How effective is benzonyl perioxide for acne?

How effective is benzonyl perioxide for acne?
I thought I should just wait it out and maybe it'll fade away on its own.
I drink enough water and wash my face as much as possible and also use face scrub like 3 times a week, but I still got some acne on my cheeks. Not that bad but still want it all gone.
Would benzonyl perioxide help me get rid of it completely?

post photo so we can assess how bad it is

Take zinc supps and stop fapping

>wash my face as much as possible
go to /r/skincareaddiction and read the fuck up, ignore whatever retard advice people will give you here like the faggot above me talking about fapping

I only showered 2 - 3 times a week when I was a teenager and never got acne

lmao genetics

With washing as much as possible I mean like, washing my face 3 times a day with water btw.
I'll take a look at that subreddit, thanks.

Yeah, really depends on genetics. A lot of my family members used to have acne.

Quit putting chemicals on your skin and let it recover.

I've had it for years tho. Benzonyl perioxide is supposed to kill the acne bacteria so I hope it works.

Ive been using it for like a year. Before I had 5-10pimples on my face, always. Now I dont get any, unless I stop using it for 2+ days. I'd definetly recommend it. Start with 5%. Apply with moisturizer. Enjoy :)

worked really well for me too. I used 2.5%

Don't get the face wash one

get a good moisturizer

If you can, go to a dermatologist and get on accutane. You have to get blood draws but its just a pill or two every morning and it took me from full pizza face mode to having only a few zits show up a year. Changed my life.

Drink lots of water

You shouldn't need to clean your face that much. Too much cleaning can result in acne breakout.

Not OP.
For how long did you take it?
Did the acne come back after you stopped?
Side effects? Kidneys, liver, other?

2.5 is ideal more then that is just plain irritant, i use huge tub from for a good price for years, but i have hormonal issue so i still end up having zits pop up
retinol based medication like differin gel been shown to help with breakouts but also can be irritant at first
if you are grill with hormonal problem birthcontroll pill like Tri-something can help

not him, but I took 20-30mg for ~5 months, had moderate to severe acne
I get maybe a zit a month, sometimes none, sometimes a few (something to do with diet)
No side effects that I would notice, maybe lips don't self-moisturize like they used to

If general hygiene does not help, it's most likely caused by your hormones or diet. Try not eating anything that includes any traces of gluten and dairy at all for a month and get probiotic supplements.

Medicine might help you temporarily, but it won't prevent new zits from forming if they're caused by the diet and it won't stop until you COMPLETELY cut out whatever is causing the acne.

This is coming from pizza-face in recovery who has been going to dermatologists for 3 years straight and tried dozens of different medicines all of which had no lasting effects whatsoever.

Since I started using benzoyl peroxide 10-15% my acne disappeared completely.

I use 4.5% salycilic acid too for blackheads and imperfections, my skin has never been better.

I used to have acne before I started using this. It's fucking magic, when it runs out I get acne again until I get another one. Maybe it works just for me but give it a try if you can find it, it's fucking magic.

Depending on your age, acne might be inevitable. As a teen I had bad acne and tried pretty much everythong except accutane (my close friend had some serious life threatening side effects so I was paranoid.) I just waited it out and now at 22 i maybe get a zit every other month. We just have bad genetics brah.

how to get rid of acne:

1) cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser every night. moisturize.

2) wash your face with water in the morning. moisturize.


4) apply benzoyl peroxide to the effective area when you have a breakout

if this doesn't work, accutane.

don't use 10% BP

anything more than 5% doesn't increase its effectiveness but will make your skin dryer

I had acne at 27. Live in US, took accutane from an Indian med website (doctor wouldn't prescribe me) for 4 months at a high dosage. Acne is now completely gone.

Nothing else works. Either wait till your 40s or take accutane, your choice.

But zinc increases libido. Its hell trying to nofap let alone while on zinc. not op

put toothpaste on the bigger ones and theyll dry up over night(keep it on the entire night)

It worked for me, but I also used it with Bactrim and Tazorac.

benzol peroxide wash and moisturize, thats what u need to do.. dont have to use benzol peroxide every day tho because it drys out your skin

i went from suicide tier acne (cant even explain how bad it was) to clear skin in about 3 months,

whenever i get breakouts now i just use benzol peroxide wash for like a week and it fixes it right back up

dont take acutane.the side effects are brutal... benzol peroxide DOES work

It literally doesn't work. Tried for 7 years, every over the counter and prescription benzoyl peroxide cream, bar, etc. Did absolutely nothing to help. If anything, it made it worse.

Moisturizing also did nothing. Diet did nothing. Salycitic acid did nothing.

Only accutane worked. Zero negative side effects aside from dry, flaky skin which lotion eliminated.