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Chest needs work. There's something very off about overall proportions that I can't quite put my finger on, but looking at you makes me really uneasy.

>but looking at you makes me really uneasy

It's not that, I've come to terms with how faggotsex I am.

Looks pretty good, you should definitely build on your traps

Too lean imo.

Hey you look like that Portuguese football player

I bet people says that a lot

that's fuckin ronaldo you tards

he's not too lean, he has zero muscle mass

Tsu desu

Failed Zyzz aesthetics attempt tbf, 0/10 become a trap or neck yourself

are you fucking retarded? Ronaldo's old, bald and fat, he would never be in Veeky Forums


>cardio kills gains
>this guy almost only does cardio

and has no gains, so it's true

Quads are uneven. Sunken chest. Lats and bis need to be bigger.

overall, looking 9/10 attractiveness wise. 6/10 proportions though.

>no homo

What is wrong with your chest?

huh.... so that's the power of steroids and a nearly infinite amount of money.........

pretty shit tbqhfam.

i never understood, why do athletes always have such fucked pecs???

a literal stick spreading the traps

Terrible pec genetics or lack of effort in training, just throws off his entire body.

People stare at a mans chest when they talk to us. If we're huge or if we're shirtless eyes will go there and linger.

He has just....awful awful upper body shape. He needs to get into bodybuilding and fix that shit stat.

Reminder there's literally no reason for a football player to have a built upper body.

Look at this lanklet. He's literally famous for being hard to bring down.

>hard to bring down

Gattuso sure found it hard

Torso great
Arms decent
Legs wtf they look like shit

For a footballer there isn't much point building them - just works out as extra weight to carry around for 90+ minutes so would reduce overall stamina near the end of game.

What a fairy cunt, "wow he's so buffed". What a fucking pussy. Pisses me the fuck off. Also football is a gay fucking sport

I find some comfort in the fact that this handsome and attractive man is not completely perfect and doesn't have wide shoulders.

Your tiny arms and massive neck make it looks like you've got an adult's head on a child's body. It's almost like someone shopped this and blew the head alone up by 30%.

He´s a world class athlete and it shows. But if he were to be a fitness competitor he´d need 10kgs of mass at the minium, mostly on the upper body.

Legs seem a bit small.


How's that a massive neck?

>this thread got serious replies