What does a person generally look like once they reach 1/2/3/4?

What does a person generally look like once they reach 1/2/3/4?

5'10 and under?
they look pretty big
6'-6'4 they look ottermode
6'4+ can be dyel

Depends on how much accessory work you do.

if you ask Veeky Forums you still look dyel

Why do i still look like shit then?

Im a little short on my ohp and deadlifts. But im basically there.

You're fat

totally depends on other factors. bone structure, limb lengths, muscle insertions, ratios. get it into your fucking head, those numbers are totally arbitrary. strength and size, especially at the beginning, are not really correlated. the more you progress, the more important it becomes to gain strength but especially for the beginners asking this question its not relevant.

you don't know how to eat

>short on my ohp

Yeah no kidding

25% bodyfat

this is the perfect SS body, this is pure perfection

I'd suck your dick

This is the ideal male body.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Fat balding soyboy.

You’re gonna look really good once you cut weight bro don’t listen to these fags

let me rephrase, 1/2/3/4 for reps

I posted it specifically to get shit on. I have low self control so its me eating all my proteins and eating a bunch of other shit.

I have a busy school and work schedule so i think ill actually make it and lose the 25lbs i need to lose.

Yeah i can faggot

Yeah but for some reason two girls want my dick this weekend so i fare ok.

how tall?


Im a 5'8 manlet at 180

hm idk man, I'm taller and leaner than you. maybe I'm just weak as shit

What is 1/2/3/4 ? 315 bench 465 squat 500 dead, am I gonna make it bros? What the hell is wrong with my aesthetics? Why do guys that look way better lift so much less than me? Even at similar height and weight 5’10 208 here

i look like you just a little fatter if not the same. I think its just an issue of cutting, it's crazy because when you have a decent strength/muscle base built underneath your fat and start actually cutting to lose the fat you look better real fast.

A lot of dudes who look huge are actually quite lean irl. you'd look great if you just cut.

you're just bloated and chubby, lose like 10lbs and you'll look great

genetics / insertions / frame


Fuck you got the smallest nipples ive ever seen

Cut and stop lifting heavy 5x5 or whatever. Follow a routine where you focus on the negatives and really squeeze the muscle . also cut

Tbh I think you look fine. Maybe just post a picture with a normal posture,not that "I literally can't breathe right now" posture

1/2/3/4 means 1pl8 OHP,2 bench, 3 squat and 4 diddlies, but you clearly passed those. Maybe work a bit on your biceps? Doesn't really look proportional imo

Also, are you bred artificially / out of the test tube? You have no belly button..

Height: 6’0-1 current weight:~220
1 plate OHP for 10–12
2 plate bench for 8-10
3 plate squat 10-12
4 plate deadlift 3 no straps


Damn im 5'6 and 82kgs. You need to gain weight not lose.

Newfag here. Here’s a better pic. No homo. Bellybutton is clearly shown. You’re right though, was a handegg fag and then armyfag so biceps haven’t been hit hard because of the “they aren’t a functional muscle” meme. Biceps just won’t grow, but my lower body explodes

Jesus man maybe buy your underwear a size larger? Even those Calvin Klein briefs won't rescue you if you have a muffin top that bad

Are you roiding? Or been lifting since you were 12?

Nope and nope.

you look fine desu. stop deadlifting and squatting so much if you want smaller waist

Rescue me from what user? The virgin hell youre living in?

>strength and size, especially at the beginning, are not really correlated
This. If you go on youtube and look at any natty preaching the same dumb fucking garbage that strength = size you'll also notice that these idiots look dyel soft little puff pastries with 14-15in arms, relatively big legs and glutes, no shoulders, no back, no traps, no forearms and no calves...

Omar Isuf can bench fucking 350 or some shit and looks like garbage because he never does any volume or frequency. They're all like this. This whole meme started with Medhi's SS ebook with the guy carrying around a calf. It was marketing so he could build his email list.

Yes strength is key for looking good, but with the stipulation that you use that strength to put in the fucking work with volume...

I thought I looked like shit

Making sure you hit weight for more reps is definitely key to looking good AND being strong at the same time. If you don’t do cardio, incorporate HITT at the end of your workouts.

You have the classic physique of someone who mainly does high weight compounds, am I right?
It's a good look but you need to be hitting more accessory/isolations at hypertrophy rep range to see more growth on your biceps and pecs

Ehhhhhh where the fuck is your navel senpai???

There is a guy in my gym that looks like a slightly above average normie but benches more than 2pl8 incline

It’s buried in a furry Forrest ;)

You are absolutely correct. I’m doing a PPL right now. I have a qt fiancé who really loves the way I look. I don’t love it, but I’m addicted to being physically strong as fuck. Tough life right? Should I take time off from compounds or hit the main three only 3 times a week?

>This. If you go on youtube and look at any natty preaching the same dumb fucking garbage that strength = size you'll also notice that these idiots look dyel soft little puff pastries with 14-15in arms, relatively big legs and glutes, no shoulders, no back, no traps, no forearms and no calves...
Explain greg from kinobody


I dunno man experiment and see what works. I'm nowhere near as big or strong as you but my physique was similarly proportioned. I added chest flies and db incline bench both 3x12 after my flat bench 5x5 and noticed my chest progress sped up. but do what you enjoy I personally prefer heavy 5x5s also

Idk if I’m buying it desu...

I hit 1/2/3/4 for 1 repetition each about a month ago


you have shit lighting as well as being a few percent bodyfat to drop if you want to look shredded

You all look terrible.

plates not kilograms

Is 1/2/3/4 for reps or max?

depends, are you a man or a pussy?

Since you didn’t post an image, I’m just gonna assume you’re a weak manlet that’s incapable of lifting 1/2/3/4

Sorry i just assumed people at 1/2/3/4 would look good. Everyone in the CBT looks much better. Aesthetics wins over strength it seems.

60Kg OHP, 100 Bench, 140 Squat, 180 Diddly. I just never looked at my nutrition until fairly recently so my strength gains didn't convert into noticeable size gains

6'2 203lbs. s/b/d/o = 315/290/???/195

>t.lower back injury pls no bully

The people that post in those threads have the body to show off.

If youre just going for the 1/2/3/4 without the diet like me you just look like shit.

>lurks threads to comment on others physique
>doesn’t post image himself
I’m just gonna assume that you’re either under 5’10, weak af, or a fat body and that you definitely don’t fuck

Maybe, but it always made me laugh when I would run over more “aesthetic” people on the handegg field, or when I scored a qt gf. I’ll never be on a magazine cover damn.

Is this how you spot the gays on Veeky Forums? Why no underwear dude? Great physique nonetheless.

I dunno. I didn't take it intending to post, it was just supposed to just be a personal picture. It was pre-shower and I can't see my stretchmarks with boxers on. Thanks for the compliment tho

Shave your nipple hair and work your lower abs more IMO. Other then that your lifts aren’t bad. Taller guys usually have it harder due to increased ROM.

I definitely do need to reincorpprate more leg raises. Couldn't do them before super well cause hanging leg raises fucked with my back but thanks for the advice. I'm hoping when I lean out a bit more the lower ones will show a bit better too.

Why are you so sensitive?

Why haven’t you posted your body

1/2/3/4 is for 5 my dude


i look like this too
can someone rate this out of 10?

You press 195?

What the fuck is that nipple hair? Is that some personal autistic fashion trend? Shave that shit off holy shit.

this is so dumb it hurts. explain mike Chang then. fitness youtubers are so fake you have to be braindead to not be able to tell

>those stretch marks
>roiding for this

What percentage of Veeky Forums is on gear you think? It fucks me up a little sometimes thinking about all the cheaters at my gym who still can’t lift as much weight as me but are more aesthetic bcuz of roids. Is it really that rampant? I’ve thought about it but have sworn to myself to wait till I’m 50

OHP 72.5kg max
Bench 90kg max
Squat 135kg max
Deadlift 145kg max
That's 5 months of lifting and I still look dyel. These things don't happen in an instant

Don't kill your nads


>can rep 1/2/3/4
>be 6'6''
>look like absolute garbo because all my routines were based on strength and not hypertrophy

Is that really why they look better than you? There is a near constant 1-to-1 ratio when it comes to pectoral volume and bench press strength for instance, they are very closely related.

Maybe you need to diet better.

Maybe you aren't doing size with enough and you're too focused on minimalistic strength athletics

>still looks dyel

Time to cut for summer user and you'll look good. Get down to a 10%bf and you'll muscles will come through

Holy shit lmfao

Depends on how lean the person is.

Did it make you feel good to post that?

Good lad.

look masculine asfuck if i was that i wouldnt even care about aesthetics

My body type is very similar. 5'11" and 176lbs.
Should I cut or should I bulk first to escape ottermode and then cut?

ur fat dood

>Lifting since 12, injury galore and depression/shitty things in life at a young age destroyed my lifts at select points, always bounce back bit not as heavy as I used to
>3 weeks into cutting rn so look small and like shit

ohp is about 160 for 4-6 reps, bench is 315 for 5-7 reps (strongest lift btw, was chest brah for years) , squat is utter shit at 315 for 6-8 reps, and diddylift is 435 for 3-5 reps. I didn't neglect legs but they're my weakest by far, that's why I put extra work in to them, as it stands on the cut tho, got 46" chest 17" arms 25" legs 17" calves and 32" waist..5'9 king of manlets btw

Aiming for 2/3/4/5 now

>squeeze the muscle
This board is full of brainlets.

I'm currently at 0.75/1,5/2/3 x5
I'm i'm still a ottermode jesus fuck this shit man
i'm 5'11 btw 155lbs

This guy doesn't look bad at all. Cutting 10-15 easy lbs would make him a normie head turner on the beach this summer.

>lose some fat
>have a bit better angle and lighting
>post on Veeky Forums and get called THICC and swole

You have a good physique mate, and you're using an honest full-front picture here. In many pictures people use different angles and lighting so don't compare yourself to those pictures directly

Like they did before but fatter

Keep bulking for Rusev mode

>Those love handles
>This body in general

Is this Boogie's final form?