The female is superior to the mans in every way.
>attractive at all sizes
>even when youre ugly, youre still not ugly
>tits for food
>vagina that births life.
This needs to be a female board, because only female lifters have a reason to lift.
Men? Who cares
Women are things not people.
>This needs to be a female board
If only there were girls on the internet...
>implying fat bitches are attractive
>implying pretty girls are pretty without makeup
You two are mentally deficient.
Please, go back to the place you came from.
Men have no reason to lift besides the fact that youre insecure.
This, and they aren't even great at that
Things that are better than women:
digornio deep dish pizza (new recipe try that shit now yo)
I am not samfagging. Anyone with 4chanX can see this is the second post I have made nigger.
Nobody said you were samefagging, I just told you to quit your samefagging signaling since three people posted in the thread and you were calling those two poster above you samefags.
If you feel attacked by any (You)s recive, then maybe you'd be better in these cool websites called reddit and cuckchan. I've heard people act defensive and answer with retarded, most of the time biased, answers there.
Just like (You)!
Here I'll leave the link so you can check them out
>>>/Veeky Forums/
Have fun and never come back.
Men can do whatever a women do but better, even being a women.
If we wouldn't need women to reproduce we would hunt them down to rape them as a sport.
I actually meant Shit
accurate, but i see them more like pets that need to be lead, disciplined, and taken care of
>namedropping reddit in every thread you post in
you have to go back ...
>This needs to be
This is literally all women can do. Bitch, moan and protest about the things men 'should be doing' instead of doing it themselves.
Who hurt you?
you made the exact same thread yesterday
See, a man would have already made their own *chan and started cultivating a community. Why can't women do the same? Make a 1010chan or something
Um, sweaties, take a look at this. We are to smart for men