Growing Taller

Hey Veeky Forums, I am a short guy (about 5'7" or 169cm) and I wanted to ask, if you have any tips on growing taller. Is there anything I can do?

get a new body



You can learn

suicide then respawn

Hang from a bar in an empty room and whisper grow to yourself very and over again

The only thing you can do if you're out of puberty is stretch every day, work on your posture, wear clothes that fit + good shoes, and have at least a semi-confident demeanor

Literally the only thing left to do at this point for you is lengthening surgery, which will give you a couple extra inches in exchange for
>painful rehab
>disproportionate body
>fucked up legs forever
>say goodbye to squats
>the knowledge that you're so fucking pathetic you fucked up your legs to make up for your insecurities


My friend gained like a whole two inches after doing yoga for a while


Also you can take solace in knowing that if you actually go outside and work on your game, you'll get more pussy than the in shape people on Veeky Forums

Take/do the following:

>Min. 200g protein per day
>Min. 8 hours sleep per day
>Min. 16 hours fasting per day

thank me later


Depends on whether you are yet to go through the "second puberty" or not. Most guys still get inch or two in their early twenties while gaining more masculine facial features.

Also these

Every night, just visualize yourself like a sapling breathe in and whisper, "grow, grow, grow!"

dont fucking lie to yourself. "inch or two" means 0.5 inches until 21 MAX. if you're still a growing boy at 23, you're a fucking soycuck,

>tfw 5'10 manlet but atleast i'm not 5'7

are there any female preferences that are as universal as height? maybe hair?

Your epiphyseal growth plates have all closed. Your bones literally have no way to grow.
As a med student, literally this is your only option. And it's not worth it.

You might be short mate but you still have a good face and frame... RIGHT?

Unironically this. Stretch everyday too

Thank god someone posted it.

I'm like 6'2-3 and breads like this make me feel good

No. Live the best life of your ability or kill yourself


You are 5’6.5 friend