.
Might as well become a trap, pussiboi.

jidf still ghosts Veeky Forums ?
ok then let me trigger u while we're here hillary lost and trump is the king emperor

If you got 100% of your protein intake 3 times a day from soy for 30 years you would be at a slightly increased risk of breast cancer maybe. You would probably be more at risk of developing male breast cancer over that period of time from the bpa liners of your soymilk containers leaching into your body. If anything, your body would create test to balance.
Either way, yes, soy contains phytoestrogen that mimics estrogen in your body.

I’ve lurked this shit board for years and idk who that is
I’m This is not me also lol hell yeah we fuccin won boy maga

>Not glorious Onionpill

*decreased* chance of breast cancer actually. Soy protects against breast cancer especially for women.

>Soy protects against breast cancer especially for women.

Holy fuck vegans will actually lie about anything as long as it suits their agenda huh. Mind blowing.

I made the switch over to soy milk and soy based products 6 months ago and I'm seeing good gains. The fatty deposits in my chest have started to increase and I don't know if its placebo but I think my hips and butt cheeks are getting thiccer.
I don't understand the fuss anyway, soy tastes good and it goes with a lot of foods.

You realise you can eat both onions and soy you fucking egghead. This is the current state of anti-soy faggots.

Yeah, if you want the effects to cancel out and make no gains.

Dude you’re not getting bitch tits from soy lmfao if anything you’re just getting fat and that’s where you store some
Gyno will be hard and puffy
Fat will be soft

What about soysauce? My family always had that on the table and in foods growing up


You ever wondered why you didn't have that much success with women?
Soy is metabolised into oestrogen within you body and that expresses itself in your pheromones. Without even knowing it you've been putting yourself at a huge disadvantage.

>I was assuming that this is one of the boards with most knowledge of nutrition
This was your first mistake, fit is now predominantly /pol/tards and children.

Soy = small bengis

Rich Gaspari says in the Battle for Gold 4:40 minutes into the show that gluten makes you retain estrogen not soy

Soy isoflavones actually blocks real estrogen from being received at the receptors. Lowering any effects of any estrogen in the body.

And he's dead now so where'd that get him?

There's not really any consensus that soy has feminizing effects. But do you really want to take the chance?

It got him into the hall of fame
And his competition history
1983 NPC Junior Nationals Overall Winner
1983 NPC Junior Nationals HeavyWeight, 1st
1983 NPC Nationals HeavyWeight, 5th
1984 NPC Nationals Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
1984 World IFBB Amateur Championships Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
1985 IFBB Night of Champions 2nd
1985 IFBB Mr. Olympia 3rd
1986 IFBB Los Angeles Pro Championships Winner
1986 IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
1986 IFBB World Pro Championships Winner
1987 IFBB Grand Prix France Winner
1987 IFBB Grand Prix Germany 2nd
1987 IFBB Grand Prix Germany (2) Winner
1987 IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix England 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix France Winner
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Germany Winner
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Greece 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Italy Winner
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Spain (2) 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Spain Winner
1988 IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
1989 IFBB Arnold Classic Winner
1989 IFBB Mr. Olympia 4th
1990 IFBB Mr. Olympia 5th
1991 IFBB Arnold Classic 7th
1991 IFBB Mr. Olympia 10th
1992 IFBB Arnold Classic 13th
1994 IFBB Chicago Pro Invitational 16th
1994 IFBB Niagara Falls Pro Invitational 15th
1994 IFBB Night of Champions - Did not place
1995 IFBB Canada Pro Cup 5th
1995 IFBB Night of Champions 12th
1996 IFBB Canada Pro Cup 11th
1996 IFBB Florida Pro Invitational 12th
1996 IFBB San Jose Pro Invitational 16th

>won the small dick steroid super bowl x times
No shit eating soy won't have an affect on you if you pump yourself full of litres of test anyway

>good aminoacid profile
>good fats
>doens't require refrigeration

Jees doesn't make wonder why it has bad propaganda?

The effects wont cancel each pther out because soy doesn’t increase your estrogen or block testosterone.

>egg whites have lots of sodium
i'm not gonna listen to this, it's not even that he's uneducated, it's that nobody was properly educated about nutrition back then

you aren't going to raise your e2 by eating some wheat, or soy, you're going to raise your e2 by worrying about what foods you eat

soysauce contains insignificant amounts of isoflavoes. The main offenders are tofu and actual soy beans.

/OURCHAD/ telling it like it is

Damn, he's ahead of his time. Real Harvard shit

C'mon you know you like it ; )

You have to understand soy can be broadly broken into two groups: fermented and unfermented. Fermented is perfectly fine. This includes things like soy sauce. Unfermented does have the phytoestrogens and antinutrients. This includes things like tofu. T-nation recently posted a good article on the matter on facebook:

Honest answer. Soy, as well as other plants, do contain phytoestrogens.

Different types of phytoestrogens activate estrogen receptors in cells. Some more weakly than others.

I personally take a tablespoon of ground flax every day with breakfast. I don't often eat soy or soy products (consciously) especially considering some of the highest estrogen producing foods come from different preparations of soy (miso, tofu, etc...)

Incredible how this meme actually caught on and has a lot of people believing in it.

It's 100% bullshit, eat as much tofu and as many soyabeans as you want, it doesn't make a difference.
>one of the boards with most knowledge of nutrition

>Real talk
Kill yourself nigger lover

It's a meme. This cannot be said enough.

This board is plagued with emotionally unstable, schizotypical, deluded, conspiracy theorist /pol/tards. Do not listen to them, ever.

That's like a level 2 meme.

Meme number one: Soy affects sex-hormone levels.

Meme number two: Fermented soy is somehow "better". Fermented soy contains LESS, not NONE, isoflavones and they seem to be better absorbed in fermented products (

So not only are you guys wrong to assume that soy is bad, you can't even keep in line with reality internally.

Pretty sure it's just level 2 retardation.

Yeah but you have to be gentle with these brainlets, hurting their feeling will just make them more close-minded. It's easier for them to just say that it was a meme and let it go than accepting that their genuine belief was completely retarded.

You are too kind for this board user. Godspeed.

*God Emperor

>dismisses a lifetime of achievement so he can have his little soyparty

Wew lad kys

lads I’ve been drinking soy protein for breakfast for three days and I did not even notice till today.
am I fucked lads? what’s gonna happen to me?


Le epic god enporer xD shadilay fellow magapedes

All soy shills in here need to get their thyroids checked: TSH, T3, T4.
>Soybeans, even processed ones, have anti-thyroid properties.6 The estrogenic isoflavones (particular plant pigments) in soy—genistein and daidzein—are much touted for their health benefits. What is unpublicized is that they are anti-thyroid agents. Individuals who consume soybean products habitually (the recommendation currently in vogue) may encounter long-range thyroid disturbances. Animal studies relate the isoflavones in soy to thyroid disorders, including goiter. Other studies relate soybean consumption not only to hypothyroidism, but also to low energy levels, poor mineral absorption, and infertility.7

Hypothyroid = low testosterone
Lectin = chronic inflammation
Hypothyroid + heavy lectin diet = Soy Boy

Source? Because that's bs

then why do I have this weird urge to buy a Nintendo switch?

Flax has the highest amount of phyto-estrogens, all lentils have them.

>Animal studies
>Animal studies
>mechanical "evidence"
>more animal studies

>animal studies
>am animal

Good enough for me babe. It's not like humans need soy. It's not like it provides absolutely anything you need or can't get elsewhere. It's not like it's 1/10 the cost of other foods. So why eat it when there is even the slightest chance of negative effects?



a lot of soy foods like beans/legumes are good for you

if you don't eat it every day you're going to be fine

Well your brain is certainly as capable as a rodent's. By the way there are trace amounts of arsenic in every vegetable, better stop eating all of those too.

Lentils have effectively zero phytoestrogens. Broccoli has more, along with tons of other food.

You would have to eat 10328 grams of lentils to equal the phytoestrogens of one slice of bread with added flax.
Source: Content of Foods Consumed in Canada, Including Isoflavones, Lignans, and Coumestan.pdf

Stop spreading this stupid shit.

If you are too afraid of that a meme can make you a sissy that might be because you're probably already a low test

Human studies > Animal studies
Meta studies > Case reports

Where is your evidence found? In animal studies and case reports. Where is the evidence of soy being harmless found? In human meta studies, as :

For those who just wants to see the results.

Pic related is "Mean change difference per SD of SHBG(Sex hormone binding globulin)


This is "Mean change difference per SD of Testosterone"

Actual brainlet get btfo

basically none of it. there's one observational case where some guy in Texas drank a gallon of soy milk a day for a year or something and grew bitch tits. n=1 and it wasn't clinical. eat soy, or dont. its not going to fuck you up
soyboy meme is fun though

You are either:
1. Getting paid to shill for soy
2. Have made soy part of your identity (vegan-as-a-religion lifestyle delusion)

Read up on Soy Boy Prison:
>It wasn’t long after that these prisoners began to experience chronic health symptoms such as:
>chronic and painful constipation alternating with diarrhea
>vomiting after eating
>sharp digestive pains
>heart palpitations
>panic attacks
>brain fog
>weight gain
>frequent infections
>infertility (after being released)

Testosterone loss from soy isn't direct.
Soy => gut inflammation + hypothyroidism => testosterone loss

Get your thyroid checked. Earning a paycheck is fine, but schedule a test for your sake.

what a beta cuck


Oh I must've missed to say:

Meta study> Case Study>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blog post

>Karen Brimeyer is a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and health consultant.

HAHAHAHAH, it's a blog post by someone who isn't even trained in nutrition, that would be a Dietitian in the US where she is based. Anyone can call themselves nutritionist in the US, you need NO training or formal education.

So you believe a random person who isn't even educated in nutrition, doesn't have any kind of degree and have never worked clinically to understand nutrition better than actual scientists that have all those things who collaborate with eachother to create well designed studies that has gone through peer-review and gotten published in a respected journal?

I mean, really?


It's a /pol/ cancerous meme that has metastasized to this and other boards. Here it has come to stay for a while, as a shitty argument against anything that has to do with vegans or veganism. Soyboy is the new Dyel.

Hope this meme dies soon desu

Taking diet advice from the real life embodiment of a mom-meme

Is Rich Gaspari a dietician or a scientist?

kek is the doctor doing an interview while walking on a treadmill?

>Lectin = chronic inflammation
There are many kinds of lectins. Most aren't bad for you. Many are good for you.
> Several lectins have been found to possess anticancer properties in vitro, in vivo, and in human case studies; they are used as therapeutic agents, preferentially binding to cancer cell membranes or their receptors, causing cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and inhibition of tumor growth.

That looked like a legitimate source to you?

just like every health hazard
some people are very affected some arent

>2. Have made soy part of your identity (vegan-as-a-religion lifestyle delusion)
Yeah you're not religious about your love of deadly nigger foods like meat and dairy

because you're the samefag who posts all this soy shit, reassess your life faggot

He replaced every meal with it

The most soy I'd want to consume is a little soy sauce on some Chinese food

I don't eat much soy, I have beans and lentils when I'm desperate for food

I've seen stranger people eat chili peppers. Does that mean all people who eat chili peppers are strange?
>logical fallacy the picture

Rip cosmo. Also on hrt and AAs so soy probably didn't do shit.