>not turning away from sluts >not doing nofap as default >not making spirit gains >not becoming a sentinel of morality and justice >Strength of body >Strength of mind >Strength of will
You don't even have to be religious.
>Its like you don't even want to transcend humanity.
Trad Catholic here. This is the righteous life to live.
Thomas Torres
Day 9 of NoFap desu
Ayden Harris
Keep fighting the good fight, user!
Angel Walker
Can we make a religion
Nathan Adams
There are already a few Orthodox traditions that follow these tenets
Angel Nelson
what is the meaning of strenght? being able to lift heavy? being able to fight? take a punch and keep fighting? is it dedication? is it having a wife and kids? i want to know the answer
Nolan Smith
Yeah but they're gay
James Thompson
Shut up ippo
Bentley Sanchez
>b-but its unhealthy >lol, just fap, ur gay if u don't >just do noporn instead
This is the way you were intended to live. If you are to die then that is the way it is supposed to be.
Exercise in willpower. A form of strength to be certain.
Jace Cook
l-leave me alone man
Hunter Clark
aight lads what are some less-discussed self improvement tips that you'd recommend?
Brandon Edwards
uploading an image that we can read
Camden Edwards
Brody Hill
>the chad ant jpg
Austin Young
Daniel Murphy
>implying I don't lift for the upcoming crusade
Thomas Turner
>Trad >Catholic
choose one, faggot. Christianity is inherently semitic
Kevin Ortiz
Pagan larpers pls go
Hudson Parker
>[le Currentest of Years™ maymay] >following dogmatic nonsense instead of walking your own path with God Do you even WANT to make it, mein kumpel?
Anthony Myers
Euler truly was a God in mortals' clothing. Few abstract concepts have ever given me as much pure joy as the proof of e^(ix) = cos(x) + i*sin(x)
Traditional Hindu Brahmin here. This is the Dharmic life to live.
Nathaniel Miller
>Follows path of God as laid by Truth incarnate. Sounds like you're not making it mein neger.
Brandon Long
Lifting to serve the lord
Brayden Reyes
Andrew Turner
>spending this much time justifying his complete and total lack of self-control
Bentley Robinson
>hindu disgusting mud VEDIC >>>>>>>>>>> h*Ndu
1. ACTIVE and bright have they come forth, impetuous in speed like bulls, Driving the black skin far away. 2 Quelling the riteless Dasyu, may we think upon the bridge of bliss, Leaving the bridge of woe behind. RV 9-041 4 With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard. RV 10-023
8 At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One (Indra) with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress. RV 10-096
2 To Indra pour ye forth thejuice, the active gladdening juice to him Ile gladdening, oinnific God. 3 O Lord of all men, fair of cheek, rejoice thee in the gladdening lauds, Present at these drink-offerings. RV 1-009
Jacob Rivera
honestly this. I feel like it won't be enough though
Eli Bell
Benjamin Murphy
Justin Hernandez
Vedas are the scriptures of Hinduism...
Ayden Perry
>Its like you don't even want to transcend humanity.
I don't. I just wanna make bucks, fuck sluts and lift big
Dylan Nelson
Find a woman and marry her and have sex. You don't have to like her even that much, after you fugg the chemicals in your brain will take care of that. Problem solved.
Ayden Powell
>and marry her
Cooper Gray
>giving gym thots attention
Daniel Price
The Vedas are Aryan you retards not Hindu. The Aryans were real (not Hitler Aryans). Hitler probably studied the Vedas as the swastika is a Sankskrit symbol for good luck
Andrew Nguyen
Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Surely Veeky Forums of all boards can understand the benefit of mortification of the flesh for gains, only these are spiritual as well as physical.
Joseph Davis
You uh.. you sure you're in the right thread friend?
Cameron Garcia
Nofap is the right thing to do even for non-believers:
I agree. Got Veeky Forums and starting following conservative Islam properly after being a fedora tipping "liberal muslim" during my teenage years and am far happier with life. Liberal muslim fag enablers are literal cancer.
Having to pray 5 times a day really helps instil discipline. Been reading the Qur'an as well alongside a translation, the passages on martial strength and warrior codes are very inspiring as a Veeky Forumsizen.
I have a lot of respect for traditional Christians. Keep up the good faith in this faithless world.
Logan Foster
>not making spirit gains But I am, user. Im in a loyal, healthy LDR and practically monk mode most of the time. Not meme religious but dedicated to my faith in God and daily prayer. Kicked all addictions a while back except for getting my addiction to getting Veeky Forums. Hoping to get married and start a family in the next two years.
t. No social life having titlet
John Rivera
>want to get into Christianity >show up to protestant church >service was good but then the end of it >spins message into helping people outside of us withbpowerpoint of refugees, explicitly implies we need to let more rapefuges in.
Fucking dropped, and the Catholic church is just as bad the pope does the same shit. Seriously thinking about converting to orthodoxy l.
Thomas Martin
Why do I question Jesus on shits that I already know like why humans are more important than other animals and shit
It's frustrating. I don't want to doubt Him.
Leo Taylor
all of that
Christopher Garcia
I'm on day 85 of no fap. In that time my prayer life has grown so much, I've done more reading, I've gotten more control over my emotions and furthermore, strengthened my willpower, all through the grace of God.
I'm not saying that not masturbating is the cause of all this, but by holding myself back for once in my life I grew as a man.
To give another example, I've lost about 4kg in the past two months, which isn't a lot, but I know that by holding back from porn and masturbation, it's developed my willpower in other areas of my life. It's easier for me to turn down that second helping or that sugary snack because I've been abstaining from other pleasures.
Jeremiah Myers
God bless you, my man, keep at it.
Isaiah Cruz
>"trad" >browses Veeky Forums pick one
Jackson Foster
Of course that alone wont be enough, but when you take twenty saracens with you, you have done your part.
Been tapering off the meat-beating because I intend to give it up entirely for lent. Feel like my sex drive is mostly extinguished, which was alarming at first but there's no reason it should be. I'm not trying to pick up thots or anything- the temptation being minimized is a positive. When I was jacking off every day I'd be caveman-mode after three days, now I feel zero desire to do it until about a week, it starts to get unbearable then so I'll do it as mechanically as possible to keep myself from drooling over depraved fantasies about girls on the bus. Any "nofap gives you superpowers" shit is a meme though, the subreddit is basically a cult. Trying to stop consuming meat as well but that's fucking hard. I'm down to "only occasionally" without much trouble but there are times when all I can think about is hitting Taco Bell. If anyone has some vegetarian recipes that aren't some raw ultravenag soy grain 666 monstrosity I'd appreciate it. Hard to find stuff online that's not trying to an eldritch vegan approximation of enjoyable food. Do you think you can keep picking up sluts when you're 50? 60? How long will that keep satisfying you? What will you have when your looks go (let's be real, none of us are going to be millionaire alphas with harems of college girls) and friends marry off? Don't let a bad pastor/preist (or even pope) sour the entire church for you. Do some real thinking and decide which is right for you- it's easy to be swayed by politics (and easy for leaders to fall into the trap of preaching politics), but your relationship with God is infinitely more important than that stuff.
John Garcia
>stop eating meat
Why tho
Christopher Mitchell
It's hard to explain without sounding gay but I had a sort of crisis after seeing a slaughterhouse IRL and realizing that even as dumb animals they're still living things and miraculous (just by virtue of existence) creations, and since then whenever I eat meat I feel vaguely guilty that I contributed to the destruction of something once living for no reason other than my own pleasure. Not necessarily a "muh animals" thing, just a feeling that there's a point where it becomes disrespectful to use God's creations for gluttony without regard for the sanctity of their lives, no matter how insignificant it is compared to our own.
David Green
>some vegetarian recipes that aren't some raw ultravenag soy grain 666 monstrosity There's a sort of protein sludge I frequently make, started as an attempt at recreating my friend's vegan chili but turned into its own thing >Tomato paste >Various beans (white, kidney, black, whatever you like) >Chili spices >Various hot/tomato/pepper sauces (experiment here, El Pato brand has some great ones) >Lentils >Beer >Toss in any vegetables/spices you want, onions, carrots, corn all work well >Simmer until it's thicc I always experiment with the ratios so there's no exact recipe but it's decent tasty, cheap, and stays good for a long time
Isaac Nelson
i read the first blogpost and this is just a dude addicted to orgasms trying to rationalize his behavior
Blake Ortiz
Get organic black beans, melt some butter in a skillet, pour in two cans of beans, season with salt, pepper, and minced onion(the cheap spice you can get at the store) once when you start and once when they're almost done; cook until the beans are dry/crispy.
Get couscous and quinoa, mix them together, boil then simmer in water, season the water with minced onion and pepper. Cook until water is absorbed, mix with beans above. Take a spoon and stir mayonnaise in. Just Mayo is a good vegan brand if you care.
You'll get a feel for the amounts of everything you like if you make it a few times. It's a staple in my soy free vegetarian diet, but it would make an excellent side to most things as well.
Nathaniel Cooper
looking at a /soc/ meetup thread makes me want to abstain from sexual acts and relationships forever. im addicted to such a disgusting thing. i need to cleanse myself.
Chase Sanchez
Has turning to jesus helped any of you guys? At this point I'm willing to give anything a try
Brody Myers
I guess if I can't motivate myself I'll let Veeky Forums do the job. Dubs and I quit fapping.
Levi Powell
Once more.
Kevin Cox
Once more. Because why not?
Aiden Richardson
Oh shit. Wrong thread.
Angel Garcia
This... This counts.... Right?
Ethan Ross
>not being a slave and worshipping a kike on a stick like a faggot
Benjamin Johnson
it's being able to do anything you want to and perservering when it gets tough. for example, that guy with cerebral palsy in that webm that gets posted here every once in a while deadlifting while he knows that his progress will be slow and that there's a high chance he will hurt himself is stronger than some betadestiny manlet cunt who can't take anything without tisming out.
Joshua Diaz
How do I make religious gains?
Baptised catholic here. I wouldn't call myself religious,but I don't consider myself an atheist or agnostic as well. Should I just live my life in a just way and read the bible sometimes?